Loyang Jin

Chapter 197 Test 2

Queen Xu has a charming face and a lazy expression. The skirt of the clothes is slightly loose, revealing the slender white neck, which is very charming. Coupled with bursts of refreshing aroma, it is enough to make all men fascinated.

Wei Yan responded without changing his expression: "The queen's phoenix body is precious, and I don't dare to touch it at will. It's better to have someone tie a silk thread around your wrist, and I can use the silk thread to diagnose your pulse."

Empress Xu chuckled lightly, and her wonderful eyes fell on Wei Yanjunyi's face: "Dr. Wei's medical skills are exquisite, I can trust you. However, there will be errors in diagnosing the pulse like this. Let's just diagnose the pulse like this!"

After a pause, he smiled and said, "Mr. Wei is a gentleman, and he won't think wildly about it."

The last four words were spoken softly and slowly, with a hint of teasing.

Unfortunately, Wei Yan didn't understand Feng Qing at all, and responded with a serious expression: "The Queen trusts Wei Chen so much, and Wei Chen is grateful. Since this is the case, Wei Chen has the courage to diagnose the Queen's pulse."

As he spoke, he sat on the chair next to the bed and gently placed his fingers on Queen Xu's wrist.

The two were quite close, so close that you could clearly smell the faint medicinal smell coming from him.

Queen Xu stared intently at the young and handsome face with a serious smile, and her heart became more and more turbulent.

She couldn't tell when she started to have feelings for Wei Yan. What is hateful and annoying is that Wei Yan has remained unmoved. No matter how she showed her kindness, he always looked cold and indifferent.

The more he resisted rejection, the more she couldn't let him go. The handsome chamberlains around him changed one after another, but none of them could replace Wei Yan.

After she was promoted to the first palace, her power in the palace was overwhelming, and she could get everything she wanted. Only this Wei Yan dared to ignore and alienate her... Humph! If he wants to spend it, just spend it. No one but her can get involved in the person she likes.

Queen Xu's gaze became more and more fiery, almost unconcealed.

The two palace maids standing beside the bed lowered their heads silently.

Under such a gaze, Wei Yan remained calm and composed. After diagnosing the pulse, he withdrew his hand and said respectfully: "The Queen's pulse is indeed a little weak. Wei Chen will prescribe a prescription to regulate the body."

After saying that, he stood up and walked aside, picked up a pen and wrote the prescription.

Empress Xu's eyes followed Wei Yan's figure: "Mr. Wei, how many days will I need to recuperate?"

Just stay lying down and never get up again.

Wei Yan snorted coldly in his heart, but said in his mouth: "It will probably take five or six days to rest."

Empress Xu said with a smile: "If that's the case, I'll rest for a few days. Don't forget to come and check your Ping'an pulse every day."

Wei Yan responded and was about to say goodbye when Empress Xu suddenly asked: "By the way, you went to the Prince's Mansion this morning, right? How is the Prince's health lately?"

Wei Yan answered quite cautiously: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suffered a lot of damage in the past few years. Fortunately, he has been recuperating quietly and has not stopped taking tonics to regulate his body. Now he is greatly improved."

"Oh?" Queen Xu raised her eyebrows and smiled with unknown meaning: "This is a good thing. If the emperor knows, he will definitely feel very pleased."

Then he asked casually: "Every time you go to the Prince's Mansion, you have to perform acupuncture on the Ling family's young master. It's really hard work."

What is the purpose of mentioning Ling Xiao for no reason?

Wei Yan's heart trembled, and he replied without missing a beat: "It is the duty of a humble minister to treat illnesses and save people. It's really not hard work."

Empress Xu glanced at Wei Yan and raised her lips with a half-smile: "Last time Miss Ling came into the palace, I met her in person. She is indeed beautiful, intelligent and very lovable. No wonder she attracted the man's attention. I don't know. Did Dr. Wei also have feelings for her? "

"If you admire Miss Ling, you might as well tell me directly. I can issue a decree to marry you, which is considered the beauty of an adult."

Wei Yan's heart sank.

Queen Xu was indeed wary of Ling Jingshu.

"The Empress is joking." Wei Yan responded unhurriedly: "Weichen has long made up his mind to focus all his energy on medical skills in this life and has no intention of marrying. Moreover, Weichen and Miss Ling only I’ve met him a few times, but I’m not familiar with him, and I can’t say what I’m attracted to.”

After hearing these words, Empress Xu's expression softened: "How can you take the sentimental words you made when you were young seriously? You are the only male in the Wei family. Even if you don't like women, you still have to marry a wife and have children to carry on the family line. Otherwise, you have to marry a wife and have children to continue the family line. "After a hundred years, how can I have the face to meet the ancestors of the Wei family?"

"Wei Jieyu didn't say anything, but she was worried in her heart. Even I am always thinking about your life-long events. If you have a woman you like, just tell me. With me here, you will always get what you want. "

Wei Yan looked indifferent: "Weichen has thanked the Queen for her kindness. However, Weichen really has no plans to start a family. If the Queen has nothing else to do, Weichen will resign first."

After saying that, he bowed and left.

Queen Xu looked at Wei Yan's leaving figure, her eyes flashing with light.

Tiandong waited for a long time and finally waited until Wei Yan came out.

"Mr. Wei," Tian Dong secretly breathed a sigh of relief and came forward with a smile on his face: "You are finally out."

The mouth is not covered!

Queen Xu's eyes and ears are everywhere in the palace. If you say anything carelessly, it will reach Queen Xu's ears.

Doctor Wei gave Tiandong a warning look.

Tiandong immediately fell silent and followed Wei Yan obediently.

It was almost noon, and Tiandong was already hungry after running around for a long time. Seeing that Wei Yan was still walking at a leisurely pace, he couldn't help but whisper: "If I go back to the hospital at this time, I'm afraid the food will be cold."

Wei Yan hummed and walked a little faster.

A familiar face appeared in front of him: "Mr. Wei, Empress Jieyu knows that you are in the palace, so she specially ordered your servants to invite you to Lingbo Hall for lunch."

Wei Yan wanted to refuse, but then he thought about it and changed his mind: "Okay, I will follow you to Lingbo Palace."

When they arrived at Lingbo Hall, Wei Jieyu came over with a smile on her face: "Ayan, I heard that you went to Jiaofang Hall to see the Queen, and specially asked someone to prepare lunch. You came just in time. The food is still hot. It’s here!”

Although Wei Yan often went to the palace, he was very cautious in his words and deeds, and rarely stayed in Lingbo Palace to eat. Wei Jieyu felt relieved and happy that she came so easily today, and she smiled and said: "I will send someone to call Anya. I don't know how happy she will be when she sees you."

After sitting down in the dining room, Princess Anya came quickly. Seeing that Wei Yan was also there, Princess Anya was really happy and called her uncle affectionately.

Wei Yan was full of worries and was in a confused mood. When he saw his eldest sister and niece who were smiling like flowers, he finally cheered up.

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