Loyang Jin

Chapter 310 Dilemma 1

I still have a meager diet every day, trapped in this small world and unable to move.

However, with Bai Yu accompanying him, the days in the prison were not so difficult.

Cuiliu brings meals every day, sometimes brings one or two books, and sometimes brings some sewing handkerchiefs. She didn't say anything more, put her things down and left.

Ling Jingshu didn't say much and silently accepted the things Cuiliu sent. When you have nothing to do, you can chat with Bai Yu, read a book, or do needlework. Except that I can't go out and walk around, it's not much different from the days in the boudoir.

The second time I received Wei Yan's letter was five days later.

Ling Jingshu did not avoid Bai Yu and opened the letter in front of Bai Yu.

Bai Yu had already expected it, but was not surprised at all. She was secretly grateful for Ling Jingshu.

Now that they are experiencing such a disaster, everyone is probably trying to avoid it! But Wei Yan, instead of avoiding her, had been secretly caring for Ling Jingshu.

Such thoughts are truly touching.

Ling Jingshu read the letter carefully, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and her eyes shone with joy. Then, bring the letter to the candlelight. The candle flame quickly burned away the letter, leaving only a thin layer of ashes.

Bai Yu then walked over and asked in a low voice: "Miss, did Doctor Wei mention Empress Xu in the letter?"

Ling Jingshu hummed and said in a low voice: "Yesterday, the emperor issued an imperial edict to abolish the queen, demoting Queen Xu to Concubine Xu and moving her from Jiaofang Palace back to Jingyang Palace."

The emperor still showed some affection for Empress Xu. Firstly, he covered up the scandal between her and the chamberlain, and secondly, he gave her the position of concubine.

However, that's all.

After Queen Xu was drugged, her whole body was weak and she could only lie limply on the bed. She could no longer move around, and the people serving around her were all specially "arranged" by the emperor. Like a bird whose wings have been clipped, it is locked in a cage and can no longer break free.

Such Queen Xu is no longer a threat to anyone.

She once dominated the palace, but now that she has lost power, her fate can be imagined.

Most of the resentment and hatred that had accumulated in her heart had dissipated with the good news that Queen Xu was deposed and Princess Changping was sent to Ciyun Nunnery.

Although Bai Yu didn't know all the secrets of Ling Jingshu, seeing Ling Jingshu so happy made her feel happy. Thinking about the future of the master and servant, he couldn't help but feel worried: "Miss, Queen Xu has been deposed from the throne, what will we do in the future? The emperor will not turn his anger on us and keep us locked in the sky prison!"

Ling Jingshu cheered up and smiled: "Probably not. If we wait for a while, we might be able to get out of the prison soon."

Bai Yu smiled and nodded.

Empress Xu's dethronement was a shocking event, both in the palace and in the government and the public!

The reasons contained in the emperor's decree to abolish the queen are also high-sounding. However, there is no airtight wall in the world. The real reason and the inside story were quietly spread among the powerful officials.

The Xu family broke up with Queen Xu because of Xu Qian's murder.

The officials in the court who originally favored King Yan, many of whom "knew right from wrong," soon changed their direction and sided with the prince.

King Yan's situation soon became embarrassing.

However, King Yan behaved quite magnanimously. Every day after going to court, he would go to Zichen Hall to wait for his illness.

After the decree to abolish the queen was officially issued, King Yan cried several times in front of the emperor and begged: "The queen made a big mistake. The father abolished the queen's position and reduced her to a concubine. The son and minister did not complain at all. I only ask for your father’s permission to go to Jingyang Palace to visit my mother and concubine.”

The emperor looked at King Yan crying sadly, and felt bad in his heart.

He was tired of Empress Xu and was unwilling and would not look at her again. But he still has some preference for King Yan, his beloved son since childhood.

Seeing the always proud and willful King Yan kneeling beside the bed and crying, the emperor finally relented a little and sighed: "Stop crying now, get up and talk."

King Yan heard the relief in the emperor's tone and was secretly happy: "Yes, I obey the order."

After wiping his tears, King Yan stood up with red eyes.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you go to see Queen Xu or not. The important thing is to use such actions to show that he has no knowledge of the truth about Queen Xu's deposedness, and to show his filial piety.

Facts have proved that King Yan's move was correct.

The emperor thought for a moment and then said: "Such an incident happened in Changping. Your mother and concubine were already ill, and now I am afraid that the lingering illness will become more serious. You are filial and want to visit, and I can't stop you. This way Well, I allow you to visit twice a month. You can go to Jingyang Palace on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month."

King Yan was grateful and thanked him with tears. After having lunch with the emperor, he waited for the emperor to go to bed before leaving the Zichen Palace.

After leaving the palace, King Yan did not return to Prince Yan's Mansion, but went to the Xu family.

When King Yan comes, the Xu family will not turn him away no matter what.

Duke Xu Guo led everyone in the Xu Mansion to come out to greet him in person and did enough etiquette.

Such an attitude itself already shows alienation. In the past, it was common for King Yan to come and go from the Xu family, so why did he need these false appearances?

After entering the Xu Mansion, King Yan and Duke Xu sat down respectively.

Xu Guogong broke the silence respectfully: "His Royal Highness, Prince Yan, came to the Xu family. Why?"

King Yan looked at Xu Guogong and smiled bitterly: "After my mother-in-law was deposed, the officials in the court saw me as if they had seen the plague, and they wanted to take a detour. Could it be that my uncle also dislikes me as a nephew and does not want to interact with me anymore? Yet?"

Xu Guogong was speechless.

Xu Qian's death became a thorn in the hearts of the Xu family.

It is impossible to say that Xu Guogong has no resentment in his heart.

The Xu family relied on Queen Xu to gain a foothold in the capital. Queen Xu was deposed, which was undoubtedly a big blow to the Xu family. From now on, I can only behave with my tail down and my head down.

Xu Guogong never thought of taking this opportunity to completely draw a clear line with King Yan. To avoid being implicated by King Yan in the future... But he didn't expect that King Yan would come to visit so soon.

King Yan said with utmost sincerity: "My eldest sister has done something wrong and has been punished as she deserves. I have no intention of blaming my uncle. I came to Xu's house specially today just to show my sincerity and determination. I hope that my uncle will forget the past and forgive him. You will still stand by me in the future.”

Xu Guogong was silent for a long time, and then he raised his head and looked at King Yan, his eyes full of sadness: "Your Highness said that is too serious. I am old and useless now, what else can I do for Your Highness."

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