Loyang Jin

Chapter 25 Proposal

Lu Qian's reaction surprised Lu Hong.

Did he think that he could impress Ling Jingshu with just one mouthful? Ling Jingshu even rejected her, so how could she fall in love with Lu Qian, who was two years younger than her and inferior to her in every way?

Lu Hong frowned and reminded in a deep voice: "If cousin Shu rejects you, you can't keep pestering her." The two brothers grew up together, and he knew Lu Qian's stubborn temper all too well.

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows and smiled confidently: "Cousin Shu will not refuse me."

Lu Hong: "..."

Where did he get his confidence?

Lu Qian said nothing more, turned and left.

Lu Hong stood there for a long time, motionless. His handsome face was filled with regret and pain.


Mrs. Ling's birthday banquet was held for three consecutive days.

After the birthday banquet, everyone in the Ling family was exhausted. However, there are still many follow-up things to be busy with, and the female relatives still have no time to relax.

The chores of the inner house are divided among several daughters-in-law. Although the eldest daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sun, has returned to the house, she will only stay for a while before returning to the capital. Don't get involved in this trivial matter. Spending time with Mrs. Ling and talking to Mr. Ling every day, leisurely.

Li and others are not so lucky. Just busy counting gifts, keeping accounts, accounting for birthday banquets, etc. is enough to give them a headache.

Ling Jingshu had been busy for several days and was a little tired. Fortunately, after she sternly rejected Lu Hong that day, Lu Hong never appeared in front of her again, which finally made her feel much better.

"Sister Shu, come to my aunt."

Mrs. Ling waved her hand with a friendly look on her face, motioning for Ling Jingshu to come forward. No matter how reluctant Ling Jingshu was, she had no choice but to step forward and call her aunt softly.

Lu An was sitting next to Ling, his eyes naturally falling on her.

As if being stared at by a greedy and vicious snake, his whole body immediately became tense and stiff. This was completely a subconscious reaction of the body, and Ling Jingshu couldn't control it no matter how calm she was.

Ling Jingshu composed herself and saluted Lu An: "I've met my uncle."

Lu An smiled and asked kindly and casually: "Sister Shu, I heard from your aunt that you are good at growing famous peonies. What varieties have you grown? Tell me."

His eyes were secretive and swift, passing over Ling Jing's pretty face and slim figure.

Since Lu An arrived at the Ling family, he has been busy with social activities and rarely stays at home on weekdays. Ling Jingshu deliberately avoided it again. This was the first time that the two of them were so close and talking alone.

My stomach kept churning, and the nauseous feeling came again.

It was stronger than Lu Hong's finger touching her.

Ling Jingshu forced herself to suppress the feeling of nausea, her pretty face turned pale slightly, and her expression was still calm: "Auntie must be exaggerating. In fact, I am just passing the time with nothing to do."

"You girl, you just refuse to take any credit. I have accompanied your uncle to the peony garden and showed your uncle all the peonies you planted. Your uncle is full of praises!"

Mrs. Ling smiled and took Ling Jingshu's slender and cold hand: "But, the girl's family doesn't want those false reputations. We all see how smart you are!"

In the past two days, Ling asked her twice more in private. Lu Qian's attitude was very firm. He liked Ling Jingshu and would not marry her.

Mrs. Ling knew best how stubborn her son was. Helplessly, I thought about this marriage. Ling Jingshu is two years older than Lu Qian, so the age difference is not big. It would be appropriate to decide on the marriage first and wait a few years before getting married...

Thinking of this, Mrs. Ling looked at Ling Jingshu more affectionately.

"My aunt is so complimentary, and my niece is really unworthy of it." Ling Jingshu lowered her head pretending to be shy, and naturally moved closer to Mrs. Ling.

She hated this couple equally. However, it is better to be close to the Ling family than to be close to Lu An.

Mrs. Ling smiled pleasantly and said, "When we talk as a family, there is no need to be secretive or to be polite. I, my aunt, really like you!"

After saying that, he looked at Fifth Master Ling again and joked half-seriously: "Fifth brother, Sister Shu and I are very close to each other, and we like her very much. Let Sister Shu be my daughter-in-law!"

Mr. Ling Wu didn't take it seriously and casually smiled and said, "Okay, then we'll make it a deal."

If the Ling family was really interested in getting married, Lu Hong was an outstanding scholar and good-looking person, and he was the eldest son of the Lu family. Such a good marriage would not humiliate Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu's heart sank.

Damn Lu Hong!

She had flatly rejected him without mercy, and he actually begged Mrs. Ling to propose marriage for him...

However, the marriage of children is a big deal after all, so just talking about it casually does not count. Mrs. Ling was just testing Master Ling's reaction. The topic quickly changed: "Sister-in-law, when do you and your eldest brother plan to return to the capital?"

Mrs. Sun smiled and replied: "I would like to stay longer. However, I am busy with work at the Ministry of Industry and only took a two-month leave. It will take a lot of time on the road. So, let's stay a few more days." , you have to pack your luggage and set off.”

Mrs. Ling was quite regretful: "I thought I could spend a few more days with my elder brother and sister-in-law!"

At this time, transportation was very inconvenient due to the high mountains and long rivers. Jizhou and Luoyang were thousands of miles apart, making it very inconvenient to move around. After this time, when we meet again in the future, I don’t know it’s the year of the monkey and the month of the horse again.

When Mrs. Ling said this, Mrs. Ling also felt a little sad.

She is already seventy this year, and she just looks forward to having her children around her and a full house of grandchildren. But once the birthday is over, everyone has to go their separate ways again.


After everyone paid their respects and left, Mrs. Ling deliberately left Mrs. Ling to talk alone.

"Ah Hui, are you serious about what you just said to Lao Wu? Have you discussed it with my uncle?"

Mrs. Ling smiled and nodded: "How can I dare to talk about such a big thing casually? We have discussed it with the master a long time ago. The master has a very good impression of Sister Shu and is very much in favor of marrying the Ling family."

Old Mrs. Ling breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face: "Since we are uncles, we also want to get married. There is nothing wrong with it. It is also a happy event for the two to get married."

Mrs. Ling coughed and looked a little embarrassed. She lowered her voice and said, "Getting married is indeed a happy event. However, this matter is slightly different from what I said before."

Old Mrs. Ling was stunned and asked in confusion: "What's the discrepancy?"

"The person I want to propose marriage to is not Ah Hong," Ling's expression became more and more embarrassed, but she had to reveal the truth: "It's Ah Qian!"

Mrs. Ling: "..."

Did she hear it right?

Old Mrs. Ling couldn't believe her ears: "Ah Hui, what did you say? Are you not proposing marriage for Ah Hong?"

"I asked Ahong, but he wanted to concentrate on his studies and did not want to get married early. So I thought that the marriage would be over." Ling said with a wry smile and sighed: "I never thought that Aqian would say that he liked Sister Shu, so noisy Please let me propose marriage..."

"What nonsense!" Old Mrs. Ling finally recovered from the shock and blurted out: "Ahong hasn't been engaged yet, so how can it be his turn."

Not to mention, in Mrs. Ling's view, Lu Qian is still a child who has not grown up. How do you know what love is and what marriage is.

Mrs. Ling sighed again: "Yes, I scolded him like that at that time. But he was as stubborn as a demon and said that he would never marry someone other than Shu in this life. If I didn't propose marriage for him, he would He will live alone forever... Fortunately, he said it to me in private. If his father finds out, he will be furious! "

"I've been thinking about it these past two days. A Qian has been weak since he was a child, and his temper is more willful and arrogant. It would be a good thing to marry Shu, who is two years older. Firstly, it will fulfill his wish, and secondly, Shu will My sister is careful and calm, and I will be able to take more care of him in the future.”

Old Mrs. Ling calmed down, thought for a moment, and said slowly: "It makes sense for you to think so. However, in this way, Sister Shu will inevitably be wronged. She will have to wait a few years before she can get married."

Lu Qian was only twelve years old, and with his frail little body, he had to be at least sixteen before he could get married. As a result, Ling Jingshu would have to wait until she was eighteen before getting married, and her youth would be wasted in vain.

Ling Jingshu has been gentle and docile since she was a child, and she is the most popular with Mrs. Ling. Old Mrs. Ling hesitated when she thought that Ling Jingshu would have to wait until she was an old girl before she could get married.

"Mom, I understand everything you said." Mrs. Ling held Old Mrs. Ling's hand and pleaded softly: "I also know that this is wronging Sister Shu. But A Qian is dead set on marrying her, and I don't Unable to resist his temper, he had no choice but to ask his mother shamelessly. As long as she is willing to nod, I don’t think Fifth Brother will refuse.”

Mrs. Ling frowned and pondered, with a hesitant look on her face.

Sister Shu is the granddaughter, and A Qian is the grandson. The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, and it doesn't feel good to feel wronged.

When Mrs. Ling saw that Mrs. Ling did not refuse, she felt reassured and said with a sincere face: "Mom, I am Sister Shu's biological aunt, so I naturally cherish her in my heart. In the future, when Sister Shu marries the Lu family, I will definitely do it. Treat her well and never let her suffer any injustice.”

Old Mrs. Ling finally sighed: "That's it! Since you have this intention, I will make the decision first. As for Lao Wu, I will just tell him."

After that, he said seriously: "Ah Hui, don't forget what you said today. You must treat Sister Shu well in the future and don't let her be wronged."

Seeing that Mrs. Ling had been persuaded, Ms. Ling felt happy and excited in her heart. She replied without thinking: "If you are still not at ease, mother, I will swear here. If I ever feel sorry for you in the future, I will let the sky thunder." If you chop, you won’t die a good death.”

Old Mrs. Ling rolled her eyes at Mr. Ling angrily: "Why would you make such a poisonous oath? As long as you have the heart."



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