Loyang Jin

Chapter 28 Strange Disease

The moment Lu Qian's hand touched Ling Jingshu's finger, Ling Jingshu's face turned pale, her stomach spasmed violently and her whole body was shaking.

Then, Ling Jingshu took a few steps back, bent over and vomited out.

Lu Qian was frightened by Ling Jingshu's fierce reaction. Without thinking, he stepped forward and held Ling Jingshu's arm: "Ah Shu, what's wrong with you..."

Unexpectedly, Ling Jingshu pushed him away violently. The force was so great that it caught people off guard.

Lu Qian, who was small and frail, staggered a few steps and bumped into the table. The vase beside the table shook and fell to the ground with a clang.

Bai Yu, who was outside the door, heard a strange noise in the room, her expression changed, she quickly walked to the door and opened it.

Ling Jingshu was still bent over and vomiting in pain.

Lu Qian was leaning against the table, with broken vase fragments at his feet, and his face was strangely pale.

Bai Yu's heart sank, and she walked quickly to Ling Jingshu, held her arm, and asked anxiously: "Miss, why did you vomit again?"


Lu Qian heard this word with sharp ears and frowned: "Bai Yu, what do you mean? Ah Shu has vomited like this before?"

Bai Yu was busy taking care of Ling Jingshu, and had no time to notice that Lu Qian suddenly changed his nickname, and responded without looking back: "Yes, Master Lu came here a few days ago and talked to the lady alone. I don't know what he said. The lady became nauseated and vomited."

Lu Qian: "..."

No wonder Lu Hong refused to tell the story no matter how much he asked. It turns out that there is another reason for this!

No wonder Lu Hong reluctantly refused when Mrs. Ling mentioned marriage.

Ling Jingshu's violent reaction was undoubtedly a great humiliation for the man. Even he, who was heartbroken, felt bitter in his heart when he looked at Ling Jingshu's appearance at this moment...

Ling Jingshu leaned on Bai Yu's body, her face was pale, and she closed her eyes slightly: "Lu Qian, you go first! Don't forget what you promised me."

Lu Qian hummed lowly, glanced at Ling Jingshu with a complicated expression, and finally left.


Bai Yu helped Ling Jingshu back to the house to rest, and then told Hemerocallis: "Go to the west wing and clean up the floor. Remember to go there quietly and be smart." After a pause, he warned again: "No matter what you see, don't look at it. If you’re surprised, don’t tell anyone.”

Hemerocallis responded obediently and quickly retreated.

Bai Yu was worried about Ling Jingshu and gently pushed the door open and entered.

Ling Jingshu, who was originally lying on the bed, sat upright at some point. She had calmed down, and her pretty pale face gradually gained color.

Bai Yu sat beside the bed and asked with concern: "Miss, how are you feeling now?" While speaking, he reached out to support Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu lowered her head and looked at Bai Yu's hand intently, with a wry smile flashing in her eyes.

I see!

When Bai Yu and Ling Xiao touched her, there was nothing wrong with her. Ling Jingyan, Mrs. Ling and even Mrs. Ling touched her hand, but she was fine. But when Lu Hong and Lu Qian touched her fingers, she felt nauseated and vomited on the spot...

And that day, just being near Lu An made me feel stiff and sick in my heart.

The man's face flashed in his mind again, Ling Wuye, Ling Ting... and the servants and guards in the mansion... Thinking of them, the stomach that had calmed down began to churn again.

There are all kinds of obvious facts that people cannot ignore or deceive themselves.

Except for her younger brother Ling Xiao, she cannot bear to be touched by any man.

What kind of strange disease is this?

Bai Yu suppressed the doubts in her heart and said softly: "Miss, you have a good rest first. Only the slave and Hemerocallis know what happened today. The slave has already told Hemerocallis to keep it a secret and not to tell the matter."

Ling Jingshu hummed,

Bai Yu thought for a while and asked cautiously: "Miss, should I ask a doctor to take a look?"

In just a few days, I vomited twice for no apparent reason. No matter how much I thought about it, I felt something was wrong. I couldn’t let it go on like this!

"No need to call a doctor." Ling Jingshu composed herself and said thoughtfully: "I know what's wrong with me. Moreover, this is not a bad thing for me, but a good thing."

Bai Yu: "..."

What on earth is the lady talking about? Why couldn't she understand anything?

Ling Jingshu took a deep breath and smiled at Bai Yu: "Bai Yu, please step aside first. I want to be alone for a while."

Although Bai Yu was worried, she would never question her master's orders, so she nodded in agreement and then retreated.

After Bai Yu left, the room became completely silent. Ling Jingshu sat on the bedside, frowning and thinking for a long time, and finally relaxed her brows and made up her mind.

It can't be delayed any longer!

She wanted to solve Lu Qian's problem as soon as possible and lead Ling Xiao out of Dingzhou as soon as possible.


Lu Qian returned to the house, and when he opened the door, he saw Lu Hong was also there. He was not surprised at all and called him "big brother" lightly.

Lu Hong responded and did not rush to ask. His eyes fell firmly on Lu Qian's face, not missing the slightest change on his face.

Lu Qian's slightly immature face was expressionless and allowed Lu Hong to look at him.

"Have you told cousin Shu?" Lu Hong finally asked.

Lu Qian nodded.

Lu Hong suddenly felt his throat was a little dry and struggled to squeeze out a few words: "She...she promised you?"

Lu Qian smiled and said, "Girls are reserved and shy. She didn't agree and said she would think about it for a few days before giving me a reply."

Ling Jingshu didn't even reject him outright, how many more days would she have to think about it? Lu Hong felt sour and bitter in his heart as if he had drank old vinegar that had gone bad and turned bitter. The smile on Lu Qian's face was also particularly dazzling.

Lu Hong felt depressed and uncomfortable, and couldn't help but stab Lu Qian with his words: "Don't be too happy too early. Maybe cousin Shu saw that you were young and couldn't bear to reject you directly, so she said tactfully. Think about it for a few days.”

As expected, Lu Qian's expression changed slightly, and soon returned to normal: "Ah Shu looks gentle, but she is actually the most decisive. If she is really reluctant, she will not care about anything else and will reject me on the spot. This point , Big brother should know better than anyone else.”

Lu Hong: "..."

Lu Hong's complexion turned red and white, and his eyes dimmed. The heartbreaking and embarrassing scene reappeared in his mind...

Lu Qian looked at Lu Hong's dejected look and felt happy in his heart.

If there was anyone he hated most in the world, it would be Lu Hong.

In the previous life, Lu Hong and Ling Jingshu fell in love with each other at first sight, got engaged smoothly, and then married Ling Jingshu with great grace. The young couple are inseparable, sweet and loving, and everyone praises them.

No one knew that he had been in love with Ling Jingshu since he was twelve years old. Even if she becomes his sister-in-law, he can't let go of this obsession. The more affectionate Lu Hong and Ling Jingshu are, the stronger his jealousy towards Lu Hong becomes.

Because of this, later on, he knew clearly that Lu Hong was under house arrest in the capital and his letters had been blocked. He knew that Ling Jingshu was waiting for Lu Hong's return in sadness, pain and despair, but he was still cruel and did not tell the truth. she.

When Ling Jingshu completely gives up on Lu Hong, she will open her heart to him and accept him! At that time, he never expected that Mrs. Ling would use such cruel methods to deal with her, nor did he expect that the sanctimonious Lu An would be so shameless and seduced his daughter-in-law...

Lu Qian didn't want to think about this painful past, so he calmed down and said, "If there is nothing else, please go back to the house and rest first! I am also tired today."

Lu Hong did not leave, however. He looked at Lu Qian deeply and suddenly said: "Second brother, you seem to be different from before." It was obviously still the familiar face, and there was no change in his speech, behavior, standing, sitting or lying down. . But there seemed to be many subtle and unspeakable changes.

Lu Qian's heart beat two beats faster, but his face didn't reveal it: "How could eldest brother say that? How am I different from before?"

That’s the look!

Calm and composed, seemingly innocent, but with a deep and inexplicable light shining in his eyes,

This is not the expression a twelve-year-old boy would have at all.

Lu Hong was secretly frightened and stared at Lu Qian closely: "I can't tell what is different at the moment. But I just feel that you have been a little weird since you woke up on the boat that day."

Lu Qian's heart beat wildly uncontrollably.

He always felt that his cover was so perfect that no one could notice anything strange about him. Unexpectedly, Lu Hong noticed... No, Lu Hong was just suspicious. He must not get flustered and lose his position.

Lu Qian pretended to be dissatisfied and sneered: "Brother, are you jealous of me because of Ah Shu's matter, so you said these nonsense to discredit me?"

Lu Hong choked for a moment and explained in a somewhat embarrassed manner: "Second brother, you misunderstood. I never meant to hate you. I just feel that you seem to be different compared to before."

"Yes, I have indeed changed a lot." Lu Qian simply admitted: "I was still a child before and didn't understand anything. Now that I have a woman I like, I want to marry Ah Shu, so of course I have to make some changes. . What’s so surprising about this?”

A Shu said one word at a time, and her tone was extremely intimate.

Lu Hong was speechless, and after a while he forced out an ugly smile: "I'm sorry, I'm too worried. Don't take it to heart. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back first."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

He was walking in a hurry, clearly running away.

The winner, Lu Qian, had no smile on his face and stared at Lu Hong's back with a gloomy expression.



Double updates will start next Monday and will last until February 1st. After being put on the shelves, there will be two updates every day. Dear readers, don’t worry, I am actively saving articles and preparing for the next two consecutive updates~O(∩_∩)O~

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