Loyang Jin

Chapter 302 Falling from the Horse 1

The emperor's oral instructions quickly spread throughout the palace.

Queen Xu is seriously ill and cannot see people. She has to stay in confinement to rest!

The palace affairs in the palace are presided over by Concubine Li Shu and Wei Jieyu.

The concubines, maids, and chamberlains in the palace all knew that there was something fishy about Queen Xu's "urgent illness." However, since the emperor has made such a conclusion, naturally no one dares to inquire into the root cause without knowledge.

Queen Xu "fell ill" and no one was allowed in or out of the Jiaofang Palace to visit. The people taking care of the palace affairs are Concubine Li Shu and Wei Jieyu. They are quick-thinking and have already begun to walk around the two palaces.

Concubine Li Shu was Prince An's biological mother. She was several years older than Empress Xu and had long since lost favor. However, by virtue of her contribution to giving birth to a prince, she firmly occupied a place in the palace.

Not to mention Wei Jieyu. Although her position is not high, she has always been favored by the emperor. Princess Anya was born again, and she became the first among the concubines in the harem.

The emperor ordered Concubine Li Shu and Wei Jieyu to jointly preside over palace affairs. On the surface, it seems that Concubine Li Shu is the chief guard and Jieyu is the deputy. However, between Concubine Li Shu, who had lost her grace in age and beauty, and Wei Jieyu, who was young and beautiful and in her prime, everyone knew who to follow.

As a result, Lingbo Hall quickly became lively.

Even Beauty Wang, who used to always compete with Wei Jieyu, now has a flattering face and goes to Lingbo Palace to get close to Wei Jieyu all day long.

Wei Jieyu was of a quiet nature and did not like to go out of the palace, let alone chatting with the concubines. Nowadays, I have to deal with the rush to put the duck on the shelves, and I really don’t feel much joy in my heart.

There should be a polite and friendly smile on your face.

"I don't know how long the Queen will be closed to the palace to recuperate due to her illness." Wang Meiren smiled affectionately and said, "There are many affairs in the palace, and it is most suitable for Sister Wei to take charge of them."

Several other concubines immediately nodded in agreement: "Yes, Sister Wei has a gentle temperament and is thoughtful and careful in her actions. She is the most suitable."

"We should ask Sister Wei to take more care of us in the future."

Wei Jieyu cheered up and responded with a smile: "Sisters, please don't say that. I am young and have little knowledge. When encountering big problems, I have to ask Concubine Shu for advice."

After some insincere greetings, the concubines left one by one.

After Wei Jieyu saw everyone off, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Seeing Wei Jieyu's frown, Princess Anya couldn't help but laugh: "The good thing that others can't ask for falls on the mother-in-law. Why does the mother-in-law not feel happy at all, but sighs."

Wei Jieyu smiled bitterly and said in a low voice: "Anya, you are not too young. You should understand the truth that a big tree attracts the wind. Mother and daughter, we used to live comfortably in Lingbo Palace, but now we are being dragged to the stove. Bake it. This is just the beginning, I don’t know how much trouble it will be in the future.”

Princess Anya smiled and comforted Wei Jieyu: "Don't worry too much, concubine. Things are already like this, and there's no point in worrying. Just think about how to deal with it! After the queen's illness is recovered, concubine can relax. ”

Will Queen Xu's "illness" be cured one day?

I don’t know how much trouble will be caused in this harem!

Wei Jieyu twitched her lips, but she didn't want to talk about these embarrassing things in front of Princess Anya, so she quickly dropped the topic.

The news that Queen Xu was seriously ill spread quickly to all the palaces outside the palace.

No one is a fool. If you think about it for a moment, you can see that something is wrong.

Queen Xu was ill, why did she need to stay in confinement to recuperate? Half of the maids and chambermaids in the Jiaofang Palace are missing. Why?

The female officials were imprisoned in the sky prison, and the rest were sent to do the heaviest and most tiring menial work in the palace, and they no longer had any of the glory they had in the past. There are new faces inside and outside the Jiaofang Palace, and there are imperial guards guarding the place in shifts.

With so many strange things, do you really think everyone is a fool?

But the emperor just said so!

No one in the crowd would be stupid enough to get to the bottom of it. Everything in the palace is the emperor's family affair. No one dares to say anything about how the emperor wants to deal with Fa Luo.

Haven’t you noticed that even King Yan has been much more low-key and restrained recently? He stayed in Prince Yan's Mansion every day, almost never leaving the house, and even the banquets were stopped.

As for Princess Changping, she was immersed in the beautiful dream she had weaved and was "busy" in secret. She didn't notice anything strange in the palace for a while.

Soon, the news came that Prince Consort Xu had unfortunately "accidentally fallen off his horse and died", and Princess Changping was secretly happy.

On the surface, he wanted to look sad and sad, and went to Xu's house crying.

Unexpectedly, Prince Consort Xu's body was just placed in the coffin, with no funeral ceremony at all.

The Xu family, who had always been weak and temperless, behaved extremely tough this time, and everyone treated Princess Changping coldly.

Princess Changping began to feel something was wrong. However, she believed that the arrangement was well-secret and would not reveal any clues at all. His attitude was as domineering as ever: "Since the prince-in-law died unexpectedly, he should have gone to the palace to report his funeral as soon as possible and let him rest in peace as soon as possible. Why do you just let him lie in the coffin like this?"

Xu Guogong, Xu's biological father and Empress Xu's brother, had a gloomy face and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: "Those who die violently will not be at peace even if they are buried in the ground!"

Princess Changping was already feeling guilty. When she heard such words, her expression suddenly changed: "What do you mean by these words? Didn't the consort fall to his death accidentally? Is there any other secret?"

Xu Guogong glared angrily and said through gritted teeth: "How did Qian'er die? Her Royal Highness should know better than anyone else."

Princess Changping's heart sank and she suddenly panicked.

When Xu Guogong said this, could it be that he was already suspicious of her?

No, this is absolutely impossible!

She did it so secretly that the Xu family would never notice it!

Princess Changping's expression changed again and again, and she soon calmed down: "The Duke is sad about the death of the consort, so how can I not be sad? But people can't be resurrected after death, so I ask the Duke to express my condolences."

When Xu Guogong saw Princess Changping's pretentiousness, the anger in his heart almost burst out of his chest.

No matter how mediocre and incompetent Xu Qian is, he is still his biological son.

Princess Changping didn't like Xu Qian, so she lived alone in the princess's mansion, keeping a pet and going wild. The Xu family dared not speak out, but silently endured the cowardice. Became the laughing stock of the whole capital!

Unexpectedly, Princess Changping was not satisfied and actually wanted to kill Xu Qian.

Thinking of the evidence sent by the emperor's grandson secretly, and looking at Princess Changping's stern expression, Xu Guogong could no longer bear it and said coldly: "Qian'er was secretly designed to kill her. As a father, I can't be more incompetent." , we can’t pretend to be deaf and indifferent. Let’s go to the palace and ask the emperor to seek justice for our Xu family!”

Princess Changping finally changed her color!

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