Loyang Jin

Chapter 180 Entering the Palace 2

As soon as you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea!

This statement is by no means false. After entering the palace gate, there are high city walls and long corridors. The maids and maids who come and go all have their heads lowered, and no one speaks. It seems depressing and dull.

Occasionally, someone looked up and saw the unfamiliar face of Ling Jingshu, but they did not dare to show surprise and quickly lowered their heads.

The rules in the palace are strict. Once you enter the palace gate, you can only walk.

Xinyun seemed to be worried about Ling Jingshu, and quickly looked back at Ling Jingshu, and reminded in a low voice: "Lingbo Palace is only half an hour away from here, and it is quite a long journey."

Ling Jingshu was mentally prepared and responded in a low voice: "I can handle it, Miss Xinyun, don't worry."

Xinyun stopped talking, and just slowed down his steps thoughtfully.

After walking through the long passage and bypassing a palace, we finally arrived at Lingbo Hall.

The palace maid guarding the gate saw Xinyun and his party and greeted them with a smile: "Sister Xinyun is finally back. Empress Jieyu has sent people to ask twice."

Xinyun pursed her lips and smiled: "I will go in and revive the queen."

Ling Jingshu followed Xinyun into Lingbo Hall and waited under the eaves outside the hall.

Bai Yu was tense all the way, but only relaxed a little at this time. His eyes moved around and he praised in a low voice: "Miss, this Lingbo Palace is really beautiful and elegant."

Ling Jingshu smiled and hummed.

Along the way, we saw many palaces. Looking at it, this Lingbo Palace is not too big, but it is elegantly and exquisitely decorated. It can be seen that Wei Jieyu is indeed quite favored.

Soon, Xinyun came out and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is waiting in the palace, please Miss Ling to follow me in."

According to the rules of the palace, Bai Yu was not qualified to follow him in, so he was led by the palace maid to wait elsewhere.

Ling Jingshu lowered her head slightly and followed Xinyun into Lingbo Hall.

"Empress, Miss Ling is here." Xinyun reported respectfully.

Ling Jingshu hurriedly took two steps forward and knelt down in a dignified manner: "Little girl Ling Jingshu, I have met Empress Jieyu."

"Miss Ling, please get up quickly." Wei Jieyu's voice was gentle and sweet, very kind: "Xinyun, give Miss Ling a seat."

Xinyun responded and brought a stool. After Ling Jingshu thanked her, she sat down.

She and Wei Jieyu were only a few feet apart. It would be impolite to look up and look directly at her, so Ling Jingshu set her eyes on Wei Jieyu's chin.

In just a short moment, Ling Jingshu had a panoramic view of Wei Jieyu's face, and couldn't help but secretly admire her in her heart.

Wei Jieyu, dressed in an indigo palace dress, has clearly passed the age when a woman is most beautiful, but she is still unparalleled in her beauty and elegance. When the wonderful eyes are flowing, even a woman will feel her mind wandering.

No wonder Wei Jieyu has been favored in the palace for several years.

Imperial Physician Wei is also a handsome man. The two siblings have similar looks and temperament, but they are also different. Wei Jieyu has a kind face and a friendly smile. Dr. Wei looks gentle, but is actually indifferent and not easy to approach...

While Ling Jingshu was secretly sizing up Wei Jieyu, Wei Jieyu was also looking at Ling Jingshu. However, Wei Jieyu didn't need to be secretive, she looked at things openly and calmly.

What a beautiful and charming girl!

Wei Jieyu was used to seeing beauties in the palace. When she saw Ling Jingshu, she was still amazed: "Miss Ling's pretty face, I can see it and find it pleasing to the eye."

Ling Jingshu responded with a smile: "Before I met the empress, I was somewhat confident in my appearance. However, after today, no matter who praises me, I will feel ashamed."

Wei Jieyu smiled and said very humorously: "I have heard many words of praise, but they are not as pleasant to my ears as these two sentences just now."

"I only have one daughter like Anya in this palace. She lives in the palace on weekdays and has many rules and restrictions. Occasionally she gets naughty and gets into trouble when she leaves the palace."

Wei Jieyu sighed softly: "After I was shocked to hear that Anya fell into the water, I was so frightened that I fainted. Fortunately, you jumped into the lake in time to save Anya. I am very grateful and summoned you into the palace today. , that is, thank you in person.”

After saying that, he actually stood up and blessed Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu didn't expect that Wei Jieyu would show up like this, so she couldn't stop her. She accepted the gift helplessly and hurriedly stood up to return the gift: "Your Majesty, you really offended me. I just did my duty. Princess Anya is safe and sound. , I am also very happy.”

Wei Jieyu smiled slightly: "Before, you saluted me out of etiquette, but now I salute you as a mother to thank my daughter's savior. You don't have to be anxious. If you feel uncomfortable, I I won’t say anything anymore. Sit down and talk!”

After sitting down again, Wei Jieyu chatted a few more words. They were all talking about trivial and ordinary things, such as Ling Jingshu's age, birthday, and preferences.

Ling Jingshu was still worried at first, but after some conversation, she really relaxed.

What a person's true temperament is cannot be revealed by just getting along with him for a few moments.

This Wei Jieyu is an exception.

The Crown Princess' kindness and kindness are only on the surface, but Wei Jieyu's gentleness and kindness are so sincere and truly make people feel like spring breeze.

"By the way, I heard that you accompanied your brother to the capital for medical treatment. Every time Ayan goes to the Prince's Mansion to diagnose the pulse of His Highness, he will also give your brother acupuncture, right?" Wei Jieyu seemed to say casually. Come, but he said it very clearly and in detail.

Ling Jingshu responded calmly: "Yes, I heard about the famous name of Imperial Physician Wei in Dingzhou. This time I came to the capital specifically to seek medical treatment. Imperial Physician Wei has superb medical skills and a kind heart. I can seek his diagnosis and treatment." The blessing of our siblings.”

She has a good appearance, outstanding temperament, and knows how to advance and retreat appropriately. Although her family background is not particularly outstanding, she is also the daughter of an official and a distinguished family.

Even she liked such a girl who was outstanding in all aspects. A Yan often came into contact with her, so how could she not be tempted.

Wei Jieyu's thoughts moved slightly and she asked casually: "Miss Ling is fourteen years old. I wonder if my family has decided to marry you, Wei?"

...Why are you asking this all of a sudden?

Ling Jingshu felt inexplicably nervous and uneasy: "To tell you, I haven't been engaged yet."

It’s okay if you don’t get engaged.

Ayan came later and asked him carefully.

Wei Jieyu secretly thought about it and said casually: "I'm just asking casually. I have no other intention. You don't need to be nervous."

Ling Jingshu was a little embarrassed. Was she really so nervous just now?

At this moment, a palace maid in blue came in and reported: "Your Majesty, Imperial Physician Wei is here to diagnose the pulse of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Doctor Wei is here!

Ling Jingshu's heart skipped a beat.

With a smile on her lips, Wei Jieyu said happily: "Please invite Dr. Wei in quickly."

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