Loyang Jin

Chapter 323 Noisy

The emperor's grandson suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly: "Rongyue, put the letter back."

The tone was firm.

Jiang Rongyue felt sad, and the grievances she had suppressed since her marriage surged into her heart.

Jiang Rongyue bit her lip and spoke back for the first time: "No, I won't let you go!"

The emperor's grandson almost thought that he heard wrongly and glared at each other: "Jiang Rongyue! What are you talking about?"

Jiang Rongyue's eyes were covered with a thin mist, her voice was choked, but more stubborn: "I said no. You hide such a letter in your sleeve, why can't I, the wife, read it?"

The emperor's grandson was very angry: "Stop messing around! This is the news from the secret guards in the palace..."

"If this wasn't news about Ling Jingshu, would His Highness still be so nervous?" Jiang Rongyue quickly raised her head and looked back, her eyes full of accusations.

The emperor's grandson actually felt a little guilty after being told that, he tightened his lips and said in a deep voice: "Don't mess around."

"Whether it is me who is acting recklessly or His Highness is guilty, His Highness knows very well."

Jiang Rongyue complained with tears: "Although I have not been married to His Highness for a long time, I have devoted my whole heart to Your Highness and have done nothing wrong. Your Highness has someone else in his heart and has been treating me coldly. Although I feel sad, I have no shame in showing my love to anyone." Talking. You can only swallow all the bitterness in your heart."

"His Highness likes Ling Jingshu. If nothing unexpected happens, I will not stop him from accepting her as his concubine in a year or two. Because I know that His Highness does not belong to me alone. Since I have married into the Prince's Palace, I have to accept His Highness's support. Hug the fact.”

"However, now that Ling Jingshu is in the palace, she has won the favor of the emperor's grandfather and stayed in the Zichen Palace. What this means, your highness understands better than me. It's time for your highness to let go of this thought."

"His Highness has collected this letter, which shows that His Highness is undecided. I am still pregnant with His Highness's child. His Highness is only thinking about Ling Jingshu. When will he take care of me and the child, as well as my father, queen, mother and concubine... "

Each sentence is sharper and sharper than the next.

The emperor's grandson was already in a confused mood. When he heard these words, his anger boiled up: "Jiang Rongyue, when did I say that I didn't care about the prince's residence and everyone's safety? Seeing that you are pregnant. For my sake, I don’t want to argue with you. Put the letter back immediately!”

Pregnant women are emotionally fragile. Being yelled at by the emperor's grandson, Jiang Rongyue felt even more aggrieved and sad, and she tore the letter into pieces without thinking.

The emperor's grandson's anger surged, and in a fit of anger, he strode forward, held Jiang Rongyue's wrist tightly, and said through gritted teeth: "Who allowed you to tear up this letter? Jiang Rongyue, you have gone too far!"

It hurts to hold my wrist!

But it is far less than the sharp pain in my heart.

Jiang Rongyue's tears fell one after another and she cried: "Yes, I went too far, I just tore up the letter. I don't allow you to save Ling Jingshu, I want you to forget her..."

Before he finished shouting, he felt a cramping pain in his lower abdomen, his face turned pale, and he fainted.

Oops! It must be a fetal movement!

The emperor's grandson's expression changed, and he quickly hugged Jiang Rongyue's body: "Come here, go and ask for the imperial doctor!"

Fortunately, there was a resident imperial physician in the Prince's Mansion, who rushed over within a quarter of an hour. After diagnosing the pulse, the imperial doctor solemnly prescribed anti-fetal medicine.

Some medicinal materials are always available in the mansion, and there are one or two that are not available in the mansion and have to be purchased from drug stores outside. Waiting for the medicine to be prepared, and then boiling and feeding the medicine, it was a hectic time.

The princess and the prince came quickly after hearing the news.

The Crown Princess entered the bedroom. It was inconvenient for the Crown Prince to enter his daughter-in-law's bedroom, so he called the Crown Prince to come over and ask what happened.

When things got to this point, it was impossible to hide them.

The emperor's grandson told the story of the incident with a gloomy expression.

After hearing this, the prince's usually gentle face darkened, and he reprimanded: "Rong Yue is right! You are simply acting wantonly! Don't talk about the affairs in the palace, even I dare not interfere at will. You Even though the imperial grandfather is old, as long as he sits on the dragon throne, he will become the emperor above all others. No one can disobey his will."

"Let alone Ling Jingshu, even if your imperial grandfather wanted to reopen the harem and hold a beauty pageant, no one would dare to say anything, and no one would dare to stop him. Don't rely on your favor to try to compete with your imperial grandfather. "

"From today on, you will completely forget about Ling Jingshu! She will be favored in the palace and become a concubine in the future. It will also be her blessing and destiny. It has nothing to do with you!"

These words were poured down like a bucket of cold water.

The emperor's grandson was poured cold all over his body.

The emperor's grandson gritted his teeth and whispered: "Father, is there really nothing we can do? If I go to the palace to plead with the emperor's grandfather, confess my feelings to the emperor's grandfather, and ask him to give me Ling Jingshu. Emperor. Grandfather has always loved me, maybe he will agree..."

"You also said it was possible." The prince interrupted the emperor's grandson expressionlessly: "This is only a possibility. The greater possibility is that your emperor's grandfather was angry and scolded you. Not only could you not get what you wanted, but you also offended him. "

"Empress Xu and Princess Changping fell one after another, and King Yan had no support in the palace. But he is constantly ambitious. While flattering your imperial grandfather, he secretly recruits party members to appease people. There is a strong enemy on your side, and you don't want to think about how to deal with him. It turns out that my heart is full of romance.”

"With a country, you can have as many beauties as you want. Can't you even tell the difference between what's important and what's important? You really disappoint me!"

The last few words were like a heavy punch, hitting the Emperor Taisun's heart hard.

His father has always had high expectations for him, and he also thinks highly of him and likes him very much.

This is the first time such harsh words have been spoken.

Did he really want to watch Ling Jingshu fall into the harem and commit herself to a man who could be her grandfather?

The emperor's grandson was heartbroken and his eyes flashed with water.

Of course the prince knew very well what his son's temperament was.

The emperor's grandson has been arrogant and stubborn since he was a child, and never shows weakness in front of others. Even when the Prince's Mansion was in trouble after he was seriously injured, he still held up his chest and supported the Prince's Mansion. He is indispensable for the stability of the Prince's Mansion to this day.

Such a proud and stubborn young man was now weak and sad for a woman, even crying.

This is a big taboo for those in power!

If you care too much about someone, you will have a weakness that is easily defeated. From now on, he will be the one who will inherit the throne and sit on the throne. How can he be so affectionate as a son and daughter?

Thinking of this, the prince's slightly softened heart hardened again, and he said coldly: "Wipe your tears and straighten your chest. Those who want to achieve great things cannot be influenced by the love of their children. From now on, I will completely forget it. This Ling Jingshu!”

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