Loyang Jin

Chapter 303 Falling from the Horse 2

"Your Majesty, Duke Xu has come to the palace to ask for an audience." Eunuch Ding reported in a low voice.

The emperor had been very angry a few days ago. His body was weak and he was lying on the bed to rest. Hearing this, he frowned and said in a deep voice, "Didn't I say that? The queen is going to rest in seclusion and no one is allowed to visit. Let Duke Xu go back!"

Eunuch Ding coughed and cleared his throat: "Your Majesty has misunderstood. Duke Xu is not here to visit the Queen, but because Xu's consort fell off his horse and died."


Consort Xu is dead?

The emperor was quite surprised. Huo Ran sat up straight on the bed: "When did this happen? Why didn't I know!"

Consort Xu is the husband-in-law of Princess Changping and the emperor's son-in-law. Although his status is not that of a prince or grandson, he is still a serious member of the royal family. It's really shocking that he died like that.

Eunuch Ding thought of Duke Xu's gloomy face and Princess Changping's ugly expression, and couldn't help but show an embarrassed look on his face: "I don't know exactly what it is. I only heard from Duke Xu that the consort went to ride a horse this morning, but unexpectedly the horse was touched by someone. His hands and feet were broken, and he suddenly became crazy on the way. Xu was not careful and fell off his horse and died. "

After a pause, he said cautiously: "Not only Duke Xu, but also Princess Changping is here. They are all waiting outside the palace to see the emperor!"

Although the emperor is old, he is not old and confused.

As soon as he heard Eunuch Ding's words, he knew that there was something different about this matter.

No matter how weak the dragon body is, it cannot ignore such important matters of life and death.

"Come here, help me change my clothes." The emperor ordered in a deep voice, and then said to Eunuch Ding: "Let them go first and wait in the hall."

Eunuch Ding took the order and retreated. After bringing the gloomy-looking Duke Xu and Princess Changping into the palace, he felt that something was wrong again. Quietly order the servant to go to the Imperial Hospital and invite Imperial Doctor Wei first.

The emperor has been very angry these days, and his old illness is showing signs of relapse. But I can't stand the trouble anymore.

The emperor stepped into the palace.

Xu Guogong's age is almost the same as that of the emperor. Because of the pain of losing his son, he looked even more old and haggard. When he met the emperor, he knelt down without saying a word and shed tears: "Your Majesty, the death of the consort is so unjust. I am incapable of handling family affairs, so I ask the Emperor to make the decision for me!"

The emperor's heart skipped a beat and he glanced at Princess Changping reflexively.

Princess Changping's thoughts were confused along the way, and she couldn't figure out what went wrong, let alone what kind of "ironclad evidence" Xu Guogong held. Now that I have met the emperor, I feel quite confident.

Father always loves her the most! No matter what, her father will be with her!

Xu Qian is dead, but she, a dignified princess, must pay for it with her life?

Princess Changping thought this, and all her guilt and fear suddenly disappeared. He rubbed his eyes hard and knelt down with red eyes: "Father, my daughter was shocked to hear the bad news about the prince-in-law. She felt sad and went back to the Xu family to fulfill her duties as a wife. Unexpectedly, the Duke of the country kept falsely accusing my daughter. It is said that the daughter harmed the consort. The daughter is really unjust! Please seek justice for her!"

While talking, I cried so hard.

The emperor's ominous premonition was confirmed. I felt that all the blood in my body was rushing to my head, and my temples were pounding.

Emotionally speaking, he must be towards his eldest daughter.

Intellectually speaking, he knew better that Xu Guogong would never dare to make waves without wind. Empress Xu and her son were the backers of the Xu family. If Xu Guogong hadn't been so hated, how could he have come to the imperial court to sue Changping?

This Changping!

You still have the nerve to cry and act pretentious here!

Xu Qian's death must have something to do with her!

The emperor became more and more annoyed as he thought about it, but he didn't show it on his face. He first said to Xu Guogong: "Xu Aiqing, don't kneel down now that you are old. If you have anything to say, don't talk about it until you get up."

However, Xu Guogong refused to get up and cried with tears in his eyes: "The emperor married his beloved daughter to the Xu family. We, the Xu family, are grateful and respectful to the princess. We never dare to be disrespectful. The prince-in-law is stupid and will not ask for the princess." Happy. Our Xu family also feels ashamed of the princess. Therefore, we never complain when the princess lives alone in the princess's house."

"The prince-in-law is indeed mediocre and not worthy of the princess. But other than that, the prince-son-in-law has not done anything to disgrace the princess. The old minister never expected that the princess would be so dissatisfied with the prince-son-in-law that she secretly let people manipulate her to kill her. The life of the consort..."

Princess Changping gnashed her teeth in hatred, forgetting even the pretense of crying, she glared at Duke Xu and cursed: "Old man! What evidence do you have to prove that it was me who harmed the consort! You still framed me like this in front of your father! If you take it today If you don’t produce evidence, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Without even looking at Princess Changping, Duke Xu Guo cried to the emperor: "Since I dare to come to the imperial court to speak about this matter, I have evidence."

"The princess secretly bribed the groom of the Xu family and put medicine in the feed of the horse that the consort often rides. She also installed iron spikes on the stirrups. The old minister has already brought the groom here. Please be careful, Your Majesty!"

Princess Changping's whole body trembled, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Didn't she secretly arrange to silence that groom? How are you still alive and well?

Xu Guogong's last words completely overwhelmed Princess Changping: "Also, the guards who were arranged by the princess to kill people and silence were brought into the palace. If Her Royal Highness is innocent, she might as well confront the emperor. See the end. Is it because the old minister is telling lies and falsely accusing Her Royal Highness, or is it because Her Royal Highness is ruthlessly murdering her husband? "

Princess Changping's whole body was shaking, and she was no longer as domineering as before.

When the emperor heard this, he still didn't understand anything. His anger suddenly rose, and his face turned red: "Changping! What is going on with all this! Tell me honestly!"

Changping murmured for a long time and was speechless.

The emperor's dragon body shook, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Come here, let them enter the palace!"

The grooms and guards that Xu Guogong mentioned were quickly escorted into the palace.

After kneeling down, the two kowtowed repeatedly and begged for mercy: "Please spare your life, Your Majesty! The servant was confused for a moment and accepted the money sent by the princess, so he boldly drugged the feed and installed iron spikes in the stirrups. This Everything was done by the slaves commanded by Her Royal Highness the Princess..."

"Your Majesty, the servant obeyed the order of the princess and first spent a lot of money to bribe the groom. After the transaction was completed, he was killed to silence him. But before the servant had a chance to do it, he was caught. The servant knew that this was a capital crime and did not dare to I beg the Emperor to spare my life. I just hope that the Emperor will spare my family.”

When Xu Guogong heard this, his heart was cut by a knife, and he burst into tears. He fell down in the palace and cried: "I beg the emperor to redress the injustice of the dead consort!"

The emperor's vision went dark and he almost fainted.

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