Loyang Jin

Chapter 178 Recuperation

In the next half month, Ling Jingshu stayed at home and stayed in her boudoir to rest.

Except for the half day of acupuncture, Ling Xiao spent the rest of the time in Ling Jingshu's boudoir to accompany her. Jiang and Ling Jingyan took turns accompanying her, so Ling Jingshu was not lonely during her days of recuperation.

Su Ying and Jiang Rongyue each visited once, and Princess Changping sent someone to visit. Even Wei Jieyu in the palace sent her female officials to deliver supplements.

Mrs. Sun was so flattered that she couldn't help but sigh to Uncle Ling in private: "Master, Ah Shu's situation is really unusual. She climbed up to the golden branches and jade leaves without much effort, and became Princess Anya's savior. Such a thing Such a good thing, why didn’t it happen to our A-Yan?”

Uncle Ling stroked his beard and smiled nonchalantly: "Everyone has their own destiny, and this is Ah Shu's good luck. As for Ah Yan, she doesn't have such blessings, nor does she have that cleverness. She will find a good husband in the future. My son-in-law is married and I just want to live a more comfortable life."

Sun was quickly relieved.

Ling Jingyan is a smart-faced but dumb-hearted person, with some of her intelligence reflected on her face.

If it's not that material, it's better to be stable and honest.

Uncle Ling smiled again and said: "A'shu is my biological niece. She has a bright future, and I, the uncle, have a bright face too."

Ling Wuye lives in Dingzhou all year round. Ling Jingshu will live in the capital for a long time in the future. Why not get close to him, his uncle?

Sun smiled knowingly and whispered: "By the way, Master. I finally heard from Dingzhou. My fifth brother has started to pack his bags and will come to the capital soon. Tell me, this matter Do you want to tell Ah Shu first?”

Uncle Ling thought for a moment and then said, "It doesn't hurt to tell Ah Shu."

It has become a foregone conclusion that Lord Ling Wu will come to the capital. Maybe they were halfway there now. Even though Ling Jingshu was reluctant, she couldn't change this fact.

Sun nodded and agreed.

Mrs. Sun entered Ling Jingshu's boudoir with a smile on her face, took a look at Ling Jingshu, and then smiled happily: "Looking at your rosy complexion, you should be in good health."

Ling Jingshu put down the idle book in her hand and stood up to greet her with a smile: "I have been resting in bed these days and drank a lot of supplements. I only eat and sleep every day. It is good to maintain my health like this."

After keeping it like this for half a month, not only did it take care of itself, but it was also slightly plumper than before. White and rosy, her complexion is excellent.

After a few greetings, Mrs. Sun quickly got down to the topic: "...A Shu, there is a letter from Dingzhou. Your father will be coming to the capital soon."

Ling Jingshu smiled.

What? Fifth Master Ling is coming to the capital?

Sun smiled affectionately and said: "You and A Xiao have been in the capital for a few months, and now you have asked Dr. Wei to treat your eye disease. The fifth brother felt uneasy, so he wanted to come to the capital so that he could see A Xiao's serious illness with his own eyes. See the light.”

The words are really beautiful!

If Lord Ling really cared so much about nervous Ah Xiao's eyes, he would have accompanied him to the capital that day. How come it didn’t come until today? This time I came here for another purpose!

Now that I think about Uncle Ling's ambitions and calculations, what else can't be guessed?

When Fifth Master Ling came to the capital, it must be for her "life-long event".

Ling Jingshu was thinking about lightning in her heart, but she didn't show it at all. She said with a faint smile: "Is father coming? That would be great. I am a girl. It is inconvenient to accompany A Xiao out of the house all the time. What if my father comes to the capital? , it’s much more convenient.”


Mrs. Sun took over the conversation: "It is always not good for a girl to go out often. It is easy to cause trouble and gossip. When your father comes, you can relax and stay in the boudoir with peace of mind."

Ling Jingshu's eyes quickly flashed with sarcasm, and she responded softly.

As they were talking, a maid hurriedly came in and reported: "Mrs. Qi, Empress Jieyu in the palace has sent people around her to visit Miss Ninth on behalf of Empress Jieyu."

Mrs. Sun did not dare to neglect and said quickly: "Please come in quickly."

The maid who came to defend Jieyu was called Xinyun.

This Xinyun was about 20 years old, with a delicate appearance, dignified manners, and a soft-spoken voice: "When I came here last time, Miss Ling was still lying on the bed. I didn't dare to disturb her. I gave the empress the supplements and then returned to the palace to return to her life. This time, the empress has specifically told her that if Miss Ling gets well, she will invite Miss Ling to the palace tomorrow. The empress wants to see Miss Ling in person and thank her in person for her help. "

Mrs. Sun listened secretly with joy.

Ling Jingshu saved Princess Anya this time, which was indeed a great thing. Wei Jieyu actually wanted to summon her in person!

Ling Jingshu was also slightly startled, and then responded with a grateful look on her face: "It's really touching that your Majesty always keeps these little things in mind. Then I will be disrespectful and accept it shamelessly."

This is a summons and an honor that cannot be refused.

Xinyun smiled and said: "Then it's settled. Miss Ling will be waiting at the mansion tomorrow, and I will come to take Miss Ling into the palace."

"Thank you for everything, Miss Xinyun." Ling Jingshu thanked her with a smile.

Xinyun didn't stay long. After explaining his purpose, he quickly stood up and left.

Sun and Ling Jingshu sent Xinyun out of the house together.

After Xinyun left, Mrs. Sun was overjoyed and said, "A'shu, you will go to the palace to see Empress Jieyu tomorrow. This is truly the greatest joy in the world."

The palace is not a place for idlers to enter. As a daughter of an official, she has not had the chance to enter the palace for so many years in the capital! Ling Jingshu is really lucky!

Ling Jingshu quickly calmed down and said with a faint smile: "The fate of life is unpredictable. There are so many noble people in the palace. I have to be more careful tomorrow to avoid causing trouble for the Ling family."

Hearing this, Mr. Sun smiled and said: "You are so young, but you consider things very carefully. I only care about being happy for you, and I haven't thought about this level yet!"

Jiang and Ling Jingyan soon learned of the matter.

"A'shu, you have to go to the palace tomorrow, so you have to dress more elegantly. If you are too plain and casual, you will be disrespectful to Empress Jieyu."

Ling Jingyan's eyes were shining, and she was much more excited than Ling Jingshu: "If you don't have any suitable new clothes to wear, I still have a few new dresses and hairpins and jewelry that you haven't worn yet. Just take whatever you like. ”

Entering the palace to see the queen is naturally worse than going out to be a guest. Wei Jieyu only summoned Ling Jingshu, and no matter how jealous Ling Jingyan was, she couldn't follow her into the palace.

Ling Jingshu smiled and joked: "Cousin Yan, you are so kind to me. If that's the case, then I won't be polite. I'll just lend you your set of pearl head and face jewelry."

That pearl headdress was custom-made with fine pearls, and she had never worn it even once!

Ling Jingyan agreed with a pained look on her face, and then warned: "You must return it to me when you come back."

It made everyone laugh.

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