Loyang Jin

Chapter 195: Mean

There was a hint of undetectable resentment in the indifferent young man's voice.

Ling Jingshu just pretended that she didn't hear it and continued to maintain a polite and respectful smile: "The Imperial Physician Wei is giving A Xiao acupuncture in the room. After the acupuncture is finished, I will ask A Xiao to come and thank His Highness."

The expectations that the emperor's grandson had in his heart quickly dissipated under Ling Jingshu's seemingly respectful but actually distant response, and his heart became completely cold.

He never forgets her, but she wishes he would stay far away.

Thinking of this, the emperor's grandson felt sour and bitter in his heart, and he unconsciously became sarcastic when he spoke: "The person who treated Mr. Ling was Imperial Physician Wei. It is only right to thank him. Thank you to me, an irrelevant person, for doing this." What."

Wang Tong resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

His Highness was clearly thinking about Ling Jingshu, yet he was so mean when they met her. It really doesn't please the girl's family at all.

Ling Jingshu was not angry. She had already rejected the emperor's grandson, and given his pride, it was already magnanimous for him to accept her surrender. Do you still expect that he won't mind at all?

He is the high-ranking grandson, and she is the boudoir girl who secretly surrendered to him. The relationship between the two is almost like that between Wang Tong and him. If he speaks harsh words or loses his temper, she just tolerates it.

"Your Highness taught you a lesson." Ling Jingshu lowered her head and admitted her mistake.

Unexpectedly, the more calm she became, the more nameless fire burned in the emperor's heart. He sneered and said: "In your heart, I am really an irrelevant outsider. This is your brother and sister's business. , I shouldn’t have asked in the first place, right?”

...Come on, this temper is getting bigger and bigger.

Ling Jingshu suppressed the anger in her heart and responded meekly: "We siblings are always taken care of by Your Highness. I am very grateful to Your Highness in my heart. How can Your Highness be an irrelevant outsider."

Just these two dry words miraculously extinguished the anger in the emperor's grandson's heart.

The emperor's grandson still stared at Ling Jingshu closely, and his tone became slightly gentler: "Has Mr. Ling's eye disease made any progress recently?"

When Ling Xiao's condition was mentioned, Ling Jingshu's expression softened a lot: "Thanks to His Highness, A Xiao has been acupuncture for so long and drinks ointment regularly every day, and his eyes can already see a little light. If this continues, my eyes will be able to see a little bit. In a few months, Ah Xiao’s eye disease will be cured.”

The emperor's grandson hummed and then asked casually: "I heard that you jumped into the lake to save Princess Anya's life at Princess Changping's residence a few days ago."

Ling Jingshu laughed at herself: "Your Highness is laughing. In fact, I am only familiar with water. When I jumped into the lake on impulse and grabbed Princess Anya, I actually had no strength. Fortunately, a palace maid jumped into the lake and saved me and me. Princess Anya, please get on board. Otherwise, I will not be able to protect myself."

The emperor's grandson glanced at her, and his tone became harsh again: "The most important thing in life is to have self-awareness. Since you are not good at water, you should think twice before jumping into the water. If you jump into the water in such a hurry, you will have to pay compensation if you can't save anyone. It's too stupid to risk your own life. Even if you want to please Princess Anya and Wei Jieyu, you can find a safer way."

He would never tell her how anxious he felt when he heard about it. He would not even admit how jealous he felt when he knew that Dr. Wei rushed to Princess Changping's residence to diagnose her pulse!

He was jealous that Wei Yan could sit beside her bed and whisper to her softly and ask for help!

He was jealous of all the men who could get close to her and make her smile!

Especially the handsome Wei Yan!

Regarding the inexplicable and sudden meanness of the Emperor's Grandson, Ling Jingshu remained calm as usual: "To be honest with you, Your Highness, I regretted it a bit afterwards. However, under the circumstances at that time, I really couldn't allow myself to think too much. I will encounter similar things in the future. , I will definitely be more cautious.”

The emperor's grandson snorted lightly and asked again abruptly: "Wei Jieyu called you into the palace, and the emperor's grandmother also called you to the Jiaofang Hall later?"

Is this telling her that nothing she does can escape his eyes and ears?

Ling Jingshu sneered in her heart, but her face remained calm: "Yes, the Empress not only summoned me and rewarded me with things, but also asked Empress Jieyu to summon me to the palace to talk to her in the future. It is true that the Empress favors me so much. I'm flattered."


The emperor's grandson smiled sarcastically: "It seems that the sixth uncle said a lot of good things about you in front of the emperor's grandmother. If you try hard to please the emperor's grandmother, maybe you will get great benefits in the future."

For example, being given to King Yan as a concubine or something.

Although this sentence was not spoken, it was clearly revealed in his tone.

No matter how good-tempered Ling Jingshu was, she couldn't help but get angry when she heard these mean words one after another.

She smiled faintly and responded without mercy: "I am just an ordinary boudoir girl. I have never had the ambition to become a dragon or a phoenix, nor have I planned to commit myself to anyone as a concubine. It seems that the great benefits mentioned by His Highness are I can't bear it anymore."

The emperor's grandson choked and looked ugly.

Wang Tong listened with fear, fearing that the emperor's grandson would fall out on the spot, so he mustered up the courage to interrupt: "There seems to be a strange face beside Miss Ling. I have never seen it before."

Ling Jingshu smiled at Wang Tong: "This is the maid Qiaoyun I just bought a few days ago. This is the first time I have taken her out of the mansion. Commander Wang has never seen her before."

He turned to Qiao Yun and told Qiao Yun: "Qiao Yun, why don't you come and see His Highness Taisun and Commander Wang soon?"

Qiaoyun responded meekly, stepped forward and bowed: "I'm here to pay my respects to His Highness the Grand Sun, and I've also met the King."

The emperor's grandson glanced at Qiao Yun expressionlessly, and the anger that was about to explode was suppressed.

Wang Tong felt relieved and struggled to adjust the awkward atmosphere: "Why did Miss Ling suddenly buy a maid?"

Ling Jingshu was also happy to change the subject and briefly told how she met Qiaoyun: "... Speaking of which, this is probably because Qiaoyun and I are destined. Now that we have met, we can't just ignore it. Stay by my side. , at least we have enough food and clothing.”

Qiaoyun showed tears of gratitude at the right time: "It is my great fortune to meet the young lady."

The emperor's grandson still didn't speak, but the anger in his eyes disappeared without a trace.

Everyone present knew Qiaoyun's true identity. I still have to pretend like this, but I don't feel tired. Bai Yu muttered in her heart and turned her head to the side.

Ling Jingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that bringing Qiaoyun to the Prince's Mansion today was the right move.

At this moment, Wei Yan, who had finished acupuncture on Ling Xiao, came out.

When he saw the silhouettes of the two of them, he couldn't help but pause in his steps.

Tiandong was stunned.

You were walking well, why did you stop suddenly?

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