Loyang Jin

Chapter 29 Persuasion 1

Ling Wuye had a lot of social activities. He accepted invitations and went out every day, either to meet friends with wine or literature. He and a group of rich and leisure celebrities went to the brothel to paint a boat or go to the pear garden. He stayed there until midnight every day. It’s not unusual to stay up all night when you come back.

Although they are biological father and daughter, Ling Jingshu and Ling Wuye are not close. There are times when we don’t see each other for several days. Even if they met, they wouldn't be able to exchange a few words.

In the past few days, because of Mrs. Ling's birthday party, Fifth Master Ling rarely stayed in the house honestly and peacefully for a few days. Every morning he led his wife and children to the Lama Temple, and at noon he drank and chatted with his brother and brother-in-law who rarely returned. Sometimes when the mood strikes, Lu An will be invited to the study to play chess.

Ling Wuye is good at playing chess, and Lu An is also a master at chess. The two of them are matched against each other in chess, and they are quite compatible with each other.

"I lost!" Ling Wuye hesitated for a long time with the black pieces, and finally gave in helplessly: "My brother-in-law's chess skills are really superb, I am willing to lose."

Lu An smiled and messed up the chessboard: "The fifth uncle and brother made a concession, and I was lucky enough to win this game." Seeing that Ling Wuye was still unfinished, he said with a smile: "It's still early, why don't we try again How about a chat?”

Ling Wuye nodded happily: "That's fine."

Just as he was about to rearrange the chessboard, a boy came in and reported: "Master, the lady is here. She said she has something important to see the master."

Fifth Master Ling was a little surprised.

Ling Jingshu rarely came to him on weekdays. In his impression, this daughter had always been docile, quiet and obedient. Since I took the initiative to come today, I think something really important happened.

A girl raised in a boudoir usually does not see outsiders. However, Lu An is his biological uncle, so there is no need to avoid suspicion.

Ling Wuye opened his mouth and said: "Let her come in!"

The waiter responded and quickly left. After a while, Ling Jingshu opened the door and entered the study.

Ling Jingshu didn't expect Lu An to be there. She frowned slightly, then quickly returned to normal. She stepped forward with a calm expression and bowed, "I've met my father, and I've met my uncle."

"We are all members of our own family, so there is no need to be so polite." Lu An said with a pleasant smile.

Although Lu An is over thirty years old, he is handsome, suave and personable, exuding the grace and charm of a mature man in his every move. The handsome Ling Wuye, who was known as the number one celebrity in Dingzhou, actually looked a little inferior when he sat next to Lu An.

Ling Jingshu thanked her and stood up, her expression showing no difference.

Ling Wuye was in a good mood today and asked with a smile: "Ah Shu, you came to me specially and said you have something important. What is it?"

Ling Jingshu said nothing, and there was a little embarrassment and hesitation in her autumn-like eyes.

Facing such a pair of talking eyes, even if Lu An was a little unhappy, he immediately dissipated and stood up with a smile: "I suddenly remembered that there is something else, so I need to take the first step."


After Lu An left, the smile on Fifth Master Ling's face also disappeared, and he said slightly unhappily: "What is it that even your uncle can't listen to?"

Ling Jingshu had long since lost any hope or desire to be close to her biological father, who had a cold nature, and hearing such chilling words just felt ridiculous.

However, she had something more important to do here this time, and she had to get Master Ling Wu's approval and support, so as not to make fun of her.

Ling Jingshu responded calmly: "Yes, what my daughter is about to say is very important and can only be known to her father. Even if my mother is here, I will not say it."

Ling Jingshu spoke so seriously that Fifth Master Ling became more cautious: "There are only two of us, father and daughter, in this study. No one will break in without my instructions. If you have anything to say, just say it That’s it.”

Ling Jingshu took a step forward and suddenly knelt down: "My daughter has something very important to ask of me, and I hope my father will agree."

Fifth Master Ling was stunned and became more and more confused: "What on earth is going on? If you have something to say, stand up and say it. There is no need to kneel down."

No matter how indifferent she is on weekdays, she is still her only biological daughter. Seeing her kneeling on the cold ground like this, Master Ling felt a twinge of distress in his heart.

Ling Jingshu had no intention of kneeling for a long time, so she stood up and explained her purpose: "Father, I came to you today because of Ah Xiao's illness."

"When he was eight years old, he accidentally fell and hit his head and fell into a coma. When he woke up, he could no longer see. He was originally smart and clever, and was extremely talented in reading. After he became blind, everything was over. He couldn't If I continue to study and take the imperial examinations, I will not be able to take care of myself, and I don’t want to stay in the inner house like this every day..."

There is no need to deliberately sensationalize, Ling Jingshu's eyes became moist as she spoke.

Listening to these words, Ling Wuye felt uncomfortable in his heart. He sighed and said: "Ah Shu, you and Ah Xiao are twins, and their relationship is much closer than others. You certainly feel sorry for him. I am a father. Yes, don’t you feel sorry for him? So many doctors have been called in over the years, but they haven’t been able to cure his eyes. This is his fate!”

"No, I don't accept this fate."

Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed with water, and her voice was full of determination: "In the past, all the doctors we invited were from Dingzhou City. The medical skills may not be very good. Most of the real Xinglin experts are in the Taiyuan Hospital in the capital. I heard cousin Yan say "Yes, there is a doctor named Wei in the Imperial Hospital. He is very skilled in treating difficult and complicated diseases. Maybe he can cure A Xiao's eyes. I want to take A Xiao to the capital."

Ling Wuye frowned and said in a deep voice: "No! Let's not talk about whether the Imperial Physician Wei is willing to diagnose and treat Ah Xiao, nor whether he can cure it. You are a boudoir girl who has never traveled far, and the capital is far away. Far away. I really can’t worry about you taking Ah Xiao to the capital.”

"Father is right to be worried. It is indeed inconvenient for me to accompany A Xiao to the capital alone."

Ling Jingshu was prepared and immediately took over the conversation: "Fortunately, the uncle's family is back. They will return to the capital soon. A Xiao and I will just follow them. When we get to the capital, we will stay at the uncle's house for a while. , and then wait for an opportunity to go to Huichun Hall and ask Dr. Wei to treat A Xiao. "

"There are many famous doctors in the capital. If Mrs. Wei cannot be cured, I will look for other famous doctors. In short, as long as there is a glimmer of hope that A Xiao can be cured, I will not give up."

Ling Jingshu looked at Ling Wuye, her eyes full of pleading: "Father, I am not impulsive. I have thought about it carefully. The worst result of going to the capital is that Ah Xiao's eyes cannot be cured and are the same as now. . But if a famous doctor really can cure Ah Xiao's eyes, he can continue to study and take the imperial examination to gain a good reputation, and strive for a good future for himself, and also for our Ling family to shine. "

"Please ask the father to grant his daughter's request."

Ling Wuye's frown slowly relaxed: "It's rare that you are so careful and considerate, and you think about Ah Xiao wholeheartedly. If I, a father, don't agree, it would be unkind."

Ling Jingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, with joy in her eyes: "Thank you, father."

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long term." Ling Wuye pondered for a moment and said: "We will stay in the capital for at least a few months. Living in your uncle's house is safe and convenient. However, there will inevitably be a lot of troubles. I have to go and tell them in person. Also, I need to bring more money to protect myself when traveling. It will also cost more to seek medical treatment for A Xiao. yes."

Ling Jingshu immediately responded: "My uncle, please go to my father's side in person. Let me go to my grandma's side!"

After a pause, he whispered again: "Father, my daughter has something else to ask of you. Don't tell anyone that A Xiao and I are going to the capital for the time being. Even my mother and eldest brother, don't tell it for the time being."

What does this mean?

Ling Wuye frowned again reflexively: "Why do you want to hide this news?"

Ling Jingshu was silent for a moment and then said in a low voice: "Father, you feel sorry for Ah Xiao, and you are happy to see that his eyes can be cured. But there are many people in this house and many thoughts, and not everyone may think so. If the news spreads, Come on, I'm afraid something else will happen."

Ling Wuye's expression changed: "What do you mean by this? Are you doubting your mother and your brother?"

Faced with Ling Wuye's aggressive anger, Ling Jingshu looked calm: "Please calm down, father. I don't want to doubt anyone, I just don't want to cause trouble, and I don't want to take any risks."

Without waiting for Ling Wuye to speak, he said calmly: "If father doesn't believe me, you might as well wait and announce this before Ah Xiao and I leave to see how the people around us react. Everything will be fine." Clear."

Fifth Master Ling was choked and speechless.

Thinking of the considerate, gentle and attentive Mrs. Ling, Fifth Master Ling did not believe that she would do anything detrimental to Ling Xiao. But when Ling Jingshu said it so definitely, it didn't sound like she was joking...

Ling Wuye thought about it and finally made up his mind: "Forget it, I won't tell anyone about this before you leave. You should rest assured."

Ling Jingshu convinced Fifth Master Ling, she breathed a sigh of relief and raised the corners of her lips: "Thank you, father."

After solving this matter, there was still an even more troublesome one waiting for her.



Ah Shu's counterattack has officially begun~O(∩_∩)O~

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