Loyang Jin

Chapter 313 Disposal 1

The emperor's eyes flickered.

This Lu Hong is quite responsible. She didn't deny anything in front of him, which also made him look at her a little higher.

But that's all.

Princess Changping committed the evil act of killing her husband and became infamous and was imprisoned in Ciyun Nunnery. Lu Hong, who "seduced" Princess Changping, is certainly to blame.

He was seriously ill and bedridden before, so he couldn't care about this for a while. The dragon's body improved slightly, so he ordered people to investigate the matter secretly.

The relationship between Lu Hong and Princess Changping was originally considered a secret. I don’t know who contributed to it and spread the word. Therefore, the emperor knew the whole story without any effort. Forget about the anger in my heart.

But everyone is bound to have the mentality of protecting one's shortcomings.

In the emperor's opinion, if Lu Hong hadn't taken the initiative to seduce her, Princess Changping would not have thought of killing her consort. When such a scandal happened, he dealt with Princess Changping ruthlessly, and of course he would not let Lu Hong go.

"When did you and Changping meet, and how did they start?" The emperor's voice was cold: "Now tell me one by one. If there is even a word that is false, I will not forgive you lightly."

When things came to an end, Lu Hong calmed down a lot.

There is no way to avoid this disaster even if you want to!

"Reporting to the Emperor, after the student arrived in the capital last year, he and his younger brother met Her Highness the Princess on the street. At that time, the carriage almost hit her and disturbed Her Highness. The student immediately got off the carriage to apologize, and thus got to know the Princess..."

Lu Hong neither exaggerated nor covered up the affairs between himself and Princess Changping.

When talking about the night of King Yan's wedding, Lu Hong changed his story slightly: "...that night, the student was drunk. For some reason, he woke up in the princess's mansion. He drank all night After taking the hangover medicine, I felt unbearably hot all over my body, and then I had a night of fun with the princess! "

The emperor looked extremely ugly when he heard this, and sneered: "According to what you said, you are not to blame for all this. It was Changping who spiked your sobering potion, and you made a mistake in the heat of the moment? What happened after that? Is it possible? Could it be that every time you go to the Princess Mansion, Chang Ping forces you to go? "

Lu Hong gritted his teeth secretly, lowered his head and replied, "It's because the students are romantic by nature and were dazzled by the beauty. No wonder the princess."

At this time, second uncle Lu Ping must not be dragged into the situation again.

He could only grit his teeth and accept this romantic debt.

Lu Hong admitted his account, and the emperor's face didn't look good. He asked coldly: "Do you know about Chang Ping's plan to kill the consort?"

Of course I didn’t know!

He was coaxed, persuaded and forced by Lu Ping to accompany Princess Changping, with the idea of ​​perfunctory in mind. From the beginning to the end, he had no idea that Princess Changping had plans to kill her husband and then call him as her consort!

But would the emperor believe this fact?

Second uncle Lu Ping is definitely not innocent in this. If the emperor becomes angry, the entire Lu family will be destroyed!

Lu Hong's thoughts turned and he quickly made a decision, gritting his teeth and admitting it: "Although Her Royal Highness did not say it explicitly, she had vaguely revealed this intention. The student... was fascinated by the glory and wealth, so he did not persuade me."

After saying that, he looked full of remorse and guilt, and couldn't kneel down: "The mistakes are all the fault of the students. It was the students' bad conduct and poor behavior that damaged the reputation of the princess and also caused the death of the consort. . The student is willing to use his life to forgive his sins, and he will not complain if he wants to be killed or beheaded. However, these things were committed by students, and the crime is not as bad as that of his family. I ask the emperor to have mercy and let the Lu family go."

He can no longer escape this disaster and can no longer drag the Lu family into this muddy water.

Lu Hongchang couldn't kneel down.

The emperor looked coldly at the handsome young man kneeling in front of him, his eyes flickering, and no one could guess what he was thinking at this time.

King Yan, who had been standing silently, finally opened his mouth and said: "Father, the matter is already very clear. If it weren't for this Lu Hong, the eldest sister would not have made a big mistake. How to deal with it, please ask father The emperor decides!”

There was undisguised hatred in his tone!

The emperor glanced at King Yan and asked calmly: "Just deal with him and let the Lu family go. Do you think this treatment is reasonable?"

King Yan's heart skipped a beat.

He was very familiar with the emperor's temper.

At this time, his expression was unclear and his tone was uncertain, and he clearly had other plans.

King Yan responded as if nothing had happened: "My father is wise and makes his own decisions. My sons and ministers dare not speak nonsense."

The emperor twitched his lips and sighed as if talking to himself: "I am indeed old, but I am not old and stupid yet. Lu Hong cannot escape the blame for the death of the consort, and Lu Ping also played a lot of role in it, right? !”

As soon as these words came out, Lu Hong's heart tightened, and he kowtowed for mercy without thinking: "Please tell me from your Majesty that this matter is all my fault and has nothing to do with my second uncle."

The emperor seemed not to have heard Lu Hong's begging for mercy, and looked at King Yan meaningfully: "This Lu Ping is quite close to Prince Yan's palace on weekdays. In order to get along with Changping, he also spent a lot of effort."

King Yan's heart sank.

The fact that the emperor doesn't care about these trivial matters does not mean that he is easy to fool. Once the emperor becomes suspicious and wants to get to the bottom of it, what Lu Ping has done in private cannot be hidden from the emperor at all.

From the perspective of King Yan, he was happy to see Lu Hong being dealt with, but he did not want Lu Ping to be involved. The officials who depended on him were already unstable. One Lupin was insignificant, but it would affect the already unstable people's hearts.

However, now that the emperor has opened his mouth, he can no longer protect Lu Ping!

"I didn't expect that Lu Ping would be such a shameless villain!" King Yan made a decision in an instant, with a look of indignation on his face: "It is really intolerable to have such a villain as an official in the court. Please also ask Father, let’s go together!”

Seeing King Yan acting like this, the emperor sighed secretly.

Lu Ping is the most loyal lackey under King Yan.

If he dealt with Lu Ping, the officials who were originally attached to King Yan would probably scatter like birds and fishes. Queen Xu and Changping encountered disasters one after another, and King Yan was already in a very difficult situation at this time.

Tiger poison does not eat its seeds. No matter how cruel he was, he couldn't bear to cut off all the wings of his youngest son.

The emperor said calmly: "Lu Ping failed to discipline his nephew well, so he will be punished in the house for a month to reflect." This kind of treatment can be regarded as being held high and let go.

Lu Hong's and King Yan's hearts fell back to their original positions at the same time.

King Yan responded respectfully: "Father, the Holy Ming!"

Lu Hong even kowtowed and thanked him: "Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty."

The emperor looked at Lu Hong again and said coldly: "As for you, I will not kill you, but will keep your life. However, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living penalty cannot be escaped. Changping entered Ciyun Nunnery, and there will be no more in this life. Prince Consort. You will accompany Chang Ping and become a monk in Bodhi Temple. You will copy two volumes of Buddhist scriptures every day and pray for the deceased Prince Consort."

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