Loyang Jin

Chapter 159: At a loss for words

It's not pleasant to be stared at all the time.

After Ling Jingshu walked out of the sight of the emperor's grandson with a calm expression, the feeling like a light on her back quietly disappeared.

His back was already covered in cold sweat, and his palms were smooth and moist.

"Miss, are you okay?" Bai Yu had been paying attention to the changes in Ling Jingshu's expression, and asked with a worried look: "Why did His Highness Taisun summon you today?"

When the young lady was talking to her grandson, she kept watching from a distance. Although not a single word was heard, the changes in His Highness Taisun's expression could be clearly seen.

From the joy and peace at the beginning, to the shock and astonishment later, to the stiffness and coldness later... Bai Yu watched with trembling fear. He was afraid that his grandson would turn against him on the spot.

This half hour was extremely long for Bai Yu. Fortunately, the lady came back safe and sound.

Ling Jingshu was full of things on her mind and didn't want to talk about them. After seeing Bai Yu's concerned eyes, he somehow changed his mind: "His Royal Highness the Grand Sun is about to get married. He hopes that I will marry into the Prince's Mansion regardless of my status in the royal family."

Bai Yu: "..."

Ling Jingshu added calmly: "I have declined him politely."

Bai Yu was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment.

No wonder His Highness Taisun’s expression was so ugly just now!

"Bai Yu, only you know about this. No matter who asks, don't reveal a word." Ling Jingshu warned seriously: "Even if Ah Xiao asks, don't say anything. I will handle it myself. "

Bai Yu finally came to her senses, nodded and replied: "Don't worry, young lady, I will definitely keep my mouth shut."

Ling Jingshu cleared up her chaotic thoughts and appeared in front of everyone, looking as calm as usual.

Ling Xiao waited uncomfortably for half an hour, already extremely anxious. Hearing the familiar footsteps, Ling Xiao walked over quickly without thinking: "Ah Shu, how are you? Are you okay?"

Ling Jingshu smiled and comforted Ling Xiao: "It's okay, I'm fine, I'm fine!"

His voice was calm and his face was full of smiles. There was nothing wrong or unusual about him.

Ling Xiao frowned and whispered: "Why did His Highness the Grand Sun summon you for no reason? What did he say to you?"

Ling Jingyan and Jiang also looked over, the concern and worry in their eyes clearly visible.

Ling Jingshu felt warm in her heart, and her voice became lighter and lighter: "Actually, it's not a big deal. His Highness Taisun summoned me to ask about His Highness King Yan. I told him about the incident that happened to His Highness King Yan that day. His Highness Taisun Then let me come back.”

"That's all?" Ling Jingyan looked surprised: "Is His Majesty the Grand Sun sitting idle with nothing to do? I summoned you so solemnly to ask you about such a trivial matter?"

Ling Jingshu looked innocent: "Yes, I find it strange too! Why is it worth asking about such a trivial matter?"

"Perhaps His Highness Taisun felt that it was strange that Prince Yan came to the Prince's Mansion, so he asked specifically." Jiang guessed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Taisun and King Yan are not on good terms. It makes sense that Taisun would want to get to the bottom of things because of King Yan's sudden appearance.

After listening to Jiang's words, Ling Xiao felt that it made sense, and his tense nerves relaxed: "So it's because of this. We have no contact with King Yan. You only need to explain it clearly to His Highness Taisun. I don't expect Taisun to His Highness will no longer be suspicious."

Ling Jingyan also nodded in agreement.

Ling Jingshu smoothed over the matter smoothly, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She smiled and said, "Okay, the matter is over. We don't need to worry anymore. Sit down and wait. Doctor Wei should be here soon." coming."

Before he finished speaking, footsteps sounded outside the door.

Soon, a slender young man appeared in front of everyone.

He has a handsome face and a gentle expression with indifference.

It was Imperial Physician Wei.

Ling Jingshu immediately stood up and said with a smile: "I have to work hard again for Dr. Wei."

After these few contacts, we got to know each other a lot. What's more, Ling Jingshu's attitude was warm and smiling, and Imperial Physician Wei could no longer keep her cold face and raised the corners of her lips slightly: "Miss Ling Jiu, you're welcome."

That faint smile is like the spring breeze blowing on your face, or like the river thawing.

The handsome face seemed to radiate a bright light.

They say beauty brings disaster. In fact, the man's appearance is too handsome, which is not a disaster.

This Imperial Physician of Wei, I don’t know how many women have been attracted to him, but he has also vowed not to marry for the rest of his life. He can be regarded as a disaster for Lan Yan.

Ling Jingshu sighed secretly in her heart, her eyes lingering on Imperial Physician Wei's face for a longer time.

Imperial Physician Wei looked back in surprise.

The two people's eyes met, and they quickly moved away.

Imperial Physician Wei walked up to Ling Xiao and walked a little faster than usual: "Mr. Ling, have you been drinking decoction and applying medicine on time these days?"

Ling Xiao smiled and replied: "Yes, I take the decoction internally three times a day and never stop. The ointment for external application is changed once a day." Before Dr. Wei could ask further questions, he took the initiative and said, "Is your spirit better now than before? Less, I haven’t felt the rest yet.”

Imperial Physician Wei smiled and said gently: "Cure a disease is not a day's work, don't be impatient. It's a good sign that your energy is better than before." After a pause, he added: "The acupuncture points on the head that will be acupuncture today are larger than before. A few more times will make it more painful than before. Please bear with it, Mr. Ling.”

As he spoke, he glanced at Ling Jingshu pointedly.

Obviously, these words were not just for Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao nodded.

Ling Jingshu immediately expressed her position: "The Imperial Physician Wei can just let go of the treatment. I will never make any noise to disturb him."

"I hope so." There was a hint of teasing in Doctor Wei's tone: "I'm afraid that Miss Ling Jiu is so eager to protect her younger brother. When she sees Master Ling in unbearable pain, she will feel the same pain and rush over if she can't help it."

Ling Jingshu: "..."

With previous precedents, she really couldn't refute it!

Ling Jingshu's pretty face turned red, and she defended without much confidence: "The first few times, it was because I was not familiar with Imperial Physician Wei and I was worried about A Xiao's condition, so I offended Imperial Physician Wei. Now that I know Imperial Physician Wei's medical skills and ethics Gao Chao, I won’t be rash again.”

After thinking for a while, he added: "If I make any noise to disturb you again, Doctor Wei doesn't have to be polite, just open your mouth and kick me out."

Anyway, it’s not like this has never happened before.

The calm and intelligent Miss Ling Jiu is rarely at a loss for words!

The smile in Doctor Wei's eyes became deeper, and his tone became lighter unconsciously: "I am joking casually, Miss Ling does not need to take it to heart."

Ling Jingyan's eyes flickered on the faces of Ling Jingshu and Imperial Doctor Wei.

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