Loyang Jin

Chapter 324: Long Farewell 1

After the master and servant said their goodbyes, they quickly settled down.

At this stage, there is no benefit in thinking too much.

Ling Jingshu didn't want to think too much and simply relaxed her mind. After a full night's sleep, her mental strength also recovered a lot.

The emperor allowed her to rest for five or six days before going on duty. She was not in the mood to hang around in the Zichen Palace, so she led Bai Yu and Qiaoyun to clean the inside and outside of the house.

At noon, Ms. Qian personally led a little palace maid to deliver food.

Ling Jingshu greeted him with a smile: "How dare you trouble Miss Qian with such a trivial matter."

Miss Qian smiled pleasantly and said: "My sister is here for the first time, and I am not familiar with the personnel in the Zichen Palace. I happen to have some free time today, so I specially brought the little palace maid who delivers food to show me the way. After my sister has had lunch, I will come again Talk to your sister carefully about what happened in Zichen Palace."

Compared with the cold and arrogant attitude when they first met yesterday, Miss Qian seemed like a different person at this time. A perfect interpretation of what it means to be respectful in the front and in the back.

It is human nature to downplay the low and support the high.

Ms. Qian didn't take Ling Jingshu seriously at first, but she changed her attitude after seeing how easy-going and kind Eunuch Ding was to Ling Jingshu. Yesterday afternoon, I made a special effort to inquire about Ling Jingshu's origins and the reason why she was left in Zichen Hall.

After knowing that the emperor personally kept Ling Jingshu, the female official Qian who had been in the palace for many years suddenly realized something. No, let’s start showing off today.

Ling Jingshu looked at Ms. Qian's affectionate smile, feeling bored and disgusted in her heart, but she thanked her repeatedly: "Thank you so much, Ms. Qian. I will visit you in person after lunch."

When we met again, Ms. Qian took the initiative to change her title: "We work as servants in the Zichen Palace together, which is a rare fate. I have grown a few years older, so I asked you to call me sister. How about you call me Sister Qian?" "

Life is like a play, what matters is acting!

Ms. Qian looked sincere, and Ling Jingshu looked even more touched: "Thanks to Sister Qian for not giving up, I will call you that from now on."

Miss Qian smiled more and more kindly, held Ling Jingshu's hand and said, "No wonder I felt happy when I saw you. Look at you, you are so beautiful and gentle, and you have such a gentle and amiable temperament. I looked at my sister You will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future. If you ever have a great career, don’t forget to support me, my sister.”

Ling Jingshu showed a shy expression: "Sister, please stop joking. I am just a woman, how can I have such a successful career?"

Miss Qian blinked ambiguously: "Sister, please don't belittle yourself. At that time, Empress Jieyu was just a palace maid beside the Empress, but now she is in charge of the affairs of the Sixth Palace. I don't know how far this position will be promoted. Who can think of it? She will be where she is today.”

Deliberately comparing her to Wei Jieyu back then, the meaning behind her words is self-evident.

It's like swallowing a piece of greasy fat, not to mention it's very greasy and uncomfortable.

Ling Jingshu forced out a nonchalant smile: "How can I be as lucky as Empress Jieyu? Sister Qian, please don't say it again. If you continue to say it, I will not be able to see anyone in the future."

Ms. Qian also felt that she was flattering too early. She coughed and laughed: "I was just joking. Don't take it to heart, sister. Eunuch Ding has given instructions to let you rest for a few days before going on duty. You should relax first and work hard." Rest, I have already selected the people I need, and I will have them come to see you in a few days."

He also talked about some trivial matters in Zichen Palace.

Ling Jingshu braced herself and listened carefully.

There are villains like Ms. Qian everywhere in the palace. They are not much different from Qiu Shuang Luoyan and the others in Jiaofang Hall. Although such people have a disgusting temperament, they are relatively easy to get along with.

If she wants to work as an errand in Zichen Palace in the future, it would be best for her to adapt to the personnel environment here as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, Ms. Qian held Ling Jingshu's hand affectionately and left the room.

Bai Yu and Qiao Yun, who were waiting outside, came forward together.

"Miss," Bai Yu looked a little strange and whispered, "Eunuch Ding just sent someone over to deliver a message, asking the lady to stay in the house and not move around."

This order left people confused and confused.

Ling Jingshu frowned, then her expression returned to normal, and she smiled and hummed.

Ms. Qian was also quite sensible. Although she was curious, she did not ask any questions. He sent Ling Jingshu back to the house and left quickly.

In this palace, if you want to live peacefully and long, it is better to have less curiosity. It's not a good thing to know something you shouldn't know.

Ling Jingshu waited in the room for a long time.

She was already much calmer and calmer than girls of her age. After two months in the sky prison, even the last trace of impetuousness was smoothed away. Not to mention waiting for an hour or two, even if you wait for a whole day, you will not be anxious or anxious.

Bai Yu, on the other hand, muttered several times with some anxiety: "What is the purpose of Eunuch Ding asking the lady to wait in the room? Is there something important to explain? Why haven't I seen Eunuch Ding yet?"

Ling Jingshu was calm and said with a faint smile: "Eunuch Ding is someone close to the emperor. He is busy serving the emperor every day, so how can he have so much free time. Don't worry, wait a moment."

What is supposed to come will come.

After another moment, footsteps finally sounded outside the door.

Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door before anyone could knock on the door.

The moment she saw the person clearly, Bai Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, filled with surprise: "Miss, hurry up and see who is coming?"

Ling Jingshu's heart moved and she looked up.

The young man standing at the door was wearing the official uniform of the Imperial Medical Office. He was tall, with broad shoulders and long legs. Because it is against the light, the handsome face cannot be seen clearly.

Those calm and gentle eyes were so familiar.

Ling Jingshu's heart was turbulent, but she managed to maintain a calm expression on her face. She stepped forward and saluted: "It turns out to be Imperial Physician Wei. I wonder if Imperial Physician Wei is here. What's the important matter?"

This is in the palace, and nothing you say or do can be arbitrary.

Wei Yan came here so openly, there must be something important. Moreover, it had the emperor's approval.

Wei Yan took a deep look at Ling Jingshu, feeling an unspeakable pride and pride in his heart.

This calm and intelligent woman is the girl he has always cared about. Even when faced with difficulties, she did not get discouraged and still faced it with a straight back.

The reason why my heart has been so quiet for so many years is because she hasn't appeared yet.

Even if he did everything he could, he still had to protect her innocence and safety.

Wei Yan suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart and said with a smile: "I came here today on the order of the emperor to diagnose Ling's pulse and treat her illness. If it is convenient, please stay away from Bai Yu and Qiao Yun for the time being. "

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