Loyang Jin

Chapter 181 Entering the Palace 3

Imperial doctors must wear official uniforms of the imperial hospital when walking in the palace.

When Imperial Physician Wei walked in wearing green official uniform, Ling Jingshu was startled.

This was the first time she saw Imperial Physician Wei wearing official uniform.

The green official uniform was really not good-looking, but it looked indescribably pleasing to the eye when it was worn on him. It also made the usually gentle and low-key Dr. Wei exude a different kind of eye-catching style.

"Wei Chen has met Empress Jieyu," Imperial Physician Wei respectfully saluted Wei Jieyu.

Wei Jieyu smiled and said: "Quickly and without courtesy." She glanced at Imperial Physician Wei and smiled pointedly: "It's a coincidence that you are here. I just summoned Miss Ling into the palace today."

"It's indeed a coincidence." Doctor Wei seemed not to hear the implication of Wei Jieyu's words, and responded calmly.

Then, his eyes fell on Ling Jingshu's pretty face, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes: "Miss Ling, I haven't seen you for half a month, have you recovered well?"

Ling Jingshu gathered her thoughts and responded: "I drank the medicine according to the prescription every day, and stayed in bed for half a month, and now I'm fine."

The skin is white and rosy, and the eyes are full of energy. He is indeed healed.

Doctor Wei looked at her silently for a few times, then looked away: "It'll be fine once she's fully recovered." Then he looked at Wei Jieyu: "Mother Jieyu, is Princess Anya feeling better today?"

Wei Jieyu responded with a smile: "Anya was able to get out of bed and walk around two days ago. When I went to see her early this morning, her complexion was much better. Breakfast was also back to normal, and she drank a full bowl of Japonica rice porridge."

Having an appetite to eat is a sign that your health is about to get better.

Doctor Wei also had a smile in his eyes: "Weichen is going to check her pulse right now."

After saying that, he was about to bow and leave.

But Wei Jieyu stood up with a smile: "I'll come with you too!" Then she looked at Ling Jingshu kindly: "Anya has been talking about you a lot these days, why don't you go and see her too!"

Ling Jingshu agreed immediately.

Princess Anya was lying on the bed boredly. When she saw Wei Jieyu and her party arriving, she felt very happy and immediately lifted up the quilt and got out of bed.

"Okay, just lie down and don't move around." Wei Jieyu's gentle voice was a little more unacceptable.

Princess Anya has always been obedient, so she lay down obediently after hearing the words. His eyes passed over the familiar face of Imperial Physician Wei, and landed on Ling Jingshu's bright face. His eyes suddenly lit up: "Miss Ling, why are you here?"

The voice is full of surprises!

This unabashed joy infected Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu walked to the bedside and saluted with a smile: "I have met Her Highness the Princess. Today, Empress Jieyu specially summoned me to the palace to see her. It is really gratifying to see that Her Highness the Princess is safe and sound."

Princess Anya's eyes were crooked and she smiled sweetly: "When I saw you, I was very happy! That day at the eldest sister's house, I accidentally fell into the water. Fortunately, you saved me in time. This life-saving grace, I have always kept it in my heart. Today I can finally thank you in person.”

Ling Jingshu hurriedly smiled and said: "Your Highness the Princess is too polite. The situation was critical at that time, and I was the closest, so I reacted faster than others. Unfortunately, I am not good at water, and I lost my strength later. I relied entirely on Princess Changping's Mansion. The two maids in the palace rescued Her Royal Highness on the ship. I am really ashamed of my life-saving grace, and I dare not thank Her Royal Highness."

"Why don't you dare to take it!"

Princess Anya smiled nonchalantly and said: "When the two palace maids jumped into the lake, I was already unconscious. I only remember that you held me tightly all the time, otherwise, I would have sunk to the bottom of the lake long ago. You don't have to You're so humble and polite, I recognize you as my savior."

"Yes, both of us, mother and daughter, will remember this kindness."

It was Wei Jieyu who took over the conversation: "If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to me. As long as I can help, I will never refuse."

These words came from Wei Jieyu's mouth, but they were a promise that could not be ignored.

Ling Jingshu was secretly happy. Saving Princess Anya at that time was a completely instinctive reaction, and she had no time to think about anything else. Now it seems that this move has indeed brought her many benefits.

Ling Jingshu was about to say some polite words when Wei Jieyu suddenly said to Imperial Physician Wei: "Ayan, Miss Ling is Anya's savior. It's a pity that I stay in the palace all day. It's not easy for Miss Ling to see me. You often go out. Please take care of Miss Fuling for me."

Wei Jieyu looked serious and her tone was serious.

However, Imperial Physician Wei and her sister and brother have been very familiar with each other's temperaments for several years. How could they not hear the teasing and hints in these words?

Imperial Physician Wei felt a little hot on his face for no reason, so he pretended to be calm and complied.

Wei Jieyu's wonderful eyes turned around on Imperial Doctor Wei's face, and then she glanced meaningfully at Ling Jingshu, raising the corners of her lips.

Ling Jingshu felt slightly uncomfortable when Wei Jieyu looked at her like this. It was as if he had been found out about something he had done wrong...

Imperial Doctor Wei coughed and broke the silence: "Your Highness, I want to diagnose your pulse. Your Highness, please extend your right hand to the bedside."

Princess Anya hummed obediently and stretched out a hand. Her wrist was pitifully thin.

Imperial Physician Wei sat beside the bed and carefully diagnosed Princess Anya's pulse.

Wei Jieyu knew it was not appropriate to speak out at this time, so she stood quietly aside. Ling Jingshu was also silent, first looking at Princess Anya, and then, her eyes unconsciously drifted to the profile of Imperial Physician Wei.

He was very handsome, with soft and graceful lines on his profile, and an expression that was serious and almost solemn.

A serious and focused man will always exude a different kind of charm.

Ling Jingshu looked at it for a long time unconsciously.

Imperial Physician Wei looks calm on the outside, but actually he is not calm on the inside. She was watching him silently, how could he know nothing? His heart, which had always been calm and unruffled, was unable to suppress ripples.

Princess Anya waited for a long time, but did not wait for Dr. Wei to say anything. She couldn't help but ask: "Doctor Wei, haven't you finished diagnosing your pulse?" Today's pulse diagnosis took more than twice as long as before!

Imperial Physician Wei: "..."

He actually got distracted while diagnosing his pulse!

Imperial Physician Wei withdrew his hand calmly: "Her Royal Highness the Princess's pulse is quite peaceful and her body has improved quite a bit. She will be fine after a few more days of rest."

This appearance is quite deceptive. Even Wei Jieyu couldn't see the embarrassment of Imperial Doctor Wei for a moment, and said with a smile: "It's okay."

At this moment, Xinyun walked in quickly and reported in a low voice: "The Empress heard that Empress Jieyu summoned Miss Ling to the palace, and ordered someone to come and make a speech, inviting Miss Ling to come to the Jiaofang Palace to see her."

Queen Xu wants to summon her? !

Ling Jingshu's heart tightened.

The expression on the side of Imperial Physician Wei suddenly changed.

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