Loyang Jin

Chapter 175 Condition 2

If possible, Ling Jingshu would not mention the Lu family brothers at all, let alone recall everything that happened in the Lu family.

But she couldn't deal with Dr. Wei's serious inquiry about the symptoms.

Ling Jingshu was silent for a moment, then raised her head, her eyes regained her composure: "Mr. Wei, can you really cure my disease?"

Doctor Wei responded calmly: "I have never encountered such a disease, and I don't dare to say that it can be cured. However, if I can't cure your disease at Mutai Hospital, no one can cure you. "

The calm tone revealed strong confidence. After a pause, he added: "It's just that if Miss Ling wants to cure such a strange disease, she must clearly explain the ins and outs of the disease and not hide anything."

Ling Jingshu took a deep breath and finally made up her mind: "Okay, I will tell you everything now. These things are my biggest secrets. Regardless of whether my disease can be cured in the future, I ask Dr. Wei to keep it secret and not tell anyone." People reveal just a few words.”

"It's natural."

Imperial Physician Wei nodded in agreement: "This is the most basic medical ethics for a doctor. Miss Ling does not need to worry."

These two short sentences have an inexplicable convincing power.

Ling Jingshu no longer hesitated and whispered what happened that day.

Nothing that happened in the previous life could be mentioned, and it was naturally inconvenient to mention Lu An's name. Ling Jingshu only talked about brothers Lu Hong and Lu Qian's admiration for her: "...the Lu family's cousin secretly admired me. I didn't think about him and always avoided him. That day he came to my boudoir for some reason. , talked some nonsense to me, and after I sternly refused, he became a little angry and held my hand in desperation. I felt sick all over and vomited it out, and then he left in embarrassment. "

"This was the first time. I just thought it was a coincidence and didn't take it to heart. Unexpectedly, a few days later, my aunt proposed marriage to cousin Lu Qian in private. After hearing this, I was very shocked. Cousin Lu Qian is younger than me. When he was two years old, I regarded him as my own brother and never thought about getting married to him.”

"Cousin Lu Qian also came to me privately and confided in me. I was horrified and refused sharply. Later..."

Speaking of this, Ling Jingshu forced out an ugly smile and lowered her voice: "You should have guessed what happened next. In desperation, he came close to me, and as soon as he touched my hand, my whole body suddenly... I felt uncomfortable and vomited it out again.”

"Once is an accident, but twice is never an accident. I, a girl in the boudoir, suffered from such a strange disease. I was extremely confused and couldn't rest day and night. I quietly told my grandmother and father about the matter and obtained their consent. After that, I came to the capital with A Xiao. Not only did I want to cure A Xiao’s eye disease, but I also secretly hoped to find a famous doctor to cure my strange disease. "

"It's just that this disease is really hard to talk about. I wanted to ask you for medical advice several times, but I couldn't. Unexpectedly, even today, you still noticed it. I have no need to hide it anymore."

Ling Jingshu's eyes were red and she looked embarrassed, but she also looked relieved.

A delicate girl, burdened with such secrets and illnesses, no wonder she is always so vigilant and wary of all men.


Is things really as simple as Ling Jingshu said?

Imperial Physician Wei stared at Ling Jingshu and said slowly: "Miss Ling is good-looking and smart. It is natural for young people to fall in love with you. From what you said, the Lu brothers are all passionate about you. You are very fond of them. They are not tempted, and it is reasonable to not want to get close to them."

"However, I have never heard of a strange disease such as vomiting when touched. Is there something that Miss Ling is hiding?"

This Imperial Physician Wei is simply terrifyingly sharp!

Ling Jingshu's heart skipped a beat, but there was a look of shame and anger on her face, and she looked back angrily: "What does Imperial Physician Wei mean by saying this? I have told you everything in detail, without hiding a single word. Imperial Physician Wei Why don't you believe me?"

Is this angry? Or take advantage of others and defeat them later?

Doctor Wei's eyes flashed slightly, but his expression remained unchanged: "No matter what the disease is, as a doctor, you must prescribe the right medicine. If you conceal the real cause of the disease, even if I were Hua Tuo and Bian Que was reborn, I still can't cure you. Disease. I want to get to the bottom of it because I am responsible for your disease.”

Ling Jingshu changed her ashamed look almost immediately and blamed herself softly: "I misunderstood. I hope Dr. Wei won't be offended. I just told the whole story, and there is indeed nothing to hide."

Ling Jingshu's expression changed quickly and her response was flawless.

But there was something very wrong with this perfect response.

Doctor Wei frowned, confirming his suspicion. What she said should be true, but she never revealed all her secrets.

She must be hiding something!

The fact that she is trying her best to hide is the real reason why she suffers from the strange disease!

What is she hiding?

Doctor Wei's mind was racing and he quickly made a decision.

She had lost her vitality trying to save Anya from falling into the water today, and she had to work hard to deal with him. It was already tiring and hard work. Now that I have decided to treat her, I will have more time to get to the bottom of it, so I will let her go for now.

Furthermore, since the two of them had been alone for so long, Jiang and the others must have been anxious waiting outside.

"I will study your illness for a few days when I go back, and then I will diagnose and treat you after I have figured out a treatment method."

Finally got over it.

Ling Jingshu felt relieved and said gratefully: "I'm grateful for the help of Dr. Wei. Dr. Wei not only treats A Xiao's eye disease, but also treats me. We, my sister and brother, have received this great kindness. I really don't know how to repay it."

Imperial Physician Wei smiled faintly and responded: "I am obsessed with medical skills. I am very happy to encounter such strange diseases that I have never seen before. If I can really cure your disease, it will be of great benefit to my medical skills." It’s beneficial. Since it’s beneficial to both you and me, there’s no need to be so polite.”

Then, he took out the pen from the medicine box and quickly wrote the prescription.

"You fell into the water today and were frightened. You will need to stay in bed for half a month after you return home. This is a prescription to calm the nerves and dispel cold. Ask someone to take the medicine according to the prescription, three times a day. You can also drink it for half a month. "

After saying that, Doctor Wei put the prescription on the table nearby.

Just from this small detail, we can see the attentiveness and considerateness of Imperial Physician Wei.

If he handed the prescription to Ling Jingshu, no matter how careful he was, his fingers would inevitably touch each other.

Ling Jingshu's heartstrings trembled slightly, and she quickly opened her mouth to express her thanks.

The two looked at each other, both feeling slightly uncomfortable, and quickly looked away.

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