Loyang Jin

Chapter 306 Despair 1

Princess Changping, who had been crying all the way, became even more noisy after entering the Jiaofang Palace.

"Queen Mother! Queen Mother!"

Princess Changping sat beside the bed, holding Queen Xu's hand and crying: "My father is so cruel! He wants to imprison me in Ciyun Nunnery. Mother, I won't go to Ciyun Nunnery. Please go to my father quickly." Please forgive me, otherwise, after today, you will never see your daughter again..."

In just a few days, Queen Xu lost a lot of weight, her complexion was sallow, and her eyes were dull and lifeless. Lying on the bed, I didn't even have the strength to sit up.

At first glance, he looked like he was seriously ill!

Princess Changping held her arm and cried for a long time, but Queen Xu never responded.

It wasn't until Princess Changping shouted for her to plead with the emperor that Queen Xu's eyes moved.


The voice was hoarse and weak, as if he had used all his strength to squeeze out two words.

Princess Changping casually wiped her tears with her sleeves. The makeup on her face had long been stained by tears, and she looked very embarrassed. However, Princess Changping, who pays attention to appearance, has no mind to take care of this at this time. Her eyes are full of expectation: "Mother, I know you are sick and can't get out of bed now. Can you ask someone to invite your father to come over? As long as you cry for a while, Father will definitely be soft-hearted!"


Now the emperor simply doesn't want to see her again. I don’t know what kind of medicine was given to her to make her behave like she is now. My whole body was so weak that I could only collapse on the bed.

Not to mention getting out of bed and walking around, I don't even have the energy to speak.

The corner of Queen Xu's mouth twitched, her face seemed to be crying and smiling, and her voice was still hoarse and low: "Changping, what wrong did you do?"

Princess Changping felt a little guilty and her eyes were wandering.

I know my daughter Mo Ruomu!

Empress Xu saw this, and her heart suddenly became cold. There was a hint of sternness in her voice: "What on earth is going on?"

Princess Changping gritted her teeth and said reluctantly: "The consort accidentally fell off his horse and died while riding a horse this morning. Duke Xu found the groom and the guards and put the debt on my head. When he complained to his father, he was furious. Then he scolded me and beat me and told me that he would send me to Ciyun Temple to eat fast and chant Buddha's name tomorrow."

As he spoke, his voice became more aggrieved: "Mother, I am still so young. If my consort dies, I can just recruit another one. Why do you want me to go to Ciyun Nunnery? I don't want to go, Empress..."

Empress Xu was trembling all over, and a strange blush appeared on her pale face.

If she hadn't been weak and weak, she would have pointed at Princess Changping and yelled!


She had already crossed the line in the palace. If Changping cared about her as his mother, there was no way he would not know what was happening in the palace. Now he actually murders her husband and expects her to support him and plead for mercy. He was simply possessed by ghosts.

How could she give birth to such a careless thing!

"Don't make any more noise!" Empress Xu endured the stench rising in her throat, and warned with a glare: "Go to Ciyun Temple and stay there, and don't cause any more trouble to your sixth brother!"

Princess Changping looked at Empress Xu in disbelief: "Queen Mother, don't you care about me anymore? You also asked me not to cause trouble to the sixth brother. In the eyes of the Queen Mother, is there only the sixth brother and no daughter like me? Queen Mother, how can you So partial!"

Empress Xu was accused of being partial, her blood surged, but she was unable to defend herself.

Queen Xu felt something sweet in her throat and spit out a mouthful of blood.

When Princess Changping saw Queen Xu vomiting blood, she immediately panicked and shouted: "Come here, come quickly! The queen mother is vomiting blood!"

The strange thing is that after the shouting, it was still quiet inside and outside Jiaofang Hall. No one came to check on me, and no doctor came.

Princess Changping was so angry that her whole body was trembling, her face was livid, and she yelled: "Ruilian! Qiu Shuang! Luo Yan! Where have all of you gone? Your mother is so ill, and you are not waiting for her. What's the use of you..." "

"Sister, how long are you going to make trouble?"

A familiar voice sounded near the door.

Princess Changping was not angry but happy, and hurriedly ran to King Yan: "Sixth brother, you came just in time. Call the imperial doctor over quickly, the queen mother just vomited blood!"

With a sinister look on his face, King Yan shook off Princess Changping's hand and walked to the bed.

Queen Xu looked pale, emaciated and out of shape. There were specks of blood on the collar and bedding. I don’t know how many days I haven’t changed my clothes and bedding. As I got closer, a fishy and unpleasant smell hit my face.

A hint of pain and sadness flashed in King Yan's eyes, and he clenched his fist vigorously.

Princess Changping was still chattering in her ears: "The queen mother is so seriously ill, how come there is no imperial doctor to attend to her at any time? And those female officials, I don't know where they have gone, but they have disappeared. Sixth brother, we will never do this." We can't ignore it. Let's go to the Zichen Palace to see Father and tell him all this..."

"Yang Qi!"

King Yan suddenly called Princess Changping's full name! The voice was full of suppressed anger! The eyes are full of disappointment that iron cannot become steel!

Princess Changping was stunned, and all her words were choked in her throat.

"Yang Qi, what are you busy with every day?" King Yan glared at Princess Changping and said through gritted teeth, "Don't you know anything about such a big thing happening in Jiaofang Palace? Come over and see what the queen is doing now. Look!”

Princess Changping stepped forward passively.

Looking closely, she finally saw clearly how embarrassed Queen Xu was at this moment, and the more she looked at it, the more frightened she became.

How could he fall to this level after being so dignified?

"Isn't the queen sick?" Princess Changping's voice was full of panic: "How could it be like this?"

King Yan said coldly: "Sickness is just an external excuse. In fact, the queen mother was messing around with the servants around her, and she was caught by the father. The father was so angry that he killed half of the people serving in the Jiaofang Palace, and those female officials They were all imprisoned in the sky jail, and the others were sent to the washing room."

"Father is not dethroned yet, I just don't want to expose this scandal to avoid being ridiculed by the world."

"At this time, not only did you not tuck your tail between your legs, you actually dared to kill the prince-in-law, and you completely fell out with the Xu family. Yang Qi, what is going on in your head?"

"It's okay now! Father is going to send you to Ciyun Nunnery. Next, the reasons for deposing the queen are all ready. You have no way to teach your daughter, and you let your daughter kill her husband! When the queen is deposed, what else do you and I have? rely?"

When it came to the end, King Yan almost squeezed out every word through his teeth.

Princess Changping was stunned by what she heard, and her eyes were full of unbelievable shock!

Her stiff gaze fell on Queen Xu's face.

Empress Xu faced the pair of children shamelessly and closed her eyes in shame. Tears of regret fell from the corners of my eyes!

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