Loyang Jin

Chapter 196 Test 1

Wei Yan didn't notice Tiandong's surprise. He only saw the two young men and women standing opposite each other.

Looking from his angle, he could only see Ling Jingshu's back, but the look on the emperor's grandson's face was clearly drawn into his eyes.

The emperor's grandson was looking at Ling Jingshu, his eyes focused on no one else.

This is the look in the eyes of a boy looking at the girl he likes!

He had always known that the emperor's grandson was very attracted to Ling Jingshu, but this was the first time he had witnessed such a scene with his own eyes.

Where is Ling Jingshu? Does she have the same feelings for the emperor's grandson? No, probably not. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so worried about King Yan...

Wei Yan calmed down, walked forward, raised his hands and saluted: "I have met His Highness the Grand Sun."

The emperor's grandson hummed casually, and his eyes fell on Wei Yan's face: "It's been a while since the imperial doctor Wei performed acupuncture on Mr. Ling. I wonder if Mr. Ling's condition has progressed?"

Wei Yan responded calmly: "There is indeed some progress. The congestion in Mr. Ling's brain has dispersed a lot, and his eyes can see a little light. As long as he persists in acupuncture treatment, he will be cured one day."

The emperor's grandson smiled pointedly: "Mr. Wei worked hard to treat Mr. Ling's illness. He cured Mr. Ling's eye disease. Miss Ling will definitely be grateful and remember it in her heart."

Wei Yan pretended not to hear the sourness in the emperor's grandson's words, and said with a faint smile: "The so-called doctor has the heart of a parent. I am devoted to studying medicine in order to cure diseases and save people, and I never expect anything in return."

The tone is neither humble nor arrogant, neither soft nor hard.

The emperor's grandson's eyes flashed, and he twitched the corners of his lips with a half-smile: "Mr. Wei's medical ethics are noble, and he is dedicated to treating patients without asking for anything in return. This is really admirable."

Wei Yan looked calm: "Your Highness is so complimentary."

Eyes facing each other. Wei Yan's eyes were calm and calm, but the emperor's grandson looked cold and threatening. It's like they are competing invisibly.

Ling Jingshu also felt a little uncomfortable, and broke the silence with a cough: "Your Highness, A Xiao has finished the injection, so we won't bother you any more. We will return home now."

The emperor's grandson didn't say anything to persuade him to stay, and just hummed casually.

Ling Jingshu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded slightly at Wei Yan, then turned and left.

The emperor's grandson looked at Ling Jingshu's back intently. When he looked back, he suddenly found that Wei Yan was moving in the same direction as him. The flames that had just been suppressed suddenly burst out.

"Why didn't Imperial Doctor Wei leave today? Is it because he still has some lingering memories?" the emperor's grandson asked with a smile.

Wei Yan smiled calmly and said: "Your Highness hasn't left yet, how dare I go first?"

The emperor's grandson resisted the urge to snort coldly and said expressionlessly: "Forget it, I will take the first step." After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

Wei Yan stood there for a moment, with no emotion on his face.

Tiandong was confused and asked cautiously: "Physician Wei, aren't we leaving yet?" What happened just now? There seemed to be a little bit of tension between Imperial Physician Wei and the Emperor's Grandson.

Wei Yan came back to his senses and said calmly: "Okay, let's go."

Tiandong yelled and followed Wei Yan out of the Prince's Mansion.

The Imperial Hospital is some distance away from the Prince's Mansion. Wei Yan doesn't like to ride in a carriage, so he always walks. Today is no exception. However, Wei Yan's pace today was slower than usual.

Tiandong glanced at Wei Yan secretly and said boldly: "Physician Wei, are you in a bad mood?" There was no smile on that gentle and handsome face.

Wei Yan would never admit: "It's nothing."

Tiandong muttered in a low voice: "It's obvious that he is in a bad mood, but he still refuses to admit it." He has been with Wei Yan for several years, and he is familiar with Wei Yan's temperament. Wei Yan was clearly worried at this time.

As for the reason, he couldn't figure it out for a while. I guess it has something to do with the emperor's grandson.

Wei Yan turned a deaf ear to Tiandong's nagging and just quickened his pace.

After returning to the Imperial Hospital, before he could calm down, the chamberlain came to the palace.

"The Empress is feeling a little unwell today. I would like to ask Dr. Wei to come into the palace now to diagnose the Empress's pulse." The person who came was Eunuch Hu, the eunuch in charge of the Jiaofang Palace.

This Eunuch Hu relied on Queen Xu's prestige and was used to showing off his power. At this time, Wei Yan was very attentive and warm.

Wei Yan frowned slightly, then agreed with a smile.

We walked quickly all the way to Jiaofang Hall.

Wei Yan stopped outside Jiaofang Hall and said gently: "Please Eunuch Hu, please report it for me."

Eunuch Hu smiled and said, "The Queen has been waiting for Imperial Physician Wei in the palace. She also specifically told the servant to go in directly when you arrive without any communication."

After a pause, he joked in a low voice: "The Empress favors Imperial Doctor Wei so highly. This favor is really enviable. Is there anyone in this Jiaofang Palace who doesn't know the illustrious name of Imperial Physician Wei?"

The slight envy and ambiguity revealed in the corners of his eyes and brows were extremely dazzling.

Wei Yan felt disgusted and disgusted, and even felt a little nauseous.

He doesn't care about this "favor" at all!

After entering the Jiaofang Palace, a pretty palace maid greeted her. The maid spoke little to Wei Yan and was rather reserved: "The Queen is unwell and is lying on the bed to rest. Please ask Dr. Wei to follow the slave into the Queen's bedroom."

...According to the rules of the palace, when concubines and ladies are sick, they should call the imperial doctor, and they should be in the outer hall. Unless you are seriously ill, you should not be bedridden.

The corner of Wei Yan's mouth twitched slightly, he responded without any expression, and followed the palace maid into the bedroom.

Jiaofang Hall is the residence of the queen of the main palace and the most luxurious bedroom in the palace. Queen Xu's bedroom is naturally very exquisitely decorated. From a distance, you can smell the vague fragrance, and the closer you get, the stronger the fragrance becomes.

The palace maid lifted up the bead curtain, and Wei Yan stepped in. Tiandong was about to follow, but was stopped by the palace maid with a smile: "The imperial doctor Wei wants to diagnose the empress's pulse, you can just wait outside."

Tiandong had to stop.

Wei Yan entered the dormitory, without squinting his eyes, and saluted with his hands raised: "I have met the Queen."

Empress Xu was lying on the bed. When she heard Wei Yan's voice, she immediately asked the palace maid to help her sit up and lean on the thick and soft pillow. He stretched out his wrist lazily and said: "Mr. Wei, I have been feeling lazy and weak since I got up today. Please come and see what's going on for me."

Wei Yan said calmly: "The Queen feels unwell when she wakes up early, so she should call the imperial doctor earlier. In order to avoid wasting time and delaying the empress' body. There are many doctors with excellent medical skills in the imperial hospital, including Zhou Imperial Physician and Li Imperial Physician. They are all outstanding."

Empress Xu raised the corners of her lips and said with a smile: "I am used to you diagnosing my pulse, so I didn't call any other imperial doctors."

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