Loyang Jin

Chapter 325 Long Farewell 2

Bai Yu and Qiao Yun looked at each other, each responded, and quickly left the room.

The two of them stood guard under the eaves of the corridor outside the door in a tacit understanding, about five or six meters away from the door. Not only can you see clearly if anyone is passing by, but you can also unexpectedly hear the two people talking in the room.

There is no need to elaborate on Qiaoyun's thoughts for now.

Bai Yu was particularly happy and excited about Wei Yan's arrival.

Wei Yan's affection for the young lady is obvious. The young lady has been in the prison for two months, thanks to Wei Yan's secret protection. Although the young lady never said it, judging from various performances, it was clear that she also had a crush on Wei Yan.

The road ahead is uncertain, and I don’t know how many hardships and dangers await the young lady. Fortunately, Wei Yan was with her on this road, so the young lady could feel more comforted.

In the room, a man and a woman who finally had a chance to be alone after a long separation stared at each other silently.

The last time I was alone was in the Peony Room of Jiaofang Hall.

It was already three months ago.

In these three months, too many things have happened.

At this time, the two of them looked at each other, and there was a touch of sweetness in their hearts. No words are needed to understand each other's feelings. This sweetness is mixed with unspeakable sourness and helplessness.

"Have you told the emperor that I have a strange disease?" Ling Jingshu broke the silence softly.

Wei Yan nodded: "Yes, the emperor was a little unhappy after hearing this. I took the initiative to ask Ying to treat you, and the emperor agreed. From now on, I will come every three days."

After a pause, he continued: "The Emperor's dragon body is weak and he needs to rest for about half a year. During these six months, you don't have to worry... In the future, I will definitely be able to find a way to protect you."

Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips in a self-deprecating tone: "Other women would be in agony if they got such a strange disease! For me, it has become a blessing."

Because he was suffering from a strange illness, he had escaped Queen Xu's suspicion, and now he had bought himself another half year. At least for this half year, you don’t have to worry about your innocence being compromised.

These two light words made Wei Yan's heart feel heavy, suffocating and uncomfortable: "Ah Shu, I'm sorry. I'm useless. I promised to protect you and save you from the prison. I didn't expect this to happen again. Waiting for something..."

"Wei Yan," Ling Jingshu seemed oblivious to Wei Yan's self-blame. Her face was a little confused, as if she was talking to herself: "Why do I always encounter such difficulties? It's because I have this trouble. The same face? Why is God so unfair to me? What did I do wrong..."

What did she do wrong?

Her mistake in her previous life was that she was too weak and could be bullied, and she was raped and humiliated until she died with hatred. After her rebirth, she worked hard to change her destiny. But why do we still encounter such involuntary things?

What did she do wrong?

Unknowingly, two lines of clear tears quietly slipped from the corners of the eyes, slid across the beautiful and smooth face, dripped into the collar, and disappeared. Only two faint tears were left on his face.

Wei Yan could no longer maintain his composure and could not help but walked forward and stopped about three feet away from Ling Jingshu: "Ah Shu, don't be sad. You are not to blame for these things. God gave you a beautiful face. , gave you an outstanding temperament and a grace that can attract everyone’s attention. These are gifts from God.”

"I don't want such a gift."

Ling Jingshu choked up and responded: "I just want to live in peace, marry a gentle and generous husband, have a pair of lively and lovely children, and live an ordinary and comfortable life. Princes, princesses, queens, and emperors all stay away from me. , it would be better if we never meet..."

Such a small wish was a luxury for her.

From the moment she stepped into the capital, she was involuntarily involved in the storm, unable to extricate herself or break free.

Ling Jingshu's shoulders kept shaking, and the sound of suppressed cries reached Wei Yan's ears intermittently.

Wei Yan felt a pain in his heart and subconsciously stretched out his hand. Before touching Ling Jingshu's shoulder, he paused and then slowly retracted it.

If you want to cry, just have a good cry!

Wei Yan said silently in his heart.

Sadness, sadness, resentment, and all kinds of dark emotions have been stagnating in my heart for a long time, and no matter how brave and determined a person is, they can't bear it. It's also a good thing to vent out like this.

Ling Jingshu's crying gradually stopped.

Wei Yan took out the handkerchief and brought it to her, saying softly: "Use the handkerchief to wipe your tears! Don't worry, I just put this handkerchief on me today and I haven't used it even once. It doesn't smell at all." It doesn’t smell like a man.”

Ling Jingshu vented the pent-up emotions in her heart through tears. After being coaxed and teased by Wei Yan again, the corners of her lips couldn't help but curve.

She silently took the handkerchief from Wei Yan's hand and carefully wiped the tears on her face.

When she raised her head again, her expression had calmed down. Except for the redness of his eyes, it didn't look like he had cried at all: "Thank you for the veil. I'll wash it and give it back to you."

Wei Yan coughed, and said shyly with a slightly red face: "This veil is given to you, there is no need to return it. If you really want to return it to me, just embroider another veil for me."

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Who said Wei Yan was honest?

Facts have proven that no matter how honest a man is, he can be coaxing and manipulative in front of the girl he likes.

Ling Jingshu felt angry and couldn't help but laugh. There was an unconscious intimacy in her tone: "That's all, because you help me in every way, I will embroider a handkerchief for you. What kind of pattern do you like? ? Let me tell you first, my embroidery is mediocre, and the handkerchiefs I embroider are just barely visible. "Don't have high expectations."

Wei Yan was just casually testing it, but he didn't expect Ling Jingshu to agree immediately. He felt as if he had drank a jar of honey, sweetly saying: "Embroider the peony pattern for me!"

Then he asked shamelessly: "Just like the pot of Luoyang brocade you planted."

Speaking of Luoyang brocade, Ling Jingshu naturally thought of Queen Xu and asked in a low voice: "I have used all the potion you gave me before. The pot of Luoyang brocade grows well and the aroma is particularly strong. Xu The queen really liked it and moved into the bedroom early."

"Is the matter between Queen Xu and the chambermaid Yu Chun related to the pot of Luoyang Brocade?"

Wei Yan was not surprised at all by Ling Jingshu's keenness, and nodded with a smile: "Yes. I specially prepared the potion. It not only makes the peonies bloom bigger and more beautiful, but also emits a strange fragrance."

"Later, I gave Queen Xu a prescription for nourishing her body. There was a special medicinal material in it. After drinking the medicine and smelling this aroma, it will have an aphrodisiac effect."

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