Loyang Jin

Chapter 318 Anger

Why is she here?

Wei Yan was both surprised and happy. When his eyes hurriedly glanced at the ebony hairpin beside her bun, a soft and gentle sweetness filled his heart.

The concentration under the lamp in the middle of the night, the tenderness that pours all the heart into, the deep feelings that cannot be expressed in words, are all fully revealed in this ebony hairpin.

He held out his heart nervously but bravely.

In the blink of an eye, he saw her wearing the hairpin he made by himself... It was as if a flower bloomed when a seed was planted in the ground. It made him excited.

Ling Jingshu raised her head and met Wei Yan's gaze.

Before the joy of meeting again after a long separation came to my mind, it was washed away by the grievances in my heart.

It's like a child who has been wronged and meets someone who relies on him wholeheartedly. I can't wait to pour out all my grievances and pains to him...

It's a pity that this place is not suitable at this time, and there is an eyesore Eunuch Ding standing by.

"I didn't expect to meet Ms. Ling here." Wei Yan broke the silence with a smile, and also slightly woke up from the joy of meeting again after a long separation.

Ling Jingshu was originally imprisoned in the prison, why was she suddenly released from the prison? Still appearing in Zichen Palace? Also, there was no joy on her face, and there was even a trace of grievance in her eyes.

What exactly is going on?

Ling Jingshu suppressed the turbulent and complicated thoughts in her heart and whispered: "The emperor's grace is great. The emperor pardoned the prison sentence of this slave. From today on, I will stay in the Zichen Palace to serve you."

What? !

Wei Yan was so attentive and perceptive that he almost immediately heard something was wrong in Ling Jingshu's words, and his heart trembled.

Before he could think deeply, Eunuch Ding's high-pitched and uncomfortable laughter rang out: "Yes, to say that this female officer Ling is really a first-class good luck. The emperor not only pardoned the female officer Ling without guilt , let her out of the prison, and keep her in the Zichen Palace as a female official. From now on, Imperial Physician Wei will often go in and out of the Zichen Palace, and he will have to meet and deal with the female official Ling. "

The smile on Wei Yan's lips disappeared instantly.

He looked at Ling Jingshu eagerly.

When their eyes met, Ling Jingshu nodded slightly, confirming his suspicions and doubts.

Wei Yan's heart sank, and soon overwhelming anger swept over his heart, burning fiercely.

Your Majesty is an old man! At such a young age, half of his body was buried in the loess, yet he still covets the young Ling Jingshu!

How shameless!

Wei Yan used all his self-control to maintain a calm expression: "Is what Eunuch Ding said true? Then I have to congratulate Ms. Ling."

Ah Shu! Don't be afraid! As long as I'm here, I will never let that old pervert touch even a finger of yours!

This message was clearly conveyed in Wei Yan's eyes.

All the grievances in Ling Jingshu's heart were instantly soothed, and waves of warmth and relief filled her heart: "I will have to ask Dr. Wei to take care of me in the future."

Wei Yan nodded pretending to be indifferent.

Everyone in the palace is a human spirit!

This Eunuch Ding has served the emperor for many years. He is quick-thinking, shrewd and tactful. With Eunuch Ding around, he and Ling Jingshu had to be extra careful to avoid being caught. With Eunuch Ding's temperament, he would report it to the emperor if he turned around.

Eunuch Ding smiled and said: "Let's take Miss Ling to settle down first. Doctor Wei can go into the dormitory by himself. There is no need to inform."

Wei Yan responded and walked past Ling Jingshu with a calm expression.

Ling Jingshu resisted the urge to look back and silently left with Eunuch Ding.

Bai Yu waited anxiously for a long time before she saw Ling Jingshu's figure, and couldn't wait to greet her: "Miss, are you okay?"

The emperor didn't make things difficult for the young lady, did he?

Ling Jingshu composed herself, pretending to be happy and replied: "Bai Yu, I am really blessed in my previous life. Not only did the emperor not blame me, but he also left me as a female official in the Zichen Palace! From today on, we no longer have to Go back to prison!"

Bai Yu was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Why did it suddenly become like this?

Why did the emperor suddenly want to leave the young lady as an errand in the Zichen Palace? Until the emperor's intentions are clear, it is still unclear whether this will be a blessing or a curse. With the young lady's temperament, she would definitely not be so happy because of this matter.

So, this must be specially shown to Eunuch Ding!

Bai Yu was very attentive and reacted quickly, with a bright look in his eyes, and said happily: "This is really great!"

Ling Jingshu felt relieved when she saw Bai Yu was so smart, and looked at Eunuch Ding with a smile: "Eunuch Ding, I have a gracious favor. When I entered the palace that day, I brought a maid named Qiao Yun with me. Qiao Yun. Yun is also imprisoned in the sky prison. I wonder if I can ask my father-in-law for grace to release Qiao Yun from the prison and come to me. "

Eunuch Ding agreed readily: "It's a trivial matter, nothing important. I'll send someone to Tianlao and bring Qiaoyun over."

The emperor looked at Ling Jingshu in a different light, and having one more maid was nothing.

Ling Jingshu smiled and thanked her.

Qiaoyun possesses martial arts skills and is also the person close to the emperor's grandson. Having Qiaoyun by your side is like having an extra talisman.

Eunuch Ding quickly called a chamberlain and gave a few instructions in a low voice. Then he personally led Ling Jingshu to the female officer's residence to settle down.

The layout of Zichen Hall is somewhat different from that of Jiaofang Hall, and it is more spacious than that of Jiaofang Hall. Near the emperor's bedroom, there is a duty room for the imperial physician and a place for the guards to be on duty.

Those who serve the emperor are mainly chamberlains. There are not many palace maids, and female officials are even rarer.

Eunuch Ding led Ling Jingshu to see the female official Qian in the Zichen Palace: "This female official Qian has been serving in the Zichen Palace for five or six years. She is usually in charge of cleaning, sewing, and other things in the Zichen Palace."

Then he smiled at Official Qian and said, "This is the new Official Ling. She used to be a servant in Jiaofang Palace and was good at serving flowers and plants. The emperor left her in Zichen Palace, and from now on all the flowers and plants in Zichen Palace will be left to her. That’s right. When the time comes, just assign ten maids to Lady Ling. You two will work together in the future, so you might as well get closer.”

Ling Jingshu smiled and stepped forward to greet him.

The female official Qian was about 25 or 26 years old. She was of average appearance and not particularly outstanding. Her speech and behavior were quite arrogant and cold. She nodded slightly at Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu didn't mind such indifference and asked Eunuch Ding with a smile: "Eunuch Ding, do you know where my residence is?"

Eunuch Ding thought for a while: "There is an empty house next door to Miss Qian. You can move in first!" Then he casually ordered: "Ms. Qian, it is inconvenient for our family to enter the residence of Miss Qian. Please lead Miss Ling over. What does Miss Ling lack? , just open your mouth, if Ms. Qian can make the decision, she will help you go to the warehouse to get it, if you can’t, then tell our family. "

Official Qian did not expect Eunuch Ding to be so warm and courteous to Ling Jingshu, so she immediately put aside her contempt and agreed with a smile.

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