Loyang Jin

Chapter 317: Face to Face 2

Under the expectant gazes of Eunuch Ding and the Emperor, Ling Jingshu raised her head, her clear and bright beautiful eyes full of pleading: "I know that I am stupid and not suitable to be a servant in the palace. I entered the palace before because of the Queen's favor. The slave cannot and dare not refuse. Now the Queen no longer needs the slave. I beg the emperor to allow the slave to leave the palace and return to the Ling family."


Eunuch Ding stared at Ling Jingshu with a look of hatred.

What a colorless idiot! The emperor's meaning has been made so obvious, and he doesn't even understand it!

How could you say such shameful words at a time like this! Isn't this sincerely causing trouble for the emperor?

Of course, there are some words that the Emperor must never say. Otherwise, it will damage the emperor’s face and dignity. As the emperor's confidant, Eunuch Ding stepped forward without hesitation at critical moments.

"Nonsense!" Eunuch Ding scolded him with a straight face: "No matter what the reason was, once you enter the palace, you are a member of the palace. What kind of place is this palace? How can you come and leave as you please? Just leave? Why don’t you apologize to the emperor quickly?”

The emperor did not get angry or make a sound, he still looked at Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu's heart sank again.

This lustful emperor really fell in love with her! She deliberately acted stupid and said something to anger him, but he actually tolerated it.

If she really lets go, the only road waiting for her is to lead to the dragon bed!

Be calm! Be sure to calm down!

Ling Jingshu forced herself to suppress the turbulent anger in her heart, squeezed out a panicked expression, and kowtowed for mercy: "This slave spoke nonsense for a while! Please atone for your sins! Please be merciful!"

The emperor's eyes flashed, and he opened his mouth reservedly: "That's all! Because you are young and impulsive, I will spare you this time. You also heard what Eunuch Ding said just now. This palace is the most noble place in the world. , and the rules are the strictest. Once you enter the palace, you must abide by the rules of the palace and don't always think about leaving the palace."

"No matter how good the Ling family is, how can it be as good as the imperial palace?"

The tone of the last sentence was particularly gentle.

Ling Jingshu gritted her teeth secretly in her heart.

This **** old man is simply disgusting!

Which rule is the most stringent, and which one should never think about leaving the palace again. If he was really willing to let her out of the palace, it would only be a matter of words. No matter how great the rules are, they are not as powerful as the emperor.

After all, he had no intention of letting her go!

"That's what the Emperor said." Ling Jingshu lowered her head slightly and avoided the Emperor's gaze: "It is my honor to stay in the palace. I made a big mistake and appeared shamelessly in front of the Emperor. Please take off my hair and wash it." If you do some heavy work in the room or kitchen, I will do it willingly without any complaints!"

The emperor frowned in displeasure.

The corners of Eunuch Ding's mouth twitched a few times.

Is this Ling Jingshu really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? The emperor had already put down his arrogance and gave her the steps himself. If she didn't climb up the steps, she would have to do some menial and heavy work. It's so stupid!

"Mr. Ling, you have misunderstood the emperor's meaning."

Eunuch Ding squeezed out a smile and coaxed pleasantly: "You were the daughter of a boudoir before you entered the palace, and you were raised in fine clothes and fine food since you were a child. You are good at elegant things like playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and you are also good at growing peonies." If you do any heavy work, wouldn't it be a great humiliation for you?"

After saying that, he bent over and smiled at the emperor: "Your Majesty, I boldly suggest that you let Concubine Ling stay in the Zichen Palace to serve you. Although there are many palace maids around the Emperor, there are none as talented, knowledgeable and intelligent as Concubine Ling. . There is no need to do anything serious on weekdays, just chatting with the emperor to relieve boredom. "

This statement is exactly what the emperor wants.

The emperor's brows relaxed, and he nodded with a smile: "What you said makes sense, just follow your words!" Eunuch Ding knew his thoughts best!

Eunuch Ding suppressed the complacency in his heart and responded respectfully. Then he looked at Ling Jingshu with another smile on his face: "Mr. Ling, why don't you kneel down to thank God!"

When the incident came to an end, the raging anger in Ling Jingshu's heart calmed down.

It’s a blessing, not a curse, it’s a curse that cannot be avoided!

The emperor has already opened his mouth and cannot allow her to dodge and refuse anymore. If you stay, just stay! Play it by ear and be careful in everything. If nothing else works, she still has one last "talisman".

Even if you are the emperor, you cannot force a woman who suffers from a "strange disease" and cannot get close to any man.

Ling Jingshu took a deep breath and knelt down to thank her.

She has a slim figure, and her posture remains graceful when she kneels.

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the beautiful girl as delicate as a flower. He was in a good mood: "Okay, there is no need to kneel anymore. Eunuch Ding, please go ahead and have someone prepare a place for Lady Officer Ling."

Eunuch Ding responded cheerfully: "I obey the order."

The emperor was quite sympathetic and said: "The rank of Lady Ling remains unchanged, and a few palace ladies will be assigned to Lady Ling. The flowers and plants in the Zichen Palace were also given to her to take care of. She had been in the prison for two months before. , take a good rest for five or six days before going on duty."

Eunuch Ding smiled and responded one by one. I couldn't help but marvel in my heart.

The emperor indeed had a special regard for Ling Jingshu. An ordinary female official could not bear this honor and favor.

Eunuch Ding led Ling Jingshu out of the Zichen Palace. His smile was much more friendly and easy-going than before: "Congratulations, Miss Ling, for winning the emperor's favor and staying in the Zichen Palace as an errand. This is a good thing that others cannot envy."

Ling Jingshu sneered in her heart and responded humbly: "I'm new here and I don't know anything about the rules in Zichen Palace. Please take care of me and give me some guidance, Eunuch Ding."

"Taking care and giving guidance is out of the question." Eunuch Ding smiled like a chrysanthemum: "If there's anything Miss Ling doesn't understand, just ask me."

After a pause, he hinted pointedly: "In the final analysis, we are all slaves serving the master. There is only one thing to do, which is to serve the master with all our heart and make the master happy. This is the nature of our slaves. separated."

"With Lady Officer Ling's intelligence, if she can serve the Queen well in the Jiaofang Palace, she will definitely be able to serve the Emperor well in the Zichen Palace."

Ling Jingshu resisted the urge to slap that ambiguous smiling face and twitched the corners of her lips.

In Eunuch Ding's view, Ling Jingshu had understood his hint and felt quite happy.

At this moment, a tall and slender young man walked towards him.

Eunuch Ding raised his head and immediately greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Wei, you are finally here."

Wei Yan smiled and exchanged a few pleasantries, then his eyes passed over Eunuch Ding and landed on the girl behind Eunuch Ding.

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