Loyang Jin

Chapter 189 Secret

Wei Yan's expression froze slightly, and he asked instead of answering: "Why did Miss Ling ask that?"

Ling Jingshu's voice was slow and clear: "Because my intuition tells me that what you just said is not the whole truth."

If it was just because of King Yan, why did Wei Yan look so weird and nervous that day? There must be some secret to this!

Wei Yan obviously didn't want to talk in depth, so he said evasively: "In short, the situation in the palace is complicated. You just need to be more careful when you enter the palace to see Empress Xu in the future."

Ling Jingshu's heart stirred quietly, and she vaguely had a terrifying suspicion: "Mr. Wei, you are so hesitant to say it clearly, is it because this matter has something to do with you?"

Wei Yan's body froze, his expression tensed, but his eyes flashed with caution, and his voice suddenly became colder: "Miss Ling is asking this, don't you think it's too abrupt and rude to talk about it?"

Sure enough, it has something to do with him!

Ling Jingshu's heart sank, but she didn't reveal anything on her face: "It's okay if I'm rude once. You reminded me time and time again to be careful about Queen Xu, which shows that you also know very well in your heart that Queen Xu must be angry with me for some reason. He might take action against me one day. If it’s because of you, wouldn’t I be implicated? I can’t even ask a few questions.”

Wei Yan was silent, his handsome face tensed up, and there was something unspeakable about him.

Could it be...that it was really what she thought? !

Ling Jingshu knew that this guess was very absurd, but looking at Wei Yan's expression and reaction at this time, the absurd idea in her heart became clearer and clearer.

"Mr. Wei, Queen Xu... she treats you..."

How should I say it?

Ling Jingshu asked vaguely, but Wei Yan understood it effortlessly.

The immediate reaction was denial.

It was the greatest humiliation in his life for a dignified, seven-foot-tall man to be obsessed with by a powerful woman in her forties. He has been trying his best to hide it, and even his eldest sister does not know. How could you let a boudoir girl know?

What's more, the other party is still Ling Jingshu...

Never admit this!

Wei Yan's eyes were complicated, and his expression was slightly distorted. The sentence he had originally planned to say, "Nothing happened," somehow turned into: "I asked you about your secret before, but you refused to reveal even a word. Now you have Come and ask me like this. You should know the principle of not doing to others what you don’t want others to do to you.”

His words were cold and cold, showing a coldness that would alienate others from thousands of miles away.

The color on Ling Jingshu's face quickly faded.

Not because of Wei Yan's sarcastic remarks, but because Wei Yan did not refute.

Her guess turned out to be true!

Queen Xu actually has ulterior motives for Wei Yan!

"How could she have such dirty thoughts after being a member of the First Palace?" Ling Jingshu was so shaken that her words were a little messy: "Isn't she afraid that the emperor will notice it? If the emperor knew about it, how could he spare her? !”

Wei Yan twitched his lips coldly: "The emperor is old, lacks energy, and has neglected government affairs. In the past few years, most of his thoughts have been on practicing Taoism and alchemy, thinking about becoming an immortal and immortal as soon as possible. Where can I have leisure time? Ask about the harem. Queen Xu’s Jiaofang Palace will change a group of servants every once in a while, and this matter is kept secret in the palace. "

As the saying goes, like mother, like daughter. Princess Changping's wantonness and wantonness obviously also learned from Queen Xu.

Ling Jingshu opened her mouth, but for a moment she didn't know what to say.

Want to comfort him? But there is really no comfort in this kind of thing.

The other party is the powerful Empress Xu, but she only secretly covets her and does not really "take action" on Wei Yan... What else can Wei Yan do besides holding back?

Wei Yan has never married, so he must have had something to do with Empress Xu's secret obstruction!

Wei Yan didn't know what past events he remembered, and a gloomy and hateful light flashed in his eyes: "Back then, Empress Xu wanted to marry me because she was tempted. If I really married that young lady from a branch of the Xu family, I would completely It fell into the hands of the Xu family, so I refused without hesitation and made a lifelong vow not to marry."

"Because of this, I was able to preserve myself."

Being coveted is obviously not a pleasant memory.

Wei Yan's face was very ugly. He paused for a moment before continuing: "Later, I founded the Huichun Hall. My medical skills became increasingly sophisticated and I gained a lot of fame. I began to diagnose the emperor and the prince's pulse, and Empress Xu often asked me to go there. Please have peace of mind. I have been in and out of Jiaofang Hall a lot, and I have become familiar with Luzhu, the female official in Jiaofang Hall.”

Green beads...

Ling Jingshu muttered two words silently in her heart. Just hearing the name, a picture of a pretty and lovely slim woman seemed to appear in front of her eyes.

Wei Yan felt a little sad when he mentioned this name that he had not mentioned for a long time: "Lv Zhu is the most useful female official around Queen Xu. She has a lively and cheerful temperament. Every time she meets me, she always talks to me more."

"I have no other thoughts about her, I just think she has a pleasant temperament, and I occasionally chat with her. The eldest sister is interested and wants to ask Queen Xu to grant me the green pearl in marriage, but I naturally refuse. But I didn’t expect that Empress Xu knew about this and had evil thoughts in her heart.”

Ling Jingshu's heart trembled, and she subconsciously asked, "What happened next?"

Wei Yan's voice was low: "Later, Luzhu was sent out of the palace because he was 'suffering from a serious disease'. He died within half a year."

You don’t need to ask too much to know that Empress Xu is secretly responsible for this matter.

A young and lively life died in a single thought of Queen Xu.

Just like her in the previous life!

Ling Jingshu's face turned pale and her lips pursed tightly.

Wei Yan took a deep look at Ling Jingshu: "I have never mentioned these things to anyone. I am telling you today because I hope you will understand Queen Xu's methods. Her sudden 'favor' for you is by no means a good intention. You must remember be careful!"

Ling Jingshu nodded first, then suddenly remembered it, and her eyes widened in surprise: "You mean, Queen Xu will hate me because of you, and then kill me? But...but you and I are just because A Xiao’s illness has been related to each other, but there is no other intersection! How could she have such a misunderstanding?”

Seeing Ling Jingshu's disbelieving look, Wei Yan was a little embarrassed, and whispered: "In order to avoid suspicion, I never interact with girls in the boudoir. Occasionally, when I meet a woman because of treating patients, I basically don't talk. You Although he has no close contact with me, for those who are familiar with my temperament, this is considered to be a very close relationship. "

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Wei Yan's embarrassment made her feel awkward and uncomfortable. It seems as if the two really have an ambiguous relationship...

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