Loyang Jin

Chapter 174 Illness 1

Doctor Wei stepped into the room.

Ling Jingshu sat on the bed, her face still pale and bloodless, and her lips were dry. Compared with her usual intelligence and calmness, Ling Jingshu now looks weak and makes people feel pity for her.

Mrs. Jiang came forward and said earnestly: "Mr. Wei, please wait for a long time. Please check Ah Shu's pulse and write a prescription for her to regulate her body."

Dr. Wei quickly glanced at Ling Jingshu.

Sure enough, Ling Jingshu's face turned pale and her body stiffened unconsciously.

Ling Jingshu composed herself and opened her mouth: "Mr. Wei, I..."

"Ms. Ling," Imperial Physician Wei interrupted Ling Jingshu unhurriedly: "Please stay away for a moment. I want to treat Miss Ling alone."

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Jiang and others also looked at the Imperial Physician Wei in astonishment.

Fortunately, Imperial Physician Wei was so famous that he spoke such words calmly. You don’t understand the principle of men and women not being intimate with each other, right?

Imperial Physician Wei said calmly: "Could it be that Young Madam Ling doesn't trust me?"

Mrs. Jiang coughed: "It's not that I don't trust Imperial Physician Wei. Imperial Physician Wei is a benevolent doctor, so naturally he has no selfish motives. It's just that in the fields of melons and plums, one must avoid suspicion..."

As if he hadn't heard Mrs. Jiang's last words, Imperial Doctor Wei smiled lightly and said, "Since Miss Ling can trust me, it's the best. Please stay away for a while and wait until I see Miss Ling." Come in. Don’t worry, it only takes a stick of incense.”

Jiang was speechless and glanced at Ling Jingshu subconsciously.

Ling Jingshu was also filled with shock and looked at Imperial Physician Wei blankly.

Why did he ask to be alone with her? Could it be that he has noticed something?

Ling Jingyan and Bai Yu were also confused. However, the two of them did not say a word, and everything followed Jiang's lead.

Jiang weighed it for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement: "Then there is Imperial Physician Lao Wei. We will wait outside for a while before coming in." Then he said to Ling Jingshu: "Ah Shu, we are all outside, if you think If you feel uncomfortable, just open your mouth and scream.”

Intentionally or unintentionally, he emphasized the time of burning incense, and specifically told Ling Jingshu this sentence.

Ling Jingshu was confused and nodded randomly.

After Jiang and others left, only Ling Jingshu and Imperial Physician Wei were left in the room.

Imperial Physician Wei did not rush forward to diagnose her pulse, but looked at Ling Jingshu intently.

It was as if he had seen through all her disguises and seen the secret deep in her heart.

Ling Jingshu's heart trembled, and she managed to calm down: "Mr. Wei, why are you looking at me like this? Is there something wrong with me?"

Doctor Wei raised his eyebrows and asked with a half-smile: "Miss Ling, I sent them away specially for you. Do you still want to hide your illness and refuse to tell the truth?"

Ling Jingshu was horrified and refused to admit it: "Mr. Wei was joking. I fell into the water today and probably suffered from some cold. I will recover after a few days of rest. This is not a serious illness!"

"Since Miss Ling said so, I won't have to worry about anything."

Doctor Wei twitched his lips, strode to the bedside, sat down on the chair, and spoke briefly and forcefully: "Miss Ling, please stretch out your right hand, I want to check your pulse."

He was naturally tall, and sitting on the chair now was still much taller than her sitting on the bed. The two of them were only a few feet apart.

He could clearly see the color gradually draining from her pretty face, and she bit her lip hard, leaving deep teeth marks.

He refused to let his heart soften and continued with a hard heart: "Why doesn't Ms. Ling want me to diagnose her pulse? Is it because she doesn't trust my medical skills? Or is she worried about the difference between men and women?"

"If it's the former, Miss Ling can rest assured. I've studied medicine for many years and am good at treating all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases. Diseases caused by falling into the water are not a problem for me. If it's the latter, Miss Ling doesn't have to worry. In the eyes of doctors, there is no There is no difference between men and women."

After saying that, he locked Ling Jingshu's gaze firmly.

Ling Jingshu's pretty face became paler.

Dr. Wei asked unhurriedly: "I have already said this, why is Miss Ling still unwilling to let me diagnose her pulse? Is there something unspeakable?"

Who said this man was gentle and harmless?

After taking off the mask of indifference and politeness, he turned out to be so sharp and compelling.

Ling Jingshu felt a chill in her heart, as if she had fallen into a net and was unable to break free.

That’s it! Since he guessed it, what's the harm in telling him? There’s no way her strange illness could be kept secret forever!

Ling Jingshu gritted her teeth and said, "I don't want you to check my pulse because I'm suffering from a rare and strange disease. You can't get close to touch any man, otherwise your whole body will convulse and vomit."

After saying that, he turned his head to the side and refused to look at Imperial Physician Wei again.

The secret deep in my heart was revealed.

She didn't feel relieved, only a sense of unspeakable anger and humiliation, and perhaps a hint of sadness and loneliness.

A young girl who had not yet left the court suffered from such an unspeakable strange disease. Even if Mrs. Wei had treated many difficult and complicated diseases, she would still be surprised!

How would he look at her? You will think she is a monster!

She turned her head quickly, and his keen eyes still caught the glimmer of water in her eyes. I couldn’t tell what I felt for a moment.

Is it regret? Is it pity? Or is it both?

My heart, which has been as cold as a dry well for many years, has a complex and unspeakable feeling.

"I'm sorry." Dr. Wei's voice was like a sigh, echoing lowly in his ears: "As a doctor, when I see strange symptoms, I will subconsciously ask for the root cause, but I didn't consider your feelings. I was so offensive just now. I apologize to you."

Ling Jingshu blinked hard and pushed back the moisture in her eyes. After he calmed down a little, he opened his mouth and said, "I have a strange disease in the first place, and it has nothing to do with you, so why do you need to apologize?"

The words were a little stiff, but the tone was also trembling and choking unconsciously.

What a stubborn and stubborn girl!

Doctor Wei couldn't help but secretly sighed again. The total number of sighs in the past is probably not as many as today...

"Anyway, it's all my fault." Dr. Wei's expression was gentle and his voice was low: "It's right for you to be angry. If you want to lose your temper, just come at me. Keeping anger in your heart is the most harmful to your health."

The tone is gentle, like a whisper between lovers.

When this thought flashed through Ling Jingshu's mind, she was startled, and her heart beat a few beats faster. The originally pale cheeks had a little more color.

Naturally, Imperial Physician Wei could not guess what Ling Jingshu was thinking, and continued: "I have never encountered this kind of strange disease. Please tell me carefully, and maybe I can think of a way to cure your disease."

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