Loyang Jin

Chapter 27 Lies

Lu Qian expressed his feelings affectionately.

Ling Jingshu was not moved: "Don't say anything anymore. What I want to say has been made very clear just now. In this life, I don't want to have anything to do with the Lu family, and I will never marry into the Lu family. "

Lu Qian pursed his lips and whispered: "My mother will soon propose marriage to my grandmother and fifth uncle. As long as they all nod in agreement, the marriage will be settled..."

Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed with anger and she sneered: "Lu Qian, you are always like this! Paranoid and stubborn. Like a child who will never grow up, always crying for things that are not his. Just care Whether you want it or not, you never care whether others want it or not. Even if you live like this again, you still can’t change this problem.”

"I don't want to see you again, get out of here now!"

Lu Qian's face lost all color, and his eyes showed sadness and pain, but he still refused to give up. He suddenly said: "Ah Shu, you were killed so miserably in your previous life, don't you want to take revenge?"

Ling Jingshu's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Lu Qian suddenly, her eyes full of wariness and hostility: "Are you going to tell the Lu family everything?"

"A Shu, you misunderstood me." Lu Qian immediately explained: "This is your biggest secret, and it is also mine. I swear to you that I will never tell anyone in this life, especially the Lu family."

She would never trust anyone's oath again.

Ling Jingshu's eyes showed a sarcastic sneer: "Really? Even if I want to kill Lu An and his wife in revenge in the future, you will not say anything?"

Lu Qian's eyes shone with eager and crazy light: "Yes, as long as you marry me. I will never say anything, and I will do my best to help you."

"I know you hate the Lu family and you want to kill them. But you are just a weak woman with no strength. If you want revenge, you can only have a chance by remarrying to the Lu family. My eldest brother was ungrateful in his previous life. You I hate him in my heart and never want to be married to him again. I am your true lover and destination.”

"Ashu, just marry me!"

...This Lu Qian is really crazy!

Ling Jingshu took a breath and looked at Lu Qian like a madman: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

No matter how sinister and vicious Lu An and Ling are, they are also Lu Qian's biological parents. He didn't even care about the love of childbirth and the kindness of raising her, and he kept saying that he would help her avenge her!

In the past, he was just a willful, stubborn and inconsiderate child. Now it's twisted, crazy, and chilling.

Lu Qian looked at Ling Jingshu's stunned face in disbelief. Instead of being angry, he laughed: "Of course I know what I'm talking about. Ah Shu, I was too weak and useless in my last life. I didn't have the courage to save you. I watched helplessly. You were humiliated. The moment I died, I swore to myself that if there was another life, I would never be as cowardly as before, and I would help you get revenge!"

"In the future, when my eldest brother goes to the capital, he will be chosen as the consort by Princess Changping, and he will never return to Jizhou. The position of the head of the Lu family will naturally be mine. I can secretly poison my father and mother when they are not prepared. Two. By that time, the Lu family will become our world. Ah Shu, I will repay you double for all the humiliation you have suffered in the past."

His smile was as innocent as a child's, but his words were ruthless and cruel.

The more Lu Qian said this, the more determined Ling Jingshu was in rejecting him.

However, it was useless to refuse Lu Qian blindly. He is so paranoid that he simply cannot listen to what he doesn't want to hear. If she wants to refuse this marriage, she can start from Mrs. Ling and Fifth Master Ling. As long as the marriage is not settled, Lu Qian's wishful thinking is useless...

Ling Jingshu was thinking about lightning and deliberately softened her expression: "I really didn't expect what you said today. Give me a few days to think about it."

The slight looseness in his tone made Lu Qian uncontrollably excited, and his fair face flushed with excitement: "Okay, okay, it doesn't matter if you think about it for a few more days."

Ling Jingshu softened her voice again: "Until I think about it clearly, please don't let my aunt propose marriage, okay? You have to live in the Ling family for a while, so there is no rush in these few days."

This kind of tenderness was what Lu Qian had dreamed of dreaming about in his previous life. Knowing that Ling Jingshu was deliberately delaying the offer, Lu Qian still found it hard to refuse and nodded in agreement without thinking.

Ling Jingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


What needs to be said has been said, and it's time for Lu Qian to leave.

But time alone was so rare that Lu Qian couldn't bear to leave, so he quickly found a topic: "A Shu, when were you reborn?"

Ling Jingshu responded casually: "About the same time as you."

It was indeed a marriage destined by God. Otherwise, how could they both wake up and be reborn at the same time?

Lu Qian's heart was filled with joy and his eyes were shining: "You didn't show any flaws, did you?"

Ling Jingshu didn't want to continue this conversation and asked instead, "After you were reborn, did the Lu family notice anything strange?"

"No." Lu Qian replied confidently: "I have always been very careful and have never shown any clues in front of my elder brother. He has never had the slightest suspicion of me."

Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed and she asked coldly: "He knows about your proposed marriage and doesn't have any suspicion about you?"

Lu Qian smiled.

There is no doubt, but separation between brothers is inevitable...

Ling Jingshu stared at Lu Qian, not missing the subtle changes in Lu Qian's expression: "Lu An and his wife originally planned to propose marriage for him. Before that, I rejected him sharply. With his pride, he will not do it again. You asked me to marry you shamelessly. So, when Lu An proposed marriage to Ling, he must have refused. Then, you suddenly stepped forward and asked Ling to propose marriage to you. I was right. !”

It was as if I had seen it with my own eyes, and I could describe the situation exactly as I saw it with my own eyes.

Lu Qian was shocked, as if he was seeing Ling Jingshu for the first time.

In my memory, Ling Jingshu was beautiful, talented, and gentle as water. He was simply attracted by her beauty and gentleness, and he could no longer tolerate anyone else in his eyes and heart. After seeing Ling Jingshu again after his rebirth, he had been immersed in the surprise and excitement of the reunion. It wasn't until this moment that he was shocked to realize the change in Ling Jingshu.

Sometimes gentle (when facing Ling Xiao), sometimes as cold as ice (when facing him and Lu Hong). The intelligence at this time is sharp and sharp, which is even more shocking.

Ling Jingshu twitched her lips and asked lightly: "You are only twelve years old, and you are still a puzzled child in Lu Hong's eyes. You suddenly said that you want to marry me. How can Lu Hong not be suspicious? Maybe, he I have been secretly observing your every move, and I have long been suspicious. "

Lu Qian took a deep look at Ling Jingshu: "You know his temperament very well."

How could she not understand Lu Hong, the lover she fell in love with in her previous life and the husband she had shared the same bed with for two years?

She sternly rejected him and vomited because of his touch. With Lu Hong's self-esteem and pride, he would no longer have the audacity to think of marrying her. Everything was planned, except for Lu Qian's "accident".

Wanting to dispel Lu Qian's obsession is not as simple as dealing with Lu Hong.

Ling Jingshu said calmly: "He and I were once husband and wife, and we had a time of mutual love. I understand his temperament, which is not unusual. In this life, I will never marry him again. But, I will never marry him again. I like another man.”

Lu Qian: "..."

The last words were like a sharp arrow, stabbing him hard in the chest. There was no blood, but the pain was heartbreaking.

Ling Jingshu raised her eyes and looked at Lu Qian: "Lu Qian, I have something important to ask you. You must tell me the truth."

Lu Qian felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on his face: "Okay, as long as I know everything, I will tell you everything."

"I want to ask you, did Lu Hong really never write a letter to me in his previous life, nor did he have anyone bring me a message? Did he just abandon his wife and son without saying a word?"

This question has been holding in her heart for several years, and it has always been a problem in her throat. Even if she will never be emotionally involved with Lu Hong again in this life, she still wants to find out about this matter: "Is there something else going on in his love affair?"

Lu Qian's pupils shrank sharply, and he blurted out without thinking: "No!"

Ling Jingshu, who was staring closely at his face, did not miss this strange thing, and her heart suddenly sank.

Lu Qian lied!

If there really was no inside story, if Lu Qian had no knowledge of it, his first reaction when hearing such a question would be "I don't know", not "no".

What is he hiding?

"Lu Qian, you just promised me that you would know everything and tell me everything. Are you going to regret it so soon?" Ling Jingshu's face turned cold and her tone was full of sarcasm: "You also claimed that you wanted to marry me and you would treat me forever. Okay. It’s all lies!”

Lu Qian secretly clenched his fists, panic flashed in his heart, but he said: "I didn't lie to you. The eldest brother and Princess Changping have the same affection, and they are in love with each other. I feel guilty for you in my heart, and I have no shame in writing back. No one has ever given you a message. It’s him who has let down your affection!”

Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed with anger, and her voice became colder and sharper: "You are lying! You clearly knew the inside story and deliberately deceived me. Do you think I am still the gentle, kind, weak and bully Ling Jingshu in my previous life? Lu Qian, if you don't If you plan to tell the truth, get out of here now and don’t show up in front of me again!”

Lu Qian didn't expect Ling Jingshu to be so sharp, let alone that she would get so angry, and couldn't help feeling flustered. Subconsciously, she stepped forward and took Ling Jingshu's hand: "Ah Shu, listen to me..."


Recently, book friends have had a lot of opinions, and they all expressed that they don’t like the Lu family~

It seems that the image of the Lu family has been successfully created o(╯□╰)o

The main battlefield of this article is in Luoyang, so the map will be changed soon, so please be patient~

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