Loyang Jin

Chapter 322 Contradiction

In the dormitory of the female official in Zichen Palace.

"Miss," Qiaoyun, who was much thinner in a gray dress, knelt down with red eyes: "I thought I would never see you again."

At this moment, it was not just a show, but Qiaoyun's true feelings were also revealed.

After that night, everything spiraled out of control. No matter how powerful the emperor's grandson is, it is not appropriate for him to reach into the prison in the palace. Qiaoyun has no channel to deliver messages. She was first locked up with Bai Yu. Later, Bai Yu was taken away and she was left alone in the cell.

No matter how tough she is, she is still a girl under twenty years old. These days, I was worried about Ling Jingshu's safety and the emperor's grandson's reaction. It was really hard. When I met Ling Jingshu at this time, I could no longer control the turbulent emotions in my heart, and tears quickly burst out.

Ling Jingshu felt quite sad in her heart and gently helped Qiaoyun up: "Qiaoyun, these days have been hard on you. You followed me into the palace and spent another two months in jail. Now the three of us can finally return to the palace again." Let’s get together. Please stop crying and tell me how your days have been.”

Qiaoyun was not hypocritical. He quickly wiped away his tears and whispered: "At first, slave girl and Bai Yu were locked in a cell. Both of us were worried about the safety of the young lady and were restless day and night. Later, Bai Yu was locked up in a cell. After taking it away, I guess I went to the young lady’s place, and I felt much more at ease.”

"The conditions in the sky jail are indeed crude, but they can barely feed me. No one comes to ask questions or interrogate me. It's just that I'm very depressed after being locked up every day."

After a pause, Qiaoyun laughed again: "I originally thought that I would be imprisoned for an unknown period of time, but I didn't expect to be released from the prison so soon. The young lady was also left in the Zichen Palace as a female official, Bi Ruilian and the others. You’ll have more luck.”

Ling Jingshu twitched her lips with self-mockery: "Yes, I am indeed very lucky. I was released from the prison for no reason. The emperor was particularly gracious and allowed me to work as an errand in the Zichen Palace."

Qiaoyun was happy at first and didn't think much about it. Now after hearing what Ling Jingshu said, she realized something was wrong and asked hesitantly: "Isn't it Wei Jieyu who begged the emperor for the young lady?"

Ling Jingshu shook her head silently.

Qiao Yun's heart skipped a beat, and her expression quickly became serious. After a long while, he whispered: "If you don't mind, young lady, please tell this matter to His Highness the Grand Sun!"

Ling Jingshu's mind flashed through the condensed face of the emperor's grandson. She was silent for a moment before responding: "That's fine."

This kind of thing cannot be hidden from anyone. In a few days, word will spread in the palace.

It would be better to let the emperor's grandson know earlier.

In the evening, Qiaoyun's letter arrived in Lu Cai's hands.

Lu Cai took the bamboo tube, quietly entered the study, and reported in a low voice: "Your Highness, Qiu Yun, news has come back."

"Oh?" The emperor's grandson, who was looking down at the official document, raised his head almost immediately, with a rare hint of surprise on his expressionless face: "Bring it over quickly."

Lu Cai responded and gently placed the bamboo tube on the table.

The emperor's grandson quickly opened the bamboo tube and unfolded the thin letter paper.

Ling Jingshu was imprisoned in Tianlao for two months, and Qiaoyun was also imprisoned in Tianlao, making it inconvenient to deliver news. Although he had other spies in the palace, it was a pity that he could not intervene in the prison.

He hasn't seen a single word about Ling Jingshu for two whole months.

At this time, when the letter was unfolded, Ling Jingshu's name came into view. That beautiful face that had been away for a long time suddenly came to mind, causing ripples in the calm lake of the heart.

The emperor's grandson was lost for a moment before looking at the letter. When he saw clearly what was written in the letter, his heart sank.

After reading the letter, the smile on his face disappeared, and the hand holding the letter trembled slightly.

how could this be?

The imperial grandfather is already very old...how could he have such thoughts? !

What should he do?

Watching Ling Jingshu fall into the fire pit? He can't do it. But how can it be easy to save people from the hands of the imperial grandfather? If the emperor's grandfather was jealous and became suspicious of him, wouldn't it be a vain advantage for King Yan? !

The Emperor's grandson's hands trembled, his expression changed, and his eyes were full of contradictions and pain.

That thin piece of letter paper suddenly became heavier than a thousand pounds.

Lu Cai watched quietly from the side, secretly surprised.

After the emperor's grandson read the letter, his expression was full of complicated pain. What exactly is written in this letter?

At this moment, there was a knock on the study door.

A chamberlain came in and reported: "Your Highness, the Crown Princess has ordered someone to call Your Highness and the Grand Concubine to have dinner together."

The emperor's grandson composed himself and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I understand."

He did not burn the letter as he did in the past, but carefully folded the letter and put it into his sleeve.

When the emperor's grandson walked out of the study, Jiang Rongyue was already waiting outside the study with a smile.

With a sweet smile on her lips, she bowed slightly and saluted: "I have met His Highness."

The emperor's grandson temporarily suppressed his disordered mood and said gently: "Didn't I tell you? Now that you are pregnant, you can rest assured to raise your baby. There is no need to pay attention to these false etiquette."

Such gentleness is already a rare tenderness for the emperor's grandson.

Jiang Rongyue responded with a blushing face, feeling sweet in her heart.

A month ago, she had no appetite for food, and her menstrual period was a few days late. She had a vague premonition at that time and asked the imperial doctor to diagnose her pulse, and it turned out to be a happy pulse.

The prince and princess were very happy to be pregnant so soon after entering the house, and were very satisfied with her as their daughter-in-law. Even her husband, who had always been cold and indifferent, treated her much more considerately than before.

She finally came to the end of her hardships.

Jiang Rongyue was so immersed in joy and sweetness that she didn't even notice the trace of gloom between the emperor's grandson's eyebrows.

The couple had dinner at the princess's place, and then returned to the courtyard together, where they each bathed and changed clothes.

Jiang Rongyue was used to packing the emperor's grandson's clothes in person, and tonight was no exception. While sorting and folding the clothes, she suddenly felt a bulge in the hidden pocket in her sleeve.

I don’t know what was put in the secret bag.

Jiang Rongyue was curious for a moment and boldly took out the paper from the secret bag, opened it and took a few glances.

At this glance, Jiang Rongyue couldn't help but change her color suddenly, and unconsciously clenched the letter paper in her hand.

"What are you doing?" The emperor's grandson stood at the door after taking a bath, his sharp eyes falling on Jiang Rongyue.

Jiang Rongyue was startled and reflexively hid the hand holding the letter behind her back: "No, it's nothing. I'm sorting His Highness's clothes."

Her guilty look fell into the eyes of the emperor's grandson. What else didn't he understand?

She must have peeked at the letter in his sleeve!

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