Loyang Jin

Chapter 304: Anger 1

Eunuch Ding on the side quickly supported the emperor with quick eyes and hands, and shouted urgently: "Come here, please hurry up and ask Imperial Doctor Wei to come to the palace."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Yan hurried in.

Sometimes, I don't care about anything else. While Wei Yan pinched the emperor's man hard, he commanded Tian Dong behind him in a deep voice: "Take out the golden needle from my medicine box."

Tiandong responded hurriedly, opened the medicine box, took out the bag of gold needles, opened it and handed it to Wei Yan.

Wei Yan glanced at it, quickly took out a slender golden needle, and began to acupuncture the emperor.

The groom and guard who were kneeling on the ground were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground and did not dare to move.

Both Duke Xu and Princess Changping knelt on the ground, glaring at each other angrily.

Duke Xu Guo's anger was filled with desperate determination, but Princess Changping's anger was filled with regret and guilt, as well as a trace of inhumane regret.

If I had known it would be like this, I really shouldn't have had such thoughts.

Her father was so angry that when he woke up, he would inevitably punish her severely. The queen mother is still ill and cannot come to plead for her. I don’t know how today’s events will end…

Of course, Princess Changping did not have the word fear in her heart.

Ever since she was little, her father has always loved her the most. In addition to being wronged in the marriage and having to marry Xu Qian. In all these years, she had never tasted the pain of defeat. In her opinion, Xu Qian was dead even if he died. As long as she bows her head and admits her mistake and asks her father for mercy, he will definitely not really blame her.

A chamberlain hurriedly ran in, wanting to report, but when he saw that the emperor had fainted from anger, he had no choice but to say to Eunuch Ding: "Eunuch Ding, His Royal Highness the King of Yan is outside the palace asking for an audience."

No matter how courageous Eunuch Ding was, he would not dare to stop King Yan from entering.

What's more, the two people kneeling in the palace were more troublesome than the other, and the emperor was so angry. With King Yan here, maybe he can stop Princess Changping from saying anything that makes people angry.

"Please quickly invite His Highness King Yan to come in!"

King Yan quickly entered the palace.

He hurried over as soon as he got the news, filled with anger along the way.

This Changping! What a mindless idiot! At this time, how dare you cause such trouble!

As soon as she stepped into the palace, Princess Changping raised her head eagerly and happily, like a drowning person grabbing the life-saving straw: "Sixth Brother, you came just in time. The Duke of Guo was deceived by a villain and insisted on accusing him. I secretly ordered someone to kill the Prince Consort, and even brought it to Father. Please tell Father quickly, how could I do such a thing..."

Xu Guogong was extremely angry, and his heart was even colder.

Princess Changping is the eldest daughter of Queen Xu and the Emperor, his daughter-in-law, and even his niece. He tolerated his usual arrogance. But after murdering her husband, she showed no remorse and even tried to confuse right and wrong and pour dirty water on him.

This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated by anyone with any blood.

Princess Changping is still chattering.

King Yan looked at Xu Guogong's pale face, feeling angry and hateful in his heart. He was angry that Princess Changping still couldn't figure out the situation until now. He was angry that he and Princess Changping were biological siblings, and he couldn't let go of anything that happened to her.

"Shut up!" King Yan glared at Princess Changping fiercely: "I know best what you have done. My father is so angry with you, and you still don't know how to repent!"

Princess Changping did not expect King Yan to react like this: "You..."

"What are you doing? How dare you make excuses after doing such a rebellious thing!" King Yan scolded angrily with a sullen face: "Why don't you apologize to your uncle and beg for mercy!"

Before Princess Changping could react, King Yan knelt down in front of Duke Xu again with a plop. Tears instantly burst into his eyes. He held Duke Xu's hand and choked with sobs: "Uncle, the eldest sister was confused for a moment and did something wrong. She harmed the consort, too. I have harmed the Xu family. Please forgive my eldest sister this time for the sake of my mother and me."

King Yan burst into tears, with a look of sincere regret.

In contrast, Princess Changping, who was kneeling beside King Yan, looked stunned and shocked. It seems that there is another person who "muddleheadedly did something wrong" in King Yan's mouth.

Xu Guogong's hand trembled as it was clenched tightly.

Yes, if the Xu family hadn't relied on Queen Xu and King Yan, they would definitely not be as powerful as they are today.

Nowadays, Queen Xu's situation in the palace is unclear. As the elder brother, he should swallow all his dissatisfaction and should not hold back his sister and nephew at this time.

But... the person who died was his son!

My son, who was still in high spirits when he went out in the morning, was dead and turned into a cold corpse when he was carried back.

Could it be that he let his son die in vain?

Xu Guogong gritted his teeth and withdrew his hand forcefully: "The person who did the wrong thing is Her Royal Highness the Princess, and has nothing to do with His Royal Highness King Yan. Your Highness King Yan kneels in front of the old minister, which is shortening the old minister's life. If Your Highness can't stand it, I don’t have the guts to go out to meet people today. It’s better to crash here.”

King Yan: "..."

When Xu Guogong said this, it was clear that he would not give up.

King Yan still refused to give up, and while continuing to beg, he winked at Princess Changping.

Why don't you come over quickly and kowtow to apologize! Do we really have to wait until the fish is dead and the net is broken?

In just a short moment, the impact on Princess Changping was really huge. What happened to King Yan? He actually knelt down in front of Duke Xu and begged for mercy! They are princesses and princes, do they need to beg for help so humbly?

The more Princess Changping thought about it, the more unwilling she became. She grabbed King Yan's sleeves hard and said angrily: "Sixth brother, this old man has eaten lard and become confused. He is determined to make trouble with me to the end. You The more he shows weakness, the more energetic he becomes. Just leave him alone! When Father wakes up, he will definitely tell the difference between right and wrong!"

King Yan's face turned dark.

Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs!

Here he was trying his best to save her, but she kept holding him back.

If he wasn't a sibling from the same mother, he wouldn't let this idiot seek death.

"Changping!" After the emperor woke up leisurely, what he heard were the words of Princess Changping, and his blood began to surge again. He gritted his teeth and said, "Come to me!"

Princess Changping thought that the emperor was going to support her, her eyes lit up, she quickly stood up and walked to the emperor, bowing her head eagerly: "Father, what do you want to tell me?"

She was quite similar to Empress Xu, but from the emperor's perspective, they were even more similar.

Thinking of the unruly Empress Xu, and then looking at the unrepentant Princess Changping in front of him, the Emperor's blood surged in his heart, and he was so angry that he stretched out his hand with all his strength.

There was a snap, and five-finger marks appeared on the left side of Princess Changping's face!

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