Loyang Jin

Chapter 160 Throbbing

Imperial Physician Wei held a golden needle in his hand, with a serious expression and focused eyes. I already know how to apply the acupuncture, and the needle is applied very quickly.

Soon, Ling Xiao's head was covered with golden needles again.

Facts have proved that Imperial Physician Wei was not joking casually.

When he said "the pain was unbearable," he was not exaggerating.

The pain was sharper and more unbearable than before. Ling Xiao suppressed the pain and let out a cry, his handsome face was a little distorted, and cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead.

However, Ling Xiao remembered Imperial Physician Wei's advice. During the acupuncture process, no tampering is allowed. Even though the pain was unbearable, he stiffened and did not dare to move.

Ling Jingshu saw it in her eyes, and her heart trembled with pain.

If it hadn't been for the joking reminders and warnings from Imperial Physician Wei before, I'm afraid she would have been unable to bear it and rushed forward to comfort Ling Xiao.

Doctor Wei did not turn around. After applying all the needles, he suddenly said: "Mr. Ling has been sweating. Miss Ling will help Mr. Ling wipe his sweat."

As if Ling Jingshu had received the imperial edict, she responded without thinking. He walked forward quickly, took out the silk handkerchief, and gently and carefully wiped the sweat off Ling Xiao's face.

After Imperial Physician Wei finished administering the acupuncture, he sat next to Ling Xiao naturally. Ling Jingshu wiped Ling Xiao's sweat and inevitably got closer to Dr. Wei.

A faint fragrance floated into the breath of Imperial Physician Wei.

It's not the scent of powder, but the light body scent of a girl.

As a doctor, the most basic diagnostic skill is to look, hear, ask and feel. Imperial Physician Wei has been practicing medicine and treating diseases all year round, and his sense of smell is much sharper than ordinary people. The scent floated over so slowly...

A strange look flashed across Doctor Wei's expression. At this time, getting up and pulling away again was too eye-catching.

Therefore, Imperial Physician Wei could only continue to sit calmly, continuing to be lingered by the faint fragrance.

Ling Jingshu was so worried about Ling Xiao that she had no intention of paying attention to this.

"Axiao, does it hurt?" Ling Jingshu's eyes were full of pity and heartache.

Ling Xiao was obviously in terrible pain, but he forced a smile: "It's nothing, it only hurts a little. I can bear it."

After just two words, another layer of sweat broke out on my forehead!

Ling Jingshu's nose felt sore and her eyes felt warm: "Okay, stop talking." She picked up the handkerchief in her hand and silently wiped A Xiao's sweat.

Those clear and bright eyes were filled with a thin glimmer of water, as if they would turn into tears and fall down at any time, but they were stubborn and never fell.

Distant memories flashed through Imperial Physician Wei's mind.

"Eldest sister, don't come into the palace! I don't want you to leave!" He was only ten years old, holding his eldest sister's hand tightly, choking and crying.

There were tears in the eyes of the eldest sister. She wiped away his tears with a handkerchief and said in a low voice: "Ayan, I can't bear to leave you. But I can't help it... You must take good care of yourself in the future. We two siblings, There will always be a day when we meet again..."

That was the first time in his life that he realized what it meant to be miserable and helpless.

He could only watch the eldest sister who depended on each other leave.

The scene before parting was something he had never forgotten in all these years. He would always remember the look in his eldest sister's eyes when she left. Full of apologies, heartache and pity, tears welled up in my eyes but never fell.

Ling Jingshu is just like her eldest sister back then. She looks fragile, but is actually tough and strong.

My heart, which had not moved for many years and was as dry as a well, was throbbing quietly.

Doctor Wei calmed down, suppressed the strange emotion deep in his heart, and said: "There is still a moment or so, Mr. Ling, please bear with it for now. Don't move or talk anymore. The head has the most and the most acupuncture points in the body. There is no room for negligence in this important matter. Mr. Ling's mood is ups and downs at this moment, so it's better to stay calm."

After a pause, he looked at Ling Jingshu again:

"I can understand Miss Ling's pity for her brother, but these pains are inevitable when treating eye diseases. Miss Ling doesn't need to be so sad."

The slight and distant tone at the beginning was gone, and his voice was gentle and low.

Ling Jingshu didn't expect that Imperial Physician Wei would actually comfort her. She was slightly startled and raised her head subconsciously.

Then he looked into a pair of calm and deep eyes.

Those eyes were like a pool of water, calm on the surface, but actually unfathomable, with undercurrents surging. It was as if there was an invisible magnetic force that firmly attracted her eyes...

When the four eyes looked at each other, their hearts were swaying.

Ling Jingshu's face turned slightly hot and she quickly looked away.

Imperial Physician Wei also felt a little unnatural, coughed and said: "Miss Ling, please stand aside for now!"

Ling Jingshu didn't realize that she was very close to Imperial Physician Wei until now. Her pretty face that was originally flushed turned pale, and she walked aside without thinking.

Is she so unwilling to get close to him?

Imperial Physician Wei felt a little unhappy, but he didn't show it. Then he said to Ling Xiao: "If Mr. Ling feels that the pain is unbearable, he might as well think about some happy things in his daily life to distract his attention."

Ling Xiao hummed, trying hard to ignore the stinging pain in his head, and then started thinking wildly.

I thought that in a few months my eyes would be able to see again, that I would be able to read and practice calligraphy like other teenagers, that I would no longer be a burden to Ah Shu...

Ling Xiao grinned, feeling suddenly much better.

Ling Jingyan and Mr. Jiang exchanged glances with each other.

Sister-in-law, did you see that Doctor Wei spoke so gently to Ah Shu?

Of course I saw it. Not only that, Ah Shu looked at Imperial Physician Wei just now with very focused eyes!

So, Ah Shu doesn’t have a particular fondness for His Highness Taisun, is it because the person she likes is actually Dr. Wei?

This is hard to say. Ah Shu is thoughtful and tight-lipped. Who knows what is going on in her heart...

Ling Jingshu came back to her senses, turned her head, and saw Ling Jingyan winking at Mr. Jiang, and she couldn't help but feel angry and funny. Deliberately walking over quietly, he suddenly opened his mouth: "Cousin Yan, what are you and your cousin doing?"

Without warning, Ling Jingyan and Jiang were both startled and responded in unison: "Nothing was done."

Ling Jingshu looked at the two of them suspiciously: "But, I saw that you two have been flirting with each other."

Ling Jingyan glanced at Jiang with a guilty plea for help.

How old was Ms. Jiang? After a moment of composure, she returned to normal and smiled casually: "Didn't Imperial Physician Wei just say that? A Xiao should be calm and should not have ups and downs of emotions. A Yan and I did not dare to make a sound, so as not to disturb us. Ah Xiao, the wink just now was just for fun, to pass the time!"

After saying that, he deliberately joked back: "Look at you, I was just playing around with Ayan, why are you still nervous? Are you afraid that Ayan and I will say something bad about you?"

Ling Jingshu: "..."

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