Loyang Jin

Chapter 173 Strange

Bai Yu was not surprised but happy: "Miss, you finally woke up." He hurriedly supported her body and kept patting her back: "I pressed down for a long time before, but I didn't see you spit out the water in your belly. Now It’s like spitting it out.”

Ling Jingyan's voice also sounded in her ears: "Yes! Being able to spit out water is also a good thing. Ah Shu, you really scared us this time. You obviously don't have good water skills, how can you dare to jump? Go into the lake to save people. Fortunately, you and the princess are not in serious trouble. You have to be careful if you encounter this kind of thing again... Bah, bah! Don't let this happen again."

Ling Jingshu vomited all the water in her stomach amidst the chatter of Bai Yu and Ling Jingyan. The chaotic mind gradually became clear.

Ling Jingshu raised her eyes and met Imperial Physician Wei's eyes.

Dr. Wei was staring at her closely, with surprise, confusion, and a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

Ling Jingshu felt guilty, subconsciously avoiding the keen gaze of Imperial Physician Wei, and said in a weak voice, "Bai Yu, where am I?"

Bai Yu hurriedly replied: "This is the guest room in Princess Changping's courtyard. Princess Anya is next door. She hasn't woken up yet. Princess Changping and the other ladies are waiting there. She should be here soon."

This is also human nature.

She and Princess Anya were also unconscious, and Princess Anya's status was much more valuable than hers. If there is something wrong, not even Princess Changping can explain it.

"Don't worry, Miss Ling. I have checked Princess Anya's pulse before," Imperial Physician Wei's voice was a little deeper than usual: "She is just too frightened. After a few days of rest and some soothing decoction, she will be fine. ”

"Thanks to Miss Ling this time, I jumped into the lake in time to save the princess's life. I would like to thank Miss Ling on behalf of Empress Jieyu in advance."

Ling Jingshu composed herself and responded: "I'm ashamed to say it, but I'm actually not good at water. After jumping into the lake, I reluctantly held Princess Anya. It was the two palace maids who really rescued us. Imperial Doctor Wei really thanked the wrong person. ”

Imperial Physician Wei stared at Ling Jingshu's pale and pretty face, and said in a gentle voice: "Miss Ling, why should you be so modest? At such a dangerous and urgent moment, if you hadn't jumped into the lake first and grabbed the princess, I don't know how much the princess would have suffered. What a sin. I will never forget this kindness.”

Princess Anya is Wei Jieyu's only daughter and the niece of Imperial Physician Wei. Needless to say, she has a deep affection for her. Ling Jingshu knew that she was not good at water, but still jumped into the water to save Anya without hesitation, which is really touching and grateful.

Before Ling Jingshu could say anything, Imperial Physician Wei added, "It's a good thing that Miss Ling vomited all the water in her stomach. I'll stay away for a while and come back to see you later."

After saying that, he turned around and left the house.

Ling Jingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After Imperial Doctor Wei left the house, he sat down in the side hall outside.

Tiandong asked curiously: "Mr. Wei, is Miss Ling awake yet? She is fine, right?"

Doctor Wei hummed.

"Miss Ling is so brave." Tian Dong couldn't help but praise: "An ordinary lady would be scared out of her mind when encountering something like this. She was the only one who immediately jumped into the water to save people."


She is truly courageous!

Doctor Wei twitched the corners of his lips, but said nothing. But he looked down at his right hand.

His hands are long, clean and beautiful. This hand had also taken the pulse of other women, but she was the first to react so violently and spit it out!

Ling Jingshu had vomited a lot of water just now, and the bedclothes and clothes on her body were stained a lot.

Fortunately, everything in the guest room is complete, and there are brand new beddings in the cabinet. Bai Yu went to the palace maid again and asked for a set of clean clothes, helped Ling Jingshu put them on, and then busily changed the bedding.

Ling Jingshu sat on the clean bedding and smiled apologetically at Bai Yu: "Bai Yu, thank you for your hard work."

"It's nothing for me to do this little thing," Bai Yu sighed: "As long as the young lady is safe and sound, I will be satisfied."

Jiang took over the words: "Yes, Ah Shu, don't be so impulsive and rash when things happen in the future. We were all frightened by you today. Fortunately, Princess Anya was rescued and nothing happened to you. Otherwise, it would be really hard for me to go back." I don’t have the shame to explain it to my parents-in-law.”

Ling Jingshu said apologetically: "I was in a hurry at that time, and I did not think carefully and acted impulsively. I will never do this again."

Jiang just complained.

The lake has jumped and people have been saved. There is nothing to say now. Speaking of which, this is also a good thing. Ling Jingshu saved Princess Anya! When the emperor and Wei Jieyu in the palace find out, how can they not reward her?

Ling Jingyan had obviously thought of this and asked excitedly: "Ah Shu, tell me, will Empress Jieyu summon you to the palace?"

Ling Jingshu laughed dumbly: "Cousin Yan, you think too much. I just did what I should do, and it's not worth mentioning. How could Empress Jieyu specially summon me to the palace."

However, if there is a chance to enter the palace, it will certainly be a good thing for her.

Bai Yu had been thinking about Ling Jingshu's physical condition and whispered: "Miss, Imperial Doctor Wei is still waiting outside. I will ask Imperial Doctor Wei to come in and diagnose your pulse."

"No need. I'm much better now. I just need to rest for a few days. I won't bother Doctor Wei."

Ling Jingshu blurted out reflexively.

Before, Imperial Physician Wei only put his fingers on her wrist, and she couldn't bear it and vomited it out. Dr. Wei's mind was sharp and he seemed to have noticed something was wrong. If this happens again, it would be strange for Dr. Wei not to be suspicious!

Bai Yu has always been docile and obedient, but this time it was rare that he went against Ling Jingshu's wishes: "This is not possible. The young lady fell into the water, and she must have Dr. Wei take a good pulse diagnosis to make sure everything is fine. Then ask Dr. Wei to prescribe a prescription for peace of mind."

Ling Jingshu had a sullen face and assumed the master's attitude: "If I say no, I won't use it."

Ling Jingshu was so persistent that even Jiang and Ling Jingyan were surprised, not to mention Bai Yu.

"Mr. Wei specially waited outside. No matter what, we have to ask Dr. Wei to come in for a consultation, otherwise it would be too rude." Mrs. Jiang frowned slightly and said disapprovingly.

Ling Jingyan repeatedly echoed: "Sister-in-law is right. Ah Shu, don't be shy. It's just a check, and we are all here to accompany you, so we won't damage your reputation as a good friend."

Without waiting for Ling Jingshu to say anything, she ordered Bai Yu: "Go and ask Imperial Physician Wei to come in now!"

Ling Jingshu couldn't stop him and watched Bai Yu neatly leave the house, smiling bitterly in her heart.

What to do later?

Will the strange disease she has tried so hard to hide be exposed to everyone today?

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