Loyang Jin

Chapter 192 Eyeliner 2

Ling Jingshu expected everything to be right.

In the afternoon of that day, the steward of the Ling family took Qiao Yun back to her second uncle's house, saying that he wanted to buy Qiao Yun as a maid. Qiaoyun's second uncle and second aunt saw that the money from selling her body was more than the money sold in the brothel, so they immediately signed the selling contract.

After returning home, the steward respectfully handed the contract of sale to Ling Jingshu.

As a result, a maid named Qiaoyun quietly appeared beside Ling Jingshu.

No one had doubts about Qiao Yun's origin except Bai Yu, who felt aggrieved after knowing the inside story.

After Ling Xiao learned about this, he didn't think much about it. He just smiled and said, "Ah Shu, you are really kind-hearted. Once you went out, you saved one person. This is good, you can have more people around you."

Ling Jingshu smiled and responded casually: "Yes, I saved Qiaoyun's life, and she will be loyal to me in the future."

Bai Yu lowered his head, feeling secretly worried.

All in all, why did the emperor's grandson send an informant to the young lady? The young lady didn't feel anxious at all and just accepted Qiaoyun. Just be sure not to cause any trouble in the future...

"Axiao, I went to the Huichun Hall today to get you some new ointment." Ling Jingshu quickly changed the subject: "Come here, I will reapply the ointment for you and see how it works."

Ling Xiao happily agreed.

Use soft gauze dipped in warm water to wipe clean around Ling Xiao's eyes, and then gently apply new ointment. Then wrap it in a clean, soft white cotton cloth.

"How do you feel now?" Ling Jingshu asked with a smile.

Ling Xiao smiled and replied: "It's refreshing and cool, very comfortable." Then he whispered excitedly: "Ah Shu, I opened my eyes just now while you were wiping my eyes. I looked at it hazily. To the white light.”

Ling Jingshu was startled at first, but then she was overjoyed, and she suddenly squeezed Ling Xiao's hand: "A Xiao, is everything you said true?"

Even if you don't understand medicine, you can still hear that this is a good sign.

Ling Xiao grinned: "How could I lie to you about such an important matter? When I opened my eyes before, it was all gray and I couldn't see anything clearly. Now I can see the light vaguely. It seems that in a few days Yue, my eyes will really get better..."

"A Xiao, I'm also looking forward to this day coming soon." Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed with water, and she hugged Ling Xiao gently.

Ling Xiao was hugged like this, and her tender face suddenly turned red.

He was already so old, and it was really embarrassing to be held in his arms as a child. But he couldn't bear to struggle, so he blushed awkwardly.

Fortunately, Ling Jingshu calmed down quickly, let go of Ling Xiao, smiled and encouraged: "Axiao, the acupuncture treatment is a bit painful, but it is indeed effective. Just be patient and listen to Dr. Wei."

Ling Xiao smiled and said: "I'm not a child anymore, how can I not understand this truth?" After a pause, he said with admiration: "The medical skills of Imperial Doctor Wei are really superb, and he is gentle and patient. It's a pity that I am a little old. Oh, otherwise, I would really like to be shameless and learn medical skills from Imperial Physician Wei!"

There was deep respect and admiration in his tone.

When Wei Yan was mentioned, Ling Jingshu felt inexplicably uncomfortable. She coughed and said, "We can wait until your eyes are completely cured. It's getting late, let's go have dinner together."

After dinner, Ling Jingshu returned to the boudoir.

Bai Yu was worried and frowned without saying a word.

Ling Jingshu glanced at Bai Yu and asked half-jokingly: "Bai Yu, what's wrong with you? You look worried."

Bai Yu's eyes widened: "Miss, a cloud appeared out of nowhere. I don't know what the emperor's grandson meant. Aren't you worried at all?"

Ling Jingshu thought for a while and decided to tell Bai Yu the truth: "Actually, the emperor's grandson is willing to send an informant to my side, which makes me very happy."

Bai Yu: "..."

"Bai Yu, you are the closest person to me. There are some things that I can hide from others, but not from you." Ling Jingshu said slowly: "I don't want to hide it from you either. I came to the capital not only to give Ah Xiao There is a more important thing to do.”

"However, this matter is too difficult. I can't do it with my own strength. The emperor's grandson is interested in me and has expressed his feelings to me. However, I don't want to marry him as a concubine, so at that time I refused. I would rather surrender to the Crown Prince, be willing to be the informant of the Prince's Mansion and work for it, and then use the power of the Prince's Mansion to complete this matter."

"The emperor's grandson must have been very angry when he was rejected by me. He may not be willing to accept my surrender. These days, I waited and waited, thinking that there was no hope for the matter. Unexpectedly, Qiaoyun showed up today. I was surprised Fortunately."

Speaking of this, Ling Jingshu raised the corners of her lips and smiled: "So, you don't have to worry."

Bai Yu suppressed his surprise and slowly calmed down.

Although the lady didn't say what the "more important thing" was, it was obviously a very important matter. It is naturally a good thing to get help from the emperor's grandson.

Thinking about it this way, she doesn't need to be too afraid of Qiaoyun.

Bai Yu thought for a while and asked: "In that case, I will let Qiao Yunduo serve the young lady from now on. From now on, when the young lady goes out of the house, she will also take her with her. This can also show the young lady's sincerity to His Highness the Grand Sun."

Bai Yu is indeed smart and can make sense with just a few clicks.

Ling Jingshu nodded approvingly: "As long as you have an idea. Go and ask Qiaoyun to come now. I still have something to ask her."

Qiaoyun came soon.

Qiaoyun took a bath, changed into the green cloth dress of the maid of the Ling Mansion, and saluted respectfully: "Slave Qiaoyun, please say hello to the young lady." Her behavior was quite satisfactory, just like an ordinary maid.

Ling Jingshu winked at Bai Yu, and Bai Yu immediately stepped back and closed the door.

"It's just you and me here. It doesn't matter if you have anything to say." Ling Jingshu said lightly: "His Royal Highness Taisun sent you to come to me. I guess you must have something special about you!"

This is about interrogating her details.

Qiao Yun stood up slightly and responded: "I have learned some kung fu, and I can handle three or five ordinary men more than enough. I am best at light body kung fu and hiding traces, and my ears and eyesight are also sharp."

Ling Jingshu suddenly understood: "In other words, what you are best at is peeking and eavesdropping?"

This is also the most important skill that an eyeliner should possess.

Qiaoyun didn't feel embarrassed and said yes neatly.

Ling Jingshu thought for a moment and then asked: "Is your life story true? You won't reveal your secrets and arouse suspicion!"

Qiaoyun smiled: "Qiaoyun is indeed a real person, I just pretended to be her. Please rest assured, young lady, I won't reveal my fault."

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