Loyang Jin

Chapter 305 Anger 2

Princess Changping was stunned!

My face was burning and hurting.

But this pain is far less than the grievance and shock in my heart. And that uncontrollable panic.

She finally understood. Father is really angry!

If she still refuses to admit her mistake and makes excuses, she will not be able to get anything done today.

"Father," Princess Changping knelt down and cried bitterly: "It was my daughter who was wrong. She knows she was wrong. Father, don't be so angry about your daughter that the dragon body will be broken..."

"Changping, you are my eldest daughter, and I have always loved you very much." The emperor's voice was full of chills and disappointment: "I know that you and the consort have a mediocre relationship, and I have heard a little bit about your daily behavior. , I kept turning a blind eye. I didn’t expect that such pampering would make you what you are now.”

"You are a princess, and you should be a role model for all the women in the boudoir of the Great Zhou Dynasty. But look, what have you done? You disrespect your parents-in-law, disrespect your husband, and now you have committed the evil act of killing your husband. I have no way to teach my daughter. , bringing shame to the royal family.”

"If I don't punish you severely, how can I have the face to face the Xu family? How can I have the face to face the officials and the people of the world?"

The emperor became more and more excited as he spoke, and an abnormal blush appeared on his pale face.

King Yan's heart sank straight down.

It’s over!

The mother-queen matter has not settled yet, and the father is already holding back an unspeakable anger. Now Princess Changping's fuss has wiped out the last trace of pity in her father's heart.

"Eldest sister is also confused for a moment." King Yan knew that there was no hope, but he still begged: "Please have mercy on my father and give her a chance to change her ways."

"Reform?" The emperor raised the corners of his lips sarcastically, his eyes full of coldness: "Has she reformed her past, can she bring the prince consort back to life?"

Princess Changping also felt a chill in her heart. She kowtowed repeatedly and begged for mercy: "Father, please have mercy. My daughter will never dare to do it again. Please have mercy from father!"

The emperor made up his mind and said with a cold face: "If I spare you today, it will be difficult for everyone in the world to stop talking. Changping, I will ask you to be sent to Ciyun Nunnery, where you can eat fast and pray for the dead consort. Cleanse yourself of your sins.”

Princess Changping looked pale!

Ciyun Temple!

This is the place where the female members of the royal family are sent when they make a big mistake. It is said to be a nunnery, but in fact it is no different from a prison cell. Life inside is very poor, and there are guards stationed outside. Once you enter Ciyun Temple, you can never come out again.

"Father, how could you do this to me!" Princess Changping was horrified and spoke eloquently: "Isn't it just that a prince-in-law died? I am the princess of the Tian family, and I have been worthy of him by observing my filial piety for him for three years. At worst, I will recruit another consort in the future and give birth to a child with the surname of Xu..."

No mistake at all!


The emperor's last trace of unbearability was consumed by Princess Changping's screams.

The emperor took a deep breath and said coldly: "Come here, take Princess Changping down first. After today, we will send her to Ciyun Nunnery."

After a pause, he added: "Take Princess Changping to Jiaofang Palace and let her meet Queen Xu before leaving."

Princess Changping was escorted to Jiaofang Palace.

The cries and begging for mercy gradually faded away.

Xu Guogong trembled and kowtowed in gratitude: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for making the decision for me."

From today on, the Xu family and Queen Xu mother and son have broken up. Having reached this point, there is no room for Xu Guogong to regret anymore.

The emperor was emotionally unstable and reluctantly said: "It was my laxness in teaching my daughter that harmed Xu's consort. It's a pity that Xu's consort died young and early. No matter how heartbroken I feel and blame myself, it will not help. After you return home, arrange the funeral well and let the consort be in good graces." Bury!"

Duke Xu thanked him with tears in his eyes. After kneeling for so long, his knees were already numb. After staggering to his feet, he turned around and left tremblingly.

The back view is full of desolation.

The emperor's eyes fell on King Yan's face: "Don't kneel here either. The person who did the wrong thing is Changping. I punished Changping and I won't blame you for it. You can go back home in peace!"

King Yan refused to get up, and knelt there crying: "My eldest sister made a big mistake, and my father deserves to punish her like this. I will never complain a word. I only hope that my father will be calm and not because of this matter." Anger hurts the dragon's body."

One bad thing happened one after another, how could he be calm?

The emperor twitched his lips in a self-deprecating tone: "I understand your filial piety. Please step back first!"

King Yan kowtowed vigorously and begged: "If we, brother and sister, have a fight, the eldest sister will be sent to Ciyun Nunnery. Please ask my father to let me enter the Jiaofang Palace to reunite with the eldest sister one last time."

Entering Jiaofang Hall meant that King Yan could see Queen Xu.

The emperor frowned and was about to refuse, but somehow he relaxed: "That's okay, I will allow you to go for once."

King Yan breathed a sigh of relief and resigned respectfully.

As the emperor watched King Yan go away, the anger he had been suppressing surged into his heart again. My throat felt sweet, and then my mouth was filled with the smell of blood.

Eunuch Ding said in shock: "Your Majesty!"

The emperor was so angry that he vomited blood!

Wei Yan was also stunned. The emperor's dragon body was already weak, and it took him several months to regain some of his strength. How can I hold on when I am troubled by such a series of things?

"Eunuch Ding, hurry up and order someone to carry the emperor to the bed." Wei Yan ordered without hesitation: "I will give the emperor acupuncture, and you immediately order someone to deliver a message to Empress Li and Empress Wei. A letter will also be sent to the prince's residence immediately."

After Wei Jieyu received the news, she was shocked and immediately led Princess Anya to the Zichen Palace.

When I arrived at the door, I met Li Shufei. The two of them entered the dormitory together without much intention of exchanging pleasantries.

The emperor was lying on the bed colorless, his breathing was weak, and he was unconscious. Wei Yan administered the acupuncture to the emperor with a solemn expression.

When Wei Jieyu saw the emperor's appearance, her eyes suddenly filled with water. Concubine Li Shu on the side also felt sad and sobbed softly.

Princess Anya asked with red eyes: "Eunuch Ding, what is going on? My father was fine yesterday, why did he suddenly fall into coma and vomit blood today?"

Eunuch Ding smiled bitterly and whispered about Duke Xu's lawsuit against Princess Changping.

The more Wei Jieyu and Li Shufei heard, the more surprised they became. They even forgot to wipe their tears and were all dumbfounded.

This Princess Changping is so...daring!

"Two empresses, the emperor is really angry this time. Tomorrow Princess Changping will be sent to Ciyun Nunnery. Now, Princess Changping should say goodbye to the empress in Jiaofang Palace." Eunuch Ding sighed: "Your Majesty I felt depressed and after vomiting a mouthful of blood, I fell into a coma. "

Wei Jieyu and Li Shufei looked at each other, and both saw the worry in each other's eyes.

The emperor is old, how can the dragon body withstand such a torment.

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