Loyang Jin

Chapter 26 Infatuation?

After leaving the Lama Temple, Ling Jingshu's expression darkened and her lips pursed tightly.

Bai Yu had been waiting by Ling Jingshu's side all day long, and he had guessed a little bit of her thoughts, and whispered: "Miss, my aunt just seemed to be testing the master's reaction by joking."

If Fifth Master Ling and Mrs. Ling nodded in agreement, Ling Jingshu had nothing to do no matter how unwilling she was.

For life-long events, one must rely on the advice of a matchmaker and the orders of one's parents. It's really sad that women themselves can't make the decision.

Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes: "With the Lu family's family background, if the Ling family is married to the Lu family, our Ling family will be the best."

What's more, Lu Hong is talented and good-looking, and he will never insult her no matter what. No wonder Fifth Master Ling and Mrs. Ling both had smiles on their faces.

Bai Yu frowned: "The young lady doesn't like the young master at all. What if the master agrees to this marriage?"

Ling Jingshu expressed her frustration for a long time: "I will find a way to make them change their minds. You don't have to worry about me."

The specific method was not stated clearly. However, Bai Yu felt strangely relieved.

The young lady is still gentle in temperament, but she is calmer and calmer than before, and she has become very independent. Now that I have said that, I must have figured out a way.

Silent all the way, the master and servant quickly returned to Qiushui Pavilion.


Ling Jingshu suddenly stopped.

A delicate and frail young man came into view, with a joyful smile on his fair face: "Cousin Shu."

Ling Jingshu was in a bad mood and was not interested in talking to Lu Qian. She said lightly: "Why did cousin Qian come to Qiushui Pavilion?"

Lu Qian seemed unable to suppress the excitement in his heart. He took a few steps forward and whispered: "Cousin Shu, I came to see you today because I have something very important to tell you."

Very important thing?

What could be important between the two of them? !

Ling Jingshu frowned, feeling an inexplicable uneasiness in her heart. She quickly suppressed the unnecessary emotion: "If you have anything to say, say it now!"

Lu Qian looked at Ling Jingshu's cold face and couldn't help but take two steps closer: "You must not let others hear this. You have to find a quiet and safe place."

Ling Jingshu reflexively took two steps back and distanced herself from each other.

Lu Qian's smile froze, but soon returned to normal, and said with a smile: "Cousin Shu, let's go to Qiushui Pavilion to talk."

Ling Jingshu composed herself and nodded in agreement: "That's fine, you come with me!" She secretly guessed Lu Qian's intention. Could it be that Lu Qian knew about Ling's plan to propose marriage and came here to "report the good news" to her?

There are not many servants in Qiushui Pavilion, so it is not difficult to find a "quiet and safe" private place. Naturally, Ling Jingshu would not lead Lu Qian to her boudoir, but to the west wing.

This is the place where Ling Jingshu practices piano and reads on weekdays. The house is not big and is kept quite neatly. Opening the window, you are facing a crabapple tree.

The breeze blows gently, and the branches and leaves rustle. It adds a bit of elegance.

Bai Yu was very smart. Without waiting for Ling Jingshu's instructions, she retreated, closed the door, and stood about three or four meters outside the door. In this way, you can not only see the maids coming and going at any time, but also hear the sounds in the house.


"Why did you come to me specifically?" Ling Jingshu opened her mouth to break the silence.

It was a rare opportunity for Lu Qian to be alone with Ling Jingshu. Not only was he very excited and happy, he blurted out: "Cousin Shu, I have convinced my mother. She will soon propose marriage to her grandmother and fifth uncle."

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Lu Qian didn't seem to notice Ling Jingshu's stiff expression and continued: "You have already rejected your elder brother. He has no face to marry you again. From now on, when I marry you, I will treat you wholeheartedly. I am now I am twelve years old. You have been patiently waiting for me for a few years. When I become an adult, I will marry you immediately..."

"Lu Qian! Do you know what you are talking about?"

Ling Jingshu couldn't listen anymore and quickly interrupted Lu Qian. The uneasiness in my heart became more intense, and my expression was full of vigilance and vigilance: "We are cousins, that's all. I have never had any other thoughts about you..."

"I know you don't like me enough now." Lu Qian stared directly at Ling Jingshu, his eyes shining with blazing light: "But, that doesn't matter. After the two of us are engaged, we will have more time to slowly cultivate our relationship. ”

That childish face had a familiar and fanatical expression in his memory.

Ling Jingshu's heart was filled with turmoil.

No, this is not twelve-year-old Lu Qian!

This is clearly the young man from his previous life who was obsessed with his elder sister-in-law and had a twisted mind!

how so?

What went wrong? !

Lu Qian was in a surging mood and couldn't help but step forward: "Cousin Shu..."

"Lu Qian, stop!" Ling Jingshu's mind was in confusion, and her voice became sharp unconsciously: "Don't come over."

Lu Qian stopped obediently, and the burning eagerness in his eyes could no longer be concealed: "Don't be afraid, what happened in the past life will never happen again, I will protect you. No one will dare to bully you or hurt you anymore. I have begged My parents have agreed to our marriage. After we get engaged, I will marry you in a few years. My eldest brother will go to the capital, and I will stay in Jizhou and be with you forever... ..”

Ling Jingshu finally recovered from the shock: "Okay! Stop talking! Let me be quiet first."

Lu Qian finally stopped and looked at her with expectation and joy.


Ling Jingshu took a deep breath, calmed her chaotic heartbeat, and regained clarity of mind.

It turned out that she was not the only one to be reborn, Lu Qian was also reborn like her. These days, Lu Qian has been hiding so well that she has not noticed anything. She is so negligent...

Now is not the time to think about these things. The most important thing is to solve the huge trouble in front of us first.

Ling Jingshu composed herself, looked at Lu Qian, and asked directly: "Are you reborn too?"

Lu Qian replied neatly: "Yes."

...the expected answer. Ling Jingshu had mixed feelings in her heart, and she couldn't tell what it was like for a moment. She subconsciously asked, "When did you die?"

She was ordered to die by a secret decree, but because she refused to commit suicide, Ling personally strangled her to death. At that time, although Lu Qian was often sick, he was not in fear of his life.

Lu Qian thought of that painful and maddening memory, with a bit of bitterness in his expression, and replied in a low voice: "After you died, I didn't want to live anymore, so I committed suicide while the servants were not paying attention. I didn't expect to open my eyes." Just over half a month ago, I woke up on the boat."

Ling Jingshu remained silent.

Counting the days, Lu Qian was almost the same as her when he was reborn.

"Ah Shu, I'm sorry, I'm useless. I couldn't save you back then." Lu Qian changed his name to a more affectionate name, his eyes full of affection: "The two of us are reborn together. This must be God's gift and arrangement. Don't worry. , I will protect you from now on and will never let you suffer any injustice again.”

The childish face, with the eager and frantic expression, looks quite strange, even a little scary!

This face was one of the murderers that caused her nightmares in her previous life. If it weren't for his wishful love, if it weren't for his unabashed affection, Mrs. Ling wouldn't hate her to the core and use such dirty and insidious methods to deal with her...

Why did he think that she would still be willing to marry him and jump into the fire pit of the Lu family again?

"Lu Qian, I will not marry you." Ling Jingshu said word for word: "I have never liked you, whether in the past life or this life."

Lu Qian was rejected so bluntly and did not flinch: "Emotions can be cultivated slowly. I will not be as negative as Lu Hong. I will devote my whole life to you."

"These are just your wishful thinking." Ling Jingshu restrained all her emotions and looked cold: "But, I don't want to."

"Lu Qian, you have been pestering me all my life. You are the one who contributed most to the situation I ended up in. If it weren't for you, your mother wouldn't hate me like that. Even if Lu An has evil thoughts, she won't. How dare you shame me so blatantly and unscrupulously.”

"I will never have any affection for you in this life, let alone marry you. You should give up this idea as soon as possible."

The words "the credit is indispensable" deeply pierced Lu Qian's fragile chest, and his eyes showed pain and self-blame: "Ah Shu, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drag you down. I didn't expect that my mother would treat you like that." To do such a vicious thing..."

He never expected that his father, Lu An, was so lustful that he would do things that were worse than a beast.

Regret and guilt lingered in his heart day and night, torturing him to the point of death. However, he did not have the courage to save her, nor did he have the courage to resist Lu An and Ling. He can only give up and torture himself! He was already frail and sick, and one illness followed another. In just a few years, his body was exhausted.

On the day when the secret decree arrived at the Lu family, Mrs. Ling deliberately concealed the news and secretly executed Ling Jingshu. When he heard the bad news, he was heartbroken and almost collapsed. Mrs. Ling was afraid that he would commit suicide because of his uncontrollable thoughts, so she guarded him all day long. After a while, I relaxed a little. However, he is always surrounded by servants.

He endured it for several months, waiting until those around him relaxed their vigilance before he found the opportunity to jump into the water and die.

At the moment before his death, he felt no pain, only relief and relief.

Probably God heard his prayer before his death and made his dream come true. When he woke up on the boat and found himself reborn, he burst into tears of excitement. He secretly vowed in his heart that in this life, he would meet Ling Jingshu before Lu Hong did. He would marry her as his wife and protect and cherish her for the rest of his life.

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