Loyang Jin

Chapter 316: Face to Face 1

This is the first time Ling Jingshu has stepped into the Zichen Palace. Compared with the luxurious and magnificent Jiaofang Palace, the Zichen Palace has much fewer furnishings and looks more calm and majestic.

The air was mixed with the smell of medicine and sandalwood, making it a bit stuffy.

The palace maids and chamberlains entered and exited quietly, and no one dared to look around even though they were very curious about Ling Jingshu's appearance.

A fair-faced eunuch with no beard came over and looked Ling Jingshu up and down. There was a meaningful meaning in his eyes: "You must be Miss Ling!"

After sitting in jail for two months, he became very thin, haggard and uneasy. There are no fancy clothes or accessories, and even the most beautiful woman will lose some of her color. This Ling Jingshu is an exception.

The plain face is still beautiful and bright, and the eyes are clear and bright, as if they can see into people's hearts, making them unforgettable.

No wonder the emperor was obsessed with her and summoned her to meet him before his dragon body recovered...

This eunuch is none other than Eunuch Ding, who is beside the emperor. Ling Jingshu had only met Eunuch Ding once before, on the night when Queen Xu's incident happened. However, this Eunuch Ding left an extremely deep impression on her.

Ling Jingshu didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly bent down to salute: "Jingshu has met Eunuch Ding."

Eunuch Ding was quite polite: "Ms. Ling, you don't have to be so polite. The emperor has been resting on the bed recently and it is not appropriate to stay. Follow me into the bedroom to pay his respects to the emperor."

Ling Jingshu responded respectfully, but secretly frowned in her heart.

The emperor suddenly summoned her, which was already suspicious. He even summoned her to meet her in the dormitory... She was just a female official, so this kind of treatment was really strange.

If something goes wrong, it must be a monster!

She must handle it carefully!

Ling Jingshu subconsciously raised her vigilance and followed Eunuch Ding into the emperor's bedroom.

As for Bai Yu, he was not qualified to follow him in and could only stay outside and wait.

The smell of medicine in the dormitory became stronger.

Ling Jingshu kept her head lowered and never looked around. After entering the dormitory, he knelt down and said, "Your servant Ling Jingshu, please give your regards to the Emperor."

The emperor, who was half sitting and half lying on the bed, hummed casually: "I'm sorry."

Ling Jingshu respectfully thanked her and stood up. While standing upright, she quickly glanced at him. The emperor's eyes were staring at her closely, with a strange light in his eyes.

This glance made Ling Jingshu's heart instantly sink to the bottom.

This look was not unfamiliar to her at all.

After marrying Lu Hong, she had seen such light in Lu Qian's eyes and in Lu An's eyes. After rebirth, there are also the Emperor Taisun and King Yan...

This is a man's admiration and covetous gaze on a beautiful girl!

This is also the look of her deepest hatred and disgust!

She tried her best to come to the capital and worked hard to get close to Queen Xu, the princess of Changping, bent on revenge. I don't want to be close to any man again. However, fate is always so cruel.

Going round and round, she still has to face the pain of her previous life.

No, this is a predicament that is more difficult to deal with and escape from than in the previous life!

The old man in front of him was the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, and he ruled the world. One word can lead to life, one word can lead to death! Disobedience and rejection are not tolerated...

Ling Jingshu's expression didn't change much, but her hands shrunk in her sleeves kept trembling. My mind was so confused that I felt like I was in a cold ice cellar.

It was obviously a hot and unbearable weather, but her whole body was cold.

"Ling Jingshu, you have been in the prison for two months, what do you want to say to me now?" The emperor's tone was not harsh, it could even be considered gentle, with a faint smile flashing in his eyes.

Bad things happened one after another. These days, one can imagine the emperor's mood. Today, I suddenly got excited and summoned Ling Jingshu to come and see the saint.

After seeing the beautiful and lovely girl, I felt much better.

Ling Jingshu composed herself and replied: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your inquiry. I have been in prison these days to reflect and reflect. Looking back on the wrong things I have done, I feel deeply ashamed."

"My servant knew that something was wrong in the Jiaofang Palace, but because of cowardice, she did not dare to report it to anyone. The emperor witnessed the unbearable scene with his own eyes, and became furious because of it. The dragon's body was so angry that it has not recovered even after lying on the bed for so long. …”

Eunuch Ding's expression froze.

This Ling Jingshu looks smart and clever, but she sounds so stupid when she talks. What happened that night was a scar on the emperor, and no one dared to mention it casually.

She's good, she talks non-stop!

The emperor's brows moved, and the smile in his eyes dimmed.

Ling Jingshu's pleasant voice still echoed in her ears: "... I know that I have made a big mistake. To be able to save this life is already a great favor from the emperor. I don't dare to ask for anything else. I just want to continue to stay in the prison." "Stay alive."

The emperor took a deep look at Ling Jingshu: "What you said surprised me. There is no daylight in the prison, and ordinary people can't stand it for a few days. You have been in the prison for two months, don't you want to come out?"

Ling Jingshu's fingers pinched into the palm of her hand, and she felt a stinging pain, but her face was calm and calm: "Ruilian Qiu Shuang and the others are all locked up in the heavenly prison. How can I dare to hope to get out of the heavenly prison?"

"Ruilian and the others have served in the Jiaofang Palace for several years, and they are all Empress Xu's confidants. You entered the palace against your will. It has not been more than half a year, and you are not aware of the secrets in the Jiaofang Palace. With the few of them, It’s different.”

The emperor said calmly: "Although I am the emperor, I do not kill innocent people indiscriminately. You don't need to be frightened and afraid in front of me. If you have anything to say in your heart, just say it. I will pardon you!"

Hearing such words, even Eunuch Ding couldn't help being surprised.

The emperor really looked at this Ling Jingshu with special regard and was particularly fond of her. If it had been anyone else who had said such stupid and ignorant things, he would have been dragged back to the sky prison long ago. There is no such thing as "just say what you want to say in your heart", let alone "I will pardon your innocence"!

It seems that there will soon be another favored concubine in this palace!

Maybe, Rong Chong will be even better than Wei Jieyu back then!

Eunuch Ding was quick in his thinking and made quick calculations. While Ling Jingshu has not yet received the Holy Favor, he will first take more care of her and show her good will, and then establish a good relationship...

Before Eunuch Ding could finish his wild thoughts, Ling Jingshu's voice rang out again: "The emperor is so generous and kind, which frightens the slave. Then the slave boldly said what he wanted in his heart, hoping that the emperor would grant it!"

Say it, say it!

Say that you are willing to stay in the Zichen Palace and serve the Emperor personally!

Say that you are loyal to the emperor and never have second thoughts!

From then on, you will embark on a glorious and glorious life path, with glory and wealth just around the corner!

Eunuch Ding looked at Ling Jingshu with expectant eyes.

What the emperor was thinking was obviously the same as Eunuch Ding, and his eyes flashed with joy: "Oh? What do you want to ask me for?"

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