Loyang Jin

Chapter 177 Follow-up 2

"Miss, are you okay?"

Bai Yu quickly walked to the bed and held Ling Jingshu's slightly cold hand.

Jiang and Ling Jingyan also came forward, both with expressions of concern.

Ling Jingshu felt warm in her heart and responded in a low voice: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just need to rest more."

Jiang hesitated for a moment, then finally asked: "Ah Shu, why does Imperial Doctor Wei insist on treating you alone? Is there any reason for this?"

Ling Jingshu was silent for a moment before responding: "Sister-in-law, I don't want to lie to you. There is indeed some inhumane inside story. It's not convenient to tell you now. You will know it later."

She had a vague premonition. She probably can't hide her strange illness for too long...

Mrs. Sun has known about it for a long time, and now Uncle Ling should know about it too. Today, he has revealed his whereabouts in front of Imperial Physician Wei. Perhaps, within a few days, people close to him will know about it.

Let’s wait until the day when we can no longer hide it! She really wasn't in the mood to bring it up now.

Seeing that Ling Jingshu's brows were furrowed and she was preoccupied, Mrs. Jiang wisely did not inquire into the matter. Pretending to be relaxed and smiling, he said: "That's all, let's not mention these things. As long as you are safe and sound."

It's really touching that Mr. Jiang is so considerate.

Ling Jingshu smiled gratefully and was about to say something when she heard noisy footsteps outside the door.

Bai Yu hurriedly opened the door.

Princess Changping and her party are here!

"Miss Ling, it's all thanks to you this time. Otherwise, I don't know how much suffering Anya would have suffered." Princess Changping sat beside the bed, holding Ling Jingshu's hand, her voice and appearance were superb, and her acting skills were first-rate.

Ling Jingshu had goosebumps all over her body. She resisted the urge to withdraw her hand and responded shyly: "I am familiar with water, and I was the closest at the time. When I saw Princess Anya falling into the water, I jumped into the lake without thinking. "It's a pity that I'm not good at water. Fortunately, Her Royal Highness ordered the two maids to jump into the water to save people. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would have harmed Princess Anya."

In an understatement, all the credit goes to Princess Changping.

Princess Changping felt relieved after hearing this, and her brows widened: "Anyway, I will remember your kindness on behalf of Anya."

Everyone standing aside praised Ling Jingshu one by one.

After what happened today, Ling Jingshu was able to save Princess Anya's life, and she also won the favor of Princess Changping. There is no doubt that there will be a greater fortune in the future. Everyone is a thoughtful and sophisticated person, so naturally they will no longer underestimate Miss Ling Jiu.

Amidst the praise, Jiang Rongyue's guilty and self-blaming face stood out.

"What happened today is all my fault," Jiang Rongyue apologized with red eyes: "If I hadn't screamed in surprise, Princess Anya would not have fallen into the water, and this series of things would not have happened. I'm sorry! "

As he spoke, he choked up.

Jiang Rongyue is only a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old. She has never encountered such a thing. For half a day, I felt ashamed, sad, and frightened, and my tears never stopped.

Ling Jingshu comforted her softly: "How can this be all your fault? If it were me, I would be surprised to see Princess Anya leaning on the railing. You didn't mean to scream to scare people. Princess Anya will definitely not blame you after she wakes up. Yes. Just relax and don’t blame yourself.”

Jiang Rongyue's sobbing gradually stopped.

Su Ying sighed with a smile: "I tried to persuade Sister Jiang like this before, but she never listened. Now that I hear Sister Ling say it herself, I feel at ease."

Jiang Rongyue had the most outstanding family background among the ladies, and even Princess Changping put down her body to comfort her.

After being comforted by everyone, Jiang Rongyue finally stopped sobbing and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

Princess Changping looked at Ling Jingshu again and said kindly: "You fell into the water this time, so you have to rest and recuperate for some time. There is no need to rush back to the mansion, just stay here. It won't be too late to return to the Ling mansion when you feel better."

Why was Ling Jingshu willing to stay? She declined without thinking: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness. I am no longer seriously ill, so I can just go back in the carriage. When I recover, I will come to pay your respects to Your Highness."

Princess Changping saw that Ling Jingshu was very insistent, so she didn't force herself anymore and rewarded her with a bunch of valuable supplements before giving up.

After returning to the house, everyone did not bother to pay respects to Mrs. Sun, but first helped Ling Jingshu back to the boudoir.

When Ling Xiao heard the noise, he came over immediately and said with a cheerful smile: "Ah Shu, you are finally back. I have been waiting for most of the day!"

Ling Jingshu couldn't say much, so she hummed softly.

Ling Xiao's ears were very sensitive and he immediately sensed something was wrong. He frowned and said, "Ah Shu, what's wrong with you? Your voice sounds weak."

There was no way he could hide the fact that he fell into the water.

Ling Jingshu told the whole story in an understatement. She had no strength and her voice was much weaker than before.

Ling Xiao listened and felt anxious and distressed: "Stop talking and have a good rest."

As he spoke, he found the quilt and covered Ling Jingshu with it. He did not forget to warn: "That's it this time. Don't be impulsive when encountering this kind of thing in the future. No matter how precious the princess's life is, she can't take such a risk."

Ling Jingshu's heart was filled with warmth and she agreed obediently.

Sun quickly came after hearing the news.

"Ah Shu, are you feeling better now? Yuniang just told me everything about today. I was really anxious and scared after hearing it. Fortunately, you are safe and sound. Otherwise, I really don't know how to tell your grandmother and the others. Explain.”

The eager concern on Ms. Sun's face was not an act.

After getting along for several months, there is always some affection. Furthermore, if Ling Jingshu had any shortcomings, she, as the eldest aunt, would not be able to explain it to her.

Ling Jingshu smiled apologetically: "It was my impulsiveness that made my cousin-in-law worry and didn't say anything, and then made my eldest aunt worry too."

Sun sighed: "What are you talking about when you are a family? Under such circumstances, you jumped into the lake in time to save Princess Anya, which shows that you are kind-hearted."

The important thing is that Ling Jingshu saved the Tian family princess this time. What a glorious and honorable thing this is. Even though Mrs. Sun had some fear in her heart, it quickly dissipated.

Ling Jingshu didn't miss Sun's hint of joy. She was stunned in her heart, but she didn't show any emotion on her face.

Mrs. Sun ordered in an orderly manner: "From now on, you can rest peacefully in bed. You don't have to worry about A Xiao going to the Prince's Mansion for acupuncture. I will lead him to the Prince's Mansion."

With Sun coming forward, it is indeed safe.

Moreover, after what happened last time, I don’t know what the emperor’s grandson’s attitude is. Just wait and see for a few days.

Ling Jingshu felt a stone fall in her heart: "Thank you, auntie."

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