Loyang Jin

Chapter 312 Dilemma 3

Lu Ping's expression changed slightly.

Why did King Yan suddenly come to the Lu family?

This act of condescension, at such a sensitive juncture, not only did not make people feel moved, but instead revealed an unpredictable and uneasy feeling.

Lu Hong reminded in a low voice: "Second uncle, His Highness Prince Yan came to the door specially, there must be something important. Don't delay, go and welcome His Highness in as soon as possible!"

Lupine came to his senses and nodded.

When King Yan arrives, everyone in the Lu family must accompany Lu Ping to welcome him.

"His Royal Highness is here in person, which makes me feel flattered and frightened." Lu Ping bowed respectfully and bowed his hands in salute. The Lu family members behind him saluted together with Lu Ping.

King Yan twitched his lips, and his voice was quite gentle: "Master Lu, there is no need to be polite. I am here on the order of my father."

Lu Ping: "..."

He is just the head of the Ministry of War, and he is not even qualified to attend court meetings on weekdays. Why did the emperor suddenly miss him?

Lu Ping bowed and laughed: "I wonder if the emperor has any instructions?"

King Yan glanced over and landed on the handsome young man behind Lu Ping, with a hint of gloom and coldness flashing in his eyes.

This is Lu Hong!

If it weren't for him, Princess Changping wouldn't have killed Prince Consort Xu, let alone end up like this. Now that Princess Changping is imprisoned in Ciyun Nunnery, he can't wait to stay out of the situation and relax.

King Yan's gaze on Lu Hong was too obvious.

Lupine's heart sank. The bad feeling is getting stronger and stronger!

Lu Hong lowered his head, still feeling King Yan's gaze scraping across his face like a blade, and was secretly frightened.

Only King Yan said leisurely: "Actually, it's nothing important. My father heard that Mr. Lu is extremely talented and elegant, and he wanted to meet him. He ordered me to come in person to take Mr. Lu into the palace to meet the saint."

Lu Hong: "..."

Everyone in the Lu family: "..."

These few words were like a bolt from the blue, making everyone dizzy.

How could the emperor hear about Lu Hong's name? It’s just that he is unparalleled in talent, but those four words of romantic and suave have something to say. It’s scary to think about it!

Not to mention Lu Hong, even the sleek and sophisticated Lu Ping was shocked and speechless for a long time by these words.

King Yan looked at Lu Hong's pale face with cold eyes, snorted secretly in his heart, and said with a half-smile: "Master Lu, please follow me into the palace now! My father is still waiting to see you."

Of course, the emperor's summons cannot be refused.

Lu Hong composed himself, cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, please allow me to change into clean new clothes and freshen up before entering the palace." It was just a good opportunity to discuss countermeasures with his second uncle.

King Yan obviously saw through Lu Hong's thoughts and said a little impatiently: "You are not a woman. There is no need to wash up and change clothes. Get on the carriage now."

There was a natural domineering tone in his tone!

Lu Hong's heart tightened, but he didn't dare to respond.

Lu Ping watched helplessly as Lu Hong got on the carriage with King Yan, and watched nervously as the carriage set off.

After the carriage disappeared from sight, his face became solemn and he whispered quickly: "A Qian, please write a letter and return to Jizhou immediately to tell your father about this."

Lu Qian responded and was about to turn around and leave, but Lu Ping changed his mind: "That's it! For such an important matter, it's better for me to write the letter myself. Come with me to the study!"

Lu Qian followed Lu Ping into the study.

Lupine frowned and spread out the letter. Lu Qian stood silently studying ink, feeling at a loss.

Everything is different from the previous life!

Queen Xu and Princess Changping stepped across the stage respectively, leaving only King Yan struggling to support him. King Yan's hope of competing for the throne became increasingly slim.

If King Yan cannot sit on the dragon chair, what will happen to the Lu family that is dependent on King Yan? What will be the fate of Lu Hong who was summoned to the palace to face the saint? And Ling Jingshu, who was originally the female official beside Queen Xu, is now trapped in the palace. Is there any chance of leaving the palace? What on earth can he do?

All kinds of questions weigh heavily on my heart, making me breathless.

Lu Ping was so preoccupied that he didn't notice anything strange about Lu Qian. He quickly wrote a letter and ordered people to rush day and night to send it to Jizhou.

Lu Hong once fantasized about entering the palace to meet the saint several times.

Among these fantasies, there is no exception that he passed the examination in high school, and then shined in the palace examination, winning the favor of the emperor. From then on, it was a smooth journey with a bright future.

He never thought that he would be called into the palace by the emperor in such embarrassing circumstances.

Along the way, King Yan closed his eyes and fell asleep. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, he never said a word to him from beginning to end.

Lu Hong sat silently in the carriage, thinking a lot.

After entering the palace gate, he followed King Yan into the Zichen Palace. After King Yan entered the palace, he stood alone under the eaves and waited for more than an hour. It wasn't until my legs and feet were sore that I waited for the emperor's summons.

The smell of medicine was everywhere in Zichen Palace, mixed with sandalwood, creating an unpleasant and depressing smell.

The emperor was not wearing a dragon robe, only ordinary clothes, and he was sitting half-reclined and half-reclined on the dragon chair.

Lu Hong did not dare to raise his head, so he knelt down and saluted: "Student Lu Hong, please see the Emperor."

He is a famous scholar, so it is appropriate to call himself a student.

The emperor said nothing, his sharp eyes fixed on him.

Lu Hong did not dare to stand up, and still maintained his kneeling posture, with cold sweat gradually breaking out on his back. I was uneasy and uneasy all the way, and now, this bad premonition was finally confirmed.

The emperor really has bad intentions!

The matter between him and Princess Changping had already spread throughout the capital under the instigation and spread of the matter by some thoughtful people. The emperor must have heard something, so he summoned him into the palace to inquire.

I wonder if he can still walk out of Zichen Palace alive today...

After an unknown amount of time, the emperor asked calmly: "Are you Lu Hong?"

Lu Hong knelt straight and said yes respectfully.

"You raise your head and let me take a look." There was no emotion or anger in the emperor's voice, but it was filled with alarming majesty.

Lu Hong had to raise his head.

He finally saw the emperor's face clearly.

The emperor is old, his face is sickly pale, his forehead is full of wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and he looks no different from other old people. But those slightly squinted eyes were surprisingly sharp and compelling.

The emperor looked at you for a few times, smiled with unknown meaning, and said slowly: "You are indeed handsome and elegant, with outstanding demeanor. Changping's eyesight is not bad."

Lu Hong's face turned pale.

Sure enough, it’s because of Princess Changping!

In front of the emperor who knew everything, Lu Hongsheng could not think of any excuses. He swallowed the humiliation silently and responded in a low voice: "The student has a despicable mind and does not dare to praise the emperor, let alone be favored by the princess."

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