Loyang Jin

Chapter 315 Hairpin

Everything was going on outside, but Ling Jingshu, who was in the prison, was unaware of it.

After getting up and briefly washing up, Bai Yu suddenly said: "Miss, today is June 12th."

Ling Jingshu was stunned.

Is it already June 12th? Before I knew it, it had been almost two months since I entered the prison.

"At this time in previous years, I could still make a bowl of longevity noodles for the young lady with my own hands." Bai Yu sighed sadly: "Speaking of which, this year the young lady is still a hairpin, and I didn't expect that she would spend her time in prison."

Getting haircut is undoubtedly an important thing for a young girl.

If we were in Ling Mansion, there would be a huge crowd of guests today, and a grand and grand haircut ceremony would be held.

Now, the young lady has to stay in a dark prison to spend the most important birthday in her life!

The more Bai Yu thought about it, the more sad and sad she felt, and couldn't help but raise her hand to wipe her tears.

It would be impossible to say that Ling Jingshu didn't feel a little bit sad. However, after experiencing so many things, being able to live safely is the most important thing.

"Speaking of it, this is also a rare experience." Ling Jingshu was half joking and half self-deprecating: "Looking back in the future, Ji Ji's day will be particularly special. After all, how many people can celebrate their birthdays in the palace prison?"

Bai Yu felt sad and said, "Miss, please stop teasing me. There is nothing to remember about spending your birthday in a prison. You don't even have new clothes or new jewelry."

There is no such thing as packing your clothes and luggage before entering the prison. When I came, I had nothing to offer. The clothes you wear on weekdays are all distributed uniformly in the prison. Dusty dresses, simple style and low quality.

Ling Jingshu raised her eyebrows and turned around in a deliberately pretentious manner: "Miss, I am born with beauty and it is hard to give up. I look beautiful no matter what I wear. There is no need for gorgeous clothes."

Bai Yu couldn't help but laugh again after being teased by Ling Jingshu.

Cuiliu didn't know when she stood outside the door, opened the lock neatly, and then came in with breakfast.

Ling Jingshu couldn't help but be startled when she saw it.

There were actually two bowls of noodles on the tray. The noodles are still steaming hot. The thin white noodles and green vegetable leaves make you more appetizing.

This is the first time that noodles have been brought to me since entering Tianlao. On weekdays, it’s mostly porridge, steamed buns and the like.

Is it a coincidence?

Ling Jingshu glanced at Cuiliu gratefully: "Thank you, sister Cuiliu."

Cuiliu smiled meaningfully and said: "You don't have to thank me. I was also ordered to bring longevity noodles. I heard that today is Miss Ling's fifteenth birthday. In this prison, there is really nothing else but to prepare birthday noodles. Meet.”

As he spoke, he quickly thrust a slender box and a letter into Ling Jingshu's hands.

No need to guess, you know who sent it.

Such gentle and careful concern seeps into my heart like gentle breeze and drizzle.

"Miss, Imperial Doctor Wei is really thoughtful."

Bai Yu's slightly excited voice sounded in his ears: "He even knew your birthday, and even asked someone to prepare birthday noodles. By the way, what is in this box? Could it be a birthday gift? "

Ling Jingshu was also curious, so she put the letter aside and opened the box first.

In the slender box, there is an ebony hairpin. The style is not complicated, but the carving is very detailed. The head of the hairpin is carved into a blooming peony, which is lifelike and very unique.

Opening the letter, there were only two short sentences in the letter.

Ah Shu, happy birthday! This is the hairpin I carved by myself to express my feelings.

Something seemed to burst out of my heart, filling my chest.

Ling Jingshu's eyes were a little hot.

Bai Yu said briskly: "Miss, let's eat the longevity noodles first! This noodles should be eaten while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold."

Ling Jingshu hummed and sat down with Bai Yu to eat longevity noodles.

The person responsible for the food in the Tianlao is not a highly skilled chef, but just the most ordinary maid in the palace. His skill in making noodles is not much better. The noodles are a little thin, not chewy, and the taste is a little bland. Taking out two poached eggs from the noodle bowl was an unexpected surprise.

It was the most delicious food she had ever tasted.

Ling Jingshu slowly finished the bowl of noodles. My stomach quickly felt warm, and the warmth quickly spread throughout my body.

After eating the noodles, Ling Jingshu burned the letter and smiled at Bai Yu: "Bai Yu, comb my hair into a new bun and use this ebony hairpin."

Bai Yu responded with a smile.

In front of the simple dressing mirror, Bai Yu carefully combed Ling Jingshu's long hair neatly and smoothly with a wooden comb, and then tied it into a simple bun. Finally, the ebony hairpin was inserted into the side of the bun.

No makeup, no beautiful new clothes and jewelry.

The girl in the bronze mirror has pink cheeks and bright starry eyes, emitting a dazzling light.

Bai Yu looked at Ling Jingshu like this and felt extremely happy in her heart.

Probably because of a strange illness, the young lady was cold and indifferent to all men. Even the emperor's grandson's favor had never moved her. Bai Yu once secretly worried, if this continues, what will the young lady do in the future? Do you really want to never marry a single person for the rest of your life?

Now, Bai Yu feels that he doesn't have to worry about this problem anymore.

Doctor Wei used his gentleness, persistence and affection to open the young lady's heart bit by bit.

The green willow will soon come back.

Bai Yu came forward with a smile: "Miss Cuiliu, the dishes and chopsticks have been put away, you just need to take them away."

Cuiliu's look was a little strange: "I'm not here to clean up the dishes. The Commander-in-Chief said that the Emperor is going to summon Lady Ling. Please ask Lady Ling to follow me out now."


Why did the emperor suddenly want to summon her?

Ling Jingshu had a not-so-good premonition in her heart, but she also knew that this was the emperor's order and could not be refused, so she immediately agreed: "Yes, I'll leave now."

Bai Yu immediately said: "Miss, this slave will also go with you."

She wants to live and die with the lady!

Ling Jingshu heard the implication of Bai Yu's words and her eyes softened: "Okay, let's go together."

Cuiliu didn't say much. Leading the master and servant Ling Jingshu out.

If the emperor wanted to execute Ling Jingshu, all he needed was an oral order. Now if he wants to summon Ling Jingshu in person, his life should not be in danger. Maybe there will be some unexpected good things.

Cuiliu glanced at Ling Jingshu, who was still beautiful and outstanding after being in the prison for two months, and secretly made a calculation in her heart.

Seeing Ling Jingshu walking out of the prison, Ruilian Qiu Shuang and others began to become restless. They all pressed against the iron door and looked at Ling Jingshu helplessly: "Why can she get out? What about us?"

Cuiliu glared back fiercely: "This is the emperor's personal order to summon Lady Officer Ling. What are you making such a fuss about?"

When Ruilian and others heard that it was the imperial order, they were immediately speechless. They watched Ling Jingshu's figure disappear around the corner, feeling both envy and hatred in their hearts.

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