Loyang Jin

Chapter 190 Accident

After being embarrassed for a moment, Ling Jingshu cleared her throat and said, "Thank you for reminding me, I will be careful in the future." After thinking about it, she couldn't help but remind Wei Yan: "Mr. Wei should also be more careful."

Don't fall into the hands of Queen Xu.

This kind of reminder is really embarrassing.

As a man, being coveted for your beauty is both ridiculous and sad.

It can be seen that in this world, regardless of men or women, when encountering the word power, they must give in and endure.

Wei Yan laughed self-deprecatingly: "Don't worry, as long as the emperor is alive, Queen Xu will not dare to act recklessly. I have been running the palace for many years, and I still have the ability to protect myself."

Ling Jingshu looked at Wei Yan with a sense of sympathy and sadness in her heart.

The distance between the two people has become much closer invisibly.

After looking at each other for a moment, Ling Jingshu said softly: "I'm leaving first."

Wei Yan suppressed the reluctance in his heart, nodded, and watched her open the door and leave.

Bai Yu, who had been waiting outside for a long time, suddenly became energetic when he heard the sound of the door opening, and walked forward with brisk steps: "Miss, have you brought the medicine?"

Ling Jingshu smiled and hummed, then put the porcelain bottle in Bai Yu's hand: "We have been out for so long, it's time to go back."

Bai Yu was keenly aware of the seriousness in Ling Jingshu's smile.

The young lady and Dr. Wei were alone in the room for so long. What did they say? The young lady looked worried, but she was much more worried than when she came.

After getting on the carriage, Ling Jingshu whispered: "I'm a little tired and want to take a nap."

Bai Yu agreed obediently without making any noise.

Ling Jingshu closed her eyes and rested her head on Bai Yu's shoulder.

The secrets I learned from my conversation with Wei Yan today are really shocking. In order not to embarrass him, she did not show all her emotions.

At this moment, she finally had time to slowly reflect on everything she had just heard...

If a girl is too beautiful, she will be coveted, but if a boy is too handsome, it will be equally dangerous. In the final analysis, it is because of his low status and inability to protect himself.

The emperor's grandson and King Yan are also handsome and outstanding. Which woman in this world dares to covet their beauty?

In the past, she always thought that Wei Yan and his brother were from Queen Xu's faction, but now it seems that this may not be the case.

Empress Xu had evil intentions towards Wei Yan. Although Wei Yan was unable to compete with the Queen of the First Palace, she was absolutely unwilling to do the work of serving people in Israel. I would rather be alone than bow to Queen Xu. Come to think of it, it's impossible to have the same intention...

The carriage suddenly stopped suddenly.

Ling Jingshu was caught off guard and leaned forward. Fortunately, Bai Yu's quick eyes and quick hands caught her arm in time.

Ling Jingshu was still in shock. Bai Yu, who was always good-tempered, had a hint of anger in her eyes, and asked loudly: "What's going on outside? Why did the carriage suddenly stop?"

One of the guards reported helplessly: "Suddenly a woman fainted on the road just now. If we don't pull the reins in time, the horse will trample on the person."

If you step on it, a life will be hard to save.

When Bai Yu heard this, all his anger disappeared.

Ling Jingshu also came to her senses and whispered: "Bai Yu, get off the carriage and see what's going on."

Bai Yu responded and quickly got off the carriage.

As expected, there was a fainted woman in front of the carriage. This woman was about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing shabby cloth, her hair was messy and covered her face, and her face could not be seen clearly.

There are differences between men and women, and the other person is unconscious, so he can neither move at will nor let go.

Several servants felt embarrassed and immediately stepped aside when they saw Bai Yu get off the carriage.

Bai Yu stepped forward, squatted down, and gently pushed the woman: "This girl, wake up."

After pushing several times, the woman had no response. Bai Yu had no choice but to brush the hair away from the woman's face, revealing a plain pale face.

Bai Yu pinched Renzhong hard, and the woman finally woke up and barely opened her eyes. My eyes are still fresh, but dry and lifeless.

"Girl, why did you suddenly faint on the road?" Bai Yu tried his best to slow down his voice: "Are you feeling unwell? There should be a medical center nearby. How about we send you there?"

Before he finished asking, the woman fainted again.

Bai Yu: "..."

The corners of Bai Yu's mouth twitched slightly, and she couldn't make up her mind for a moment. He walked to the carriage and reported the situation in a low voice: "...Miss, I don't know who this woman is. She fainted again without saying a word. What should we do now?"

Ling Jingshu thought for a while: "Now that we have met, it's better to leave her alone. Let's do this. You first ask the guards to carry the woman to the carriage, then find the nearest medical center, send her to the medical center, and first Let’s wait until the person wakes up.”

That's all it has to be.

You can't just leave an unconscious woman on the side of the road. Sending people to be treated and spending some money is considered a good deed.

Bai Yu responded and quickly gave the order.

The guards looked at each other after hearing the order, but no one said anything.

Soon, the woman was carried onto the carriage.

Although the woman's clothes were shabby, she was still clean and had no peculiar smell. He just lay there in the carriage without moving.

Ling Jingshu couldn't help but look at the woman curiously, and secretly guessed the origin and identity of the other person.

Judging by her dress, this woman was obviously from a poor family, and her dress had several patches. However, this woman is not thin, and the wrists exposed by her sleeves are thicker and stronger than ordinary women.

And her face looks pale, but if you look closely, it seems to be abnormally white. It doesn't look like it's caused by coma, it looks like a layer of something has been applied on it...


Who is this woman?

A sharp light flashed in Ling Jingshu's eyes, and she opened her mouth and said abruptly: "Who are you? Why did you choose to pass out on the road where our Ling family's carriage passed by?"

The woman didn't move.

Bai Yu was startled by Ling Jingshu's words: "Miss, what are you talking about?"

Ling Jingshu seemed not to have heard anything. She looked at the woman coldly and said slowly: "If you keep pretending, I will have you thrown out of the carriage immediately. Or, I will stab you with a dagger to see how you can keep pretending."

Bai Yu was stunned.

What makes Bai Yu even more confused is yet to come.

The woman who was originally unconscious actually opened her eyes. Then he turned over neatly and stood up.

The woman was taller than Bai Yu, and it was quite difficult to stand up straight in the carriage, so she had to bend down slightly. However, the woman's eyes were quite bright, and she bowed to Ling Jingshu: "I have met Miss Ling."

Where is the pitiful look from before that was unconscious?

Bai Yu's mouth was so open that she couldn't close it for a long time.

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