Loyang Jin

Chapter 193 Eyeliner 3

Ling Jingshu twitched the corner of her lips and asked again abruptly: "His Royal Highness sent you to me. Apart from asking you to keep an eye on my every move, what other instructions do you have?"

Qiao Yun answered lightly, "Miss, I misunderstood. How can I, this servant, be qualified to meet His Highness the Grand Sun? The one who sent this servant is Commander Lu."

After a pause, he continued to explain: "The commander of the guards around His Highness is Commander Wang, and the secret guards like slaves are dispatched by Commander Lu. Commander Lu told slaves that when they come to the lady's side, the slaves are the lady's people. In everything, You have to obey the lady’s orders.”

The words were quite pleasant.

Ling Jingshu smiled faintly: "I am happy that you have such a heart. Don't worry, as long as you work hard, I will never treat you badly, let alone embarrass you. From now on, you and Bai Yu will serve you personally, as long as I go out , just follow me. No matter what you see or hear, you can report it to Commander Lu."

Qiaoyun's heart trembled. This Miss Ling looks gentle, but is actually sharp and sharp. She must not be taken lightly.

"My lady is so considerate and tolerant, I really appreciate it." Qiaoyun responded cautiously: "My duty is my duty, and sometimes I have to deliver some news back. I have no choice but to do it. Just don't take offense, lady."

What a smart and astute Qiaoyun.

Ling Jingshu knew very well that it was impossible to impress or bribe Qiaoyun with just a few words. She had no such intention.

Since she surrendered to the emperor's grandson, she had to show obedience and sincerity.

Qiaoyun is a smart person, and it is always easier to deal with smart people. There are some things you know well in your heart, so there is no need to say them out loud.

"You have just arrived and are not familiar with the environment of Ling Mansion. You should familiarize yourself with Bai Yu for a few days first." Ling Jingshu gently ordered: "I am tired and need to go to bed early. You should go back and rest too! Come back tomorrow morning. "

Qiaoyun responded respectfully before retreating.

In the next few days, Bai Yu led Qiao Yun to get familiar with the situation in the house, and Qiao Yun also began to serve Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu was used to having Bai Yu by her side, but now she suddenly had Qiao Yun, and she was quite unaccustomed to it. Fortunately, Qiao Yun was obedient and knew that she was not welcome, so she rarely spoke. Take away trivial matters such as cleaning the house. Ling Jingshu rarely interrupted when talking to Bai Yu.

Night watch has always been Bai Yu's business. Ling Jingshu didn't mention letting Qiao Yun stay on night watch. Qiao Yun was also very sensible and quietly left after dinner.

"Bai Yu, after spending the past few days together, what do you think of Qiao Yun's character?" There were only two masters and servants, so they talked much more easily.

Bai Yu thought for a while and replied pertinently: "Think carefully, do things neatly, and don't talk much." What a pity! Such a smart maid is His Highness Taisun's spy.

It's neither too close nor too far, it looks annoying, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Ling Jingshu looked at Bai Yu's regretful expression and couldn't help but laugh softly: "I didn't expect that in just a few days, you would have such a high opinion of her."

Bai Yu was a little embarrassed by the smile, and suddenly thought of something, and whispered: "By the way, Qiaoyun seems to be very familiar with the situation in the Ling Mansion. When I talk to her about the affairs of the Mansion these days, she always She acted fresh and curious. But when I looked at her, her curiosity was all fake."

"Since she came for me, she must have figured out the situation in the Ling Mansion beforehand." Ling Jingshu was not surprised: "Moreover, she is just an eyeliner on the surface. There must be people inside and outside the mansion to support her. Otherwise , the message in her hand cannot be conveyed at all.”

After a pause, he added: "As long as you know these things well, just pretend you don't know anything in front of her."

Bai Yu nodded and agreed.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day for Ling Xiao to perform acupuncture.

These past few times, Sun had led Ling Xiao to the Prince's Mansion, and today was certainly no exception.

After Mrs. Sun had packed up, she was going to lead Ling Xiao out of the house. Ling Jingshu also followed closely behind. Mrs. Sun asked in surprise: "Ah Shu, where are you going?"

Ling Jingshu responded matter-of-factly: "Of course I want to accompany Ah Xiao to the Prince's Mansion. I have been recuperating before, and now that I am well, it won't be a big deal if I go out with him."

Mrs. Sun frowned and advised tactfully: "Just let me accompany you. After all, you are a married woman. It's not good to go out often."

It's okay to meet the grandson, but what if that King Yan gets involved again?

Ling Jingshu noticed Sun's concerns and immediately softened her tone: "I know that aunt is thinking about me and doesn't want me to go out because she doesn't want to see me get into trouble. However, I can't hide in the house all the time. Meet someone. Anyway, my eldest aunt will go with me, and I feel very at ease with you by my side!"

After all, I have to go.

After all, she is not my daughter, so it is not appropriate to speak lightly.

Mrs. Sun smiled helplessly: "Well, since you want to go, just go with me. However, you have to promise me first that when I go to the Prince's Mansion today, you will always stay by my side and you can't act rashly."

Ling Jingshu achieved her goal and immediately agreed obediently.

Of course there was a reason why she insisted on going to the Prince's Mansion today.

With the emperor's grandson's good ears and eyes, he must have quickly known that she had brought Qiaoyun to the prince's residence. Needless to say, this act in itself was enough to show her sincerity.

Half an hour later, the group arrived at the Prince's Mansion.

The concierge of the Prince's Mansion was already very familiar with the Ling family, and his attitude became more and more hospitable, leading everyone to the guest room.

Soon, the news reached the ears of the emperor's grandson.

"Your Highness, Miss Ling has come with Mr. Ling and is waiting for Imperial Physician Wei in the guest room." Wang Tong reported while quietly looking at the emperor's grandson's expression.

When the emperor's grandson heard Ling Jingshu's name, his eyes darkened slightly.

Since the last unhappy breakup, she has not visited the Prince's Mansion for a month.

A lot happened this month. She went to Princess Changping's mansion as a guest and rescued Princess Anya who fell into the water. Later, she rested in bed for half a month. After she recovered, she was summoned into the palace by Wei Jieyu. Empress Xu also met her in person and was particularly fond of her... Later, she went to Huichun Hall and spent a long time alone with Wei Yan. , when I came out, I had an extra bottle of ointment in my hand. On the way back, she rescued Qiaoyun, and after that, Qiaoyun became the maid next to her...

He knew everything that happened around her.

Wang Tong paid attention to the change in the expression of the emperor's grandson, and cautiously suggested: "I wonder if Mr. Ling's eye disease has progressed. Your Highness happens to be free, why don't you drop by and take a look?"

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