Loyang Jin

Chapter 30 Persuasion 2

The father and daughter finished talking about the business, but they didn't know what to say for a moment. They looked at each other in silence, feeling a little inexplicable embarrassment.

Fifth Master Ling coughed and broke the silence: "Ah Shu, you are fourteen this year, right?"

This age is the time to talk about marriage. Ling's probing words that day were still in his ears. Fifth Master Ling thought about it carefully behind his back, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a good marriage.

Ling Jingshu understood the implication of Ling Wuye's words and immediately responded: "Father, what I am thinking about right now is to cure A Xiao's disease, and I have no intention of thinking about anything else. The big things in life will have to wait until A Xiao and I get together." Let’s talk about it after we get back to the capital!”

Looking at Ling Jingshu, who looked calm and composed, Ling Wuye felt a strange feeling in his heart.

A young girl waiting to be married shouldn't be shy and want to talk when it comes to marriage, shouldn't she? Ling Jingshu is too calm and calm...

Ling Jingshu raised her eyes, and there was a hint of pleading in her beautiful and bright eyes: "This is a matter related to my lifelong happiness. My daughter begs her father, no matter who mentions the marriage to her father, don't agree easily and wait until I come back before making a decision. ”

Although it is said that children must obey the orders of their parents when it comes to marriage. However, parents who love their children should always ask their children what they think before making a decision. Ling Jingshu's request didn't sound too excessive. Ling Wuye thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

At this time, Fifth Master Ling would never have thought that Ling Jingshu had led Ling Xiao to leave Dingzhou for the capital, with the intention of never returning.

As he was talking, there was a knock on the door.

Fifth Master Ling never liked being disturbed in the study, so he asked in a deep voice: "Who is it?"

Li's smiling voice sounded outside the door: "Master, it's my concubine and Ah Hu."

It's Li's mother and son who are here.

Ling Wuye's expression suddenly softened a bit, and he ordered Ling Jingshu to open the door.


When Mrs. Li saw Ling Jingshu coming to open the door, she was not surprised. She smiled and called out, "So Sister Shu is here too. She didn't even let anyone know when she was here."

He clearly knew she was coming, so he deliberately led Ling Huo to disrupt the situation. Over the years, Li Shi took the greatest credit for the alienation and indifference between her and Fifth Master Ling.

Ling Jingshu twitched her lips and replied, "I wanted to have some private words with my father, so I came here quietly. I didn't expect to alert my mother."

Li was choked and secretly annoyed. However, she would never break up with Ling Jingshu in front of Fifth Master Ling. This is also the brilliance of Li.

Li immediately changed the subject and said to Mr. Ling Wu with a smile: "Because of the old lady's birthday, the family school has a seven-day holiday. However, Aju didn't want to be idle all day, and made a fuss about studying early in the morning. I thought, since the master has nothing to do in the house, it would be better to bring Ah Huan and teach him how to read and calligraphy in person. "

Although Ling Huo was young, he inherited Li's cleverness and well-behavedness. He stepped forward seriously and bowed to Lord Ling Wu: "Please give me more advice, father."

A six-year-old child doing such an adult thing is both cute and endearing. What's more, Ling Huan is the youngest son of Lord Ling. Men generally have strict requirements for their eldest sons, but they are always more doting on their younger sons.

Ling Wuye laughed dumbly and agreed without thinking.

Li's eyes flashed with joy and pride, and she glanced at Ling Jingshu intentionally or unintentionally.

So what if Ling Xiao was smart back then? Now that he is blind, he is nothing but a cripple. Even though Fifth Master Ling felt some pity for Ling Xiao, he loved his youngest son the most.

Ling Jingshu sneered secretly in her heart.

Let Mr. Li be proud for now. Soon she will make Mr. Li taste the pain that makes him want to die.


Mrs. Ling originally stayed in Yonghe Hall. Since Lu An came, she had to take care of her husband's daily life, so the time she spent in Yonghe Hall has been greatly reduced. However, Mrs. Ling never lacks people to accompany her. Sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, and granddaughters all competed to serve Mrs. Ling.

Today, Mrs. Yue came with Ling Jingxian.

Mrs. Yue complained with red eyes and aggrieved face: "...the second master brought his concubine and concubine back, but the daughter-in-law did not treat her harshly. However, after saying a few words yesterday, the second master became unhappy and shouted at his daughter-in-law. She had a bad temper. Sister Xian was eager to protect her mother, and she contradicted the second master. In anger, the second master actually beat Sister Xian. Poor Sister Xian had not seen her father for several years, and she was looking forward to his return day and night. Who would have thought that it would be like this when we met, and my mother-in-law would have to make the decision for us mother and daughter..."

As he said this, he covered his face with a handkerchief and cried.

Ling Jingxian's eyes were also red, and she called her grandmother with choked sobs.

Looking carefully, there is indeed some redness and swelling on the delicate and pretty face. It can be seen that Master Ling used a lot of effort in anger.

Mrs. Ling didn't want to ask about what was going on in her concubine's room.

Mrs. Yue was jealous and sarcastic in her words. When she saw that Mr. Ling had brought back his concubine and his concubine, he became very upset. If Mr. Ling hadn't been so angry, he wouldn't have lost his temper like that.

However, Ling Jingxian's face, with finger marks still on her face and mottled with tears, was really pitiful.

Old Mrs. Ling sighed and comforted: "Okay, mother and daughter, please stop crying. When the second child comes tomorrow, I will say a few words to him. No matter how angry I am, I shouldn't vent it on Sister Xian. The girl has the tenderest skin, how can she withstand such a strong hand?"

Mrs. Yue wiped her tears with a handkerchief and thanked her.

Ling Jingxian begged: "Grandma, my father treated my mother and I indifferently because we were together less and separated more. In a few days, my father will leave Dingzhou. Please ask my grandmother to let us, mother and daughter, go with him... ..."

"Shut up!" Mr. Yue interrupted Ling Jingxian hurriedly: "It's all nonsense. If we all followed your father and left, wouldn't we be unable to fulfill our filial piety by your grandmother's side? Never say this again. ”

Ling Jingxian was too aggrieved to say anything.

Mrs. Yue looked at Mrs. Ling apologetically again: "Sister Xian is still young, and her words are often inappropriate. Mother-in-law, don't take it to heart."

Old Mrs. Ling has lived for seventy years and has already matured. How could she not see this little trick played by the Yue family and her daughter? She said calmly: "What Sister Xian said makes sense. After all, the husband and wife live in the same place. It’s a long-term plan. I’ll have a good talk with my second son tomorrow and ask him to take you two to take office together.”

Mrs. Yue was overjoyed and said, "How can this be done? The second master has been traveling away from home all the time, so my daughter-in-law should be the second master to stay in the old house and serve you. If you say you want to leave, the second master will be the first to be unhappy."

Ling Jingxian lost no time and muttered in a low voice: "Mom, didn't my eldest aunt stay in the old house too?"

The sound was not loud, just enough for Mrs. Ling to hear.

Mrs. Ling felt a little unhappy. Listening to these words, it would be strange if they had not been discussed before. It seems that Mrs. Yue has had this idea for a long time.

Fortunately, the Yue family had the nerve to compete with their eldest son.

Uncle Ling is a serious fourth-grade official. He has been in the capital for many years and has bought a mansion and residence, which can be regarded as taking root. He is busy with official duties on weekdays, and it is indispensable for Sun to come forward when communicating with various governments.

Fourth Master Ling is just a mere county magistrate, and it is enough that he has concubines to serve him. It is only right for Yue, a legitimate wife, to stay in the old house and serve her mother-in-law.

If Mrs. Yue really wanted to leave, she could have said it clearly. Mrs. Ling was not happy and would not stop her. It makes people feel unhappy that Mr. Yue is playing tricks like this.

Mrs. Ling's face darkened, and there was a hint of coldness in her voice: "It's human nature for you mother and daughter to want to go with the second son, and I have no intention of stopping you. What's the point of bringing up the eldest brother? What if you say this? If word gets out, won't it make people think that I, an old woman, have treated your second wife harshly in the past few years? "

Mrs. Ling, who had been in charge of the family for many years and was very dignified, had a straight face and no smile at all. The Yue family and their daughter suddenly felt terrified.

Mrs. Yue and Ling Jingxian opened their mouths in unison: "Mother-in-law (grandmother), please calm down..."

Old Mrs. Ling was not in the mood to listen to their mother and daughter's nagging, and waved her hands impatiently: "I'm a little tired, you two should leave first!"

Yue had no choice but to lead Ling Jingxian to leave. Before the two of them walked out of the inner hall, Mo Kui came in with a smile and reported: "Old lady, Miss Ninth has something to ask for."

Mrs. Ling, who said she was "a little tired", immediately said: "Let Sister Shu come in quickly."

Yue's mother and daughter: "..."

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