Loyang Jin

Chapter 311 Dilemma 2

Although Xu Guogong declined politely, his tone was not firm.

Other officials can distance themselves from King Yan. The Xu family is King Yan's maternal uncle's family. This blood relationship is always involved no matter what.

The King of Yan came to the door so humbly again. Due to his emotions and reasons, Xu Guogong could not do anything to turn his back on him.

Such a reaction was expected by King Yan.

King Yan was not discouraged, and still said sincerely: "My uncle is old, and he doesn't have any real job in the court now. How dare I do anything to my uncle. I just hope that my uncle can support me secretly, as long as People’s hearts can be used, and if we survive this difficult period, we can look forward to the future.”

After surviving this difficult period, can we look forward to the future?

Xu Guogong was stunned and looked at King Yan blankly.

Now that the situation is like this, it’s good to be able to protect yourself. King Yan is still looking forward to "the future"?

This King Yan, should I say that he is too blindly confident? Or should we praise him for his tenacity and never getting discouraged?

King Yan seemed to have seen Duke Xu's thoughts, and smiled faintly: "What's wrong? Does uncle think I'm just saying this? Or does he think I'm overestimating my capabilities?"

Xu Guogong coughed in embarrassment and did not dare to look directly into King Yan's eyes: "Your Highness has misunderstood, I did not mean it."

King Yan looked at Xu Guogong steadily and said in a slow and firm voice: "I can't blame you for thinking so. I don't know how many people are secretly waiting to see my excitement. The more this happens, the less I can retreat and fall. "

"I want everyone to watch. Without my mother to support me, I can still win the favor of my father. Anyone who abandons me now will regret today's choice one day in the future."

"Uncle, I'm here today, firstly, to tell you my determination. Secondly, I'm asking you to stand by my side. At this time, I need your support."

"One day, if I aspire to the throne, the Xu family will be the most respected and prosperous for the rest of their lives."

These words are sensational and provocative.

Duke Xu's heart was pounding when he heard this. Seeing the hope and expectation in King Yan's eyes, the ambition that had been extinguished in his heart was tempted to move again.

Find wealth in danger!

If King Yan completely collapses, the Xu family will only be able to survive.

That’s it! Just bet again!

Duke Xu Guogong gritted his teeth and said solemnly, "If your Highness has an assignment, I will never refuse!"

Finally convinced this old man!

King Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, with a relaxed smile on his face: "I will never let down my uncle's expectations."

For the sake of Xu Qian, Xu Guogong reported Chang Ping to the emperor regardless. Thinking of this, it was impossible for King Yan to have no grudges in his heart. But the current predicament did not allow him to act willfully.

He could only lower his arrogant head, regroup people's hearts, slowly clean up the mess, and get out of the predicament.

In the next few days, King Yan secretly visited several important ministers. These people, without exception, all supported him at the beginning. Now the attitude is ambiguous.

King Yan's personal visit may not be able to win back everyone's hearts. However, it can be regarded as showing an exciting side. The Yan King's party members, which were already falling apart, have become much more stable for the time being.

With Lu Ping's official position and status, he was not qualified for King Yan to visit in person.

Lu Ping has been feeling annoyed and uneasy these days.

He had vaguely guessed that Princess Changping secretly killed the consort. He also wrote back to Princess Changping, hinting that Lu Hong would obediently be Princess Changping's consort.

Originally, he had a wishful thinking and used this to climb up to the throne of Yan. Unexpectedly, the consort died, and Princess Changping became infamous for killing her husband, and was sent to Ciyun Nunnery.

Ciyun Nunnery is located in a remote location and has little reputation. Common people only know it as a place where the female relatives of the royal family came to practice Buddhism. Only a few people know what the three words Ciyun Temple mean.

It is said to be a nunnery, but it is actually not much different from a prison cell. Once you enter Ciyun Nunnery, don't expect to come out again.

This move was really a big mistake!

In just one month, Princess Changping entered Ciyun Nunnery, Queen Xu was deposed, and King Yan's followers deserted one after another.

The more Lupine thought about it, the more he regretted it.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world. The Lu family had secretly surrendered to King Yan, and he, the head of the Ministry of War, had also secretly done a lot for King Yan.

I've done everything I should and shouldn't do, and now it's too late to get out.

"Second uncle," a familiar voice sounded in my ears.

Lu Ping calmed down and looked at the young man in front of him.

He is tall, handsome, talented, well-spoken, elegant, and personable.

No matter where he stood, Lu Hong was so dazzling.

He is the most outstanding heir of the Lu family and the hope of future generations. It's a pity that now that I have encountered such a troublesome thing, I don't know if I will be implicated.

Lu Ping couldn't help but sigh: "Ahong, sit down, I have something to tell you."

Lu Hong sat down silently. The handsome eyebrows are a little gloomy.

Lu Ping comforted Lu Hong gently: "I know that you have heard a lot of gossip these days and have been wronged."

Apparently someone was secretly fanning the flames of Princess Changping's murder of her consort, and the news spread throughout the streets and alleys. According to rumors, Lu Hong was the handsome young man who "seduced" Princess Changping to be fascinated, and he was also the culprit who caused Xu's death.

There are many well-informed noble disciples in the Imperial College who recounted the secret meeting between Lu Hong and Princess Changping vividly.

But Lu Hong couldn't refute yet.

Even though he was not willing to do so, the "ambitious" relationship between him and Princess Changping was a real thing. He did not kill Boren, but Boren died because of him. He cannot absolve himself of the blame for Xu's death!

Amid the turmoil of rumors, Lu Hong had to take leave and hide in the Lu Mansion. I hid for more than ten days, and the people who hid were upset and depressed.

Then I thought of the beautiful and enchanting Princess Changping who fell from a branch into the abyss and was imprisoned in Ciyun Nunnery to suffer. Lu Hong felt even more uncomfortable.

He didn't like Princess Changping at all. He was coaxed and forced to go to the princess's mansion by Lu Ping every time. But no matter what, there is such a romantic relationship. Princess Changping was obsessed with him. As time passed, no matter how cold-hearted he was, it slowly warmed up.

Lu Hong lowered his head and replied sadly: "Second uncle, don't worry about me. I can bear this little thing." He paused and then said: "The wind in the capital is too loud. I will go back in a few days. Stay in Jizhou. After a year or two, the news subsides, and I will come back to the capital."

Lu Ping nodded happily: "That's good, just to avoid the limelight."

The uncle and nephew were discussing in low voices when the door of the study room was hurriedly knocked: "Master Qi, Your Highness Prince Yan is here."

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