Loyang Jin

Chapter 326 Confession 1

It turns out that this is the truth.

Everything was exactly as she imagined!

Ling Jingshu breathed a long sigh of relief and relaxed her brows: "So that's it. I originally thought it was strange that no matter how much Empress Xu likes men, she has never summoned her servants in a row like that."

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Did you secretly arrange the emperor's sudden visit to Jiaofang Palace that night?"

Wei Yan raised his eyebrows and admitted frankly: "Yes. Eunuch Huang from the Jingshi Room was seriously ill once, and I saved his life. Although he is greedy for money and timid, he knows how to repay kindness. Later, he kept communicating with me secretly. I have been carefully planning for a long time, and of course such an important part has been planned long ago. "

Ling Jingshu looked at him quietly, her eyes a little complicated.

Staring at those clear eyes, Wei Yan felt his heart beat faster and his heart became hot.

He didn't dare to let his thoughts run wild anymore, lest he do something abrupt or say something rash: "What do you think of me like that?"

"I admire you very much." Ling Jingshu sighed invisibly, her eyes full of admiration: "I didn't expect you to dare to secretly set up a trap against Queen Xu. I didn't expect that you set up the trap so cleverly that no one would suspect it. on you."

He was just an imperial physician and had no power in the palace. Not to mention dealing with it after one day.

But not only did he do it, he also succeeded, which is really admirable!

Wei Yan smiled faintly: "Actually, as long as there are things that have been done, there are traces. If the emperor really investigates thoroughly, he might be able to find Eunuch Huang, and then he will be suspicious of me. After all, in the past few days* *** has just given Queen Xu a prescription for body conditioning. "

"However, with the emperor's temperament, he would never get to the bottom of such a shameful humiliation. He got angry, killed a lot of people, deposed Empress Xu, and then never mentioned it again."

"I dared to do this because I was sure that the emperor would react like this."

"No matter what, you succeeded after all." Ling Jingshu sighed sincerely: "From now on, Queen Xu can no longer force you, and you can breathe a sigh of relief."

Wei Yan twitched the corners of his lips, with a hint of self-deprecation: "Yes, I can finally keep my chastity."

Ling Jingshu laughed dumbly: "That's it! It's wrong no matter what you say. I made a mistake, but don't take it to heart."

"This is a fact, I have nothing to worry about."

Wei Yan was unusually calm: "This appearance was given to me by my parents. I have grown a face like this whether I want it or not. Over the years, I have been alone, partly because Empress Xu pressed me every step of the way. I don’t want to offend her head-on, and I don’t want to involve my eldest sister and Anya, so I endure it silently.”

"The more important reason is that I have never met a woman I really like. Since I don't have a girl I like, it doesn't matter if I don't get married and get a wife."

When Wei Yan said this, he suddenly paused subtly for a moment, and then whispered again:

"When I found the girl I loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I really wanted to deal with Queen Xu. No matter what, I had to get rid of this knife hanging over my head, and then I was qualified to tell her that I liked her. ”

This was the most subtle, tactful and simple confession that Ling Jingshu had ever heard.

There are no gorgeous words, no fierce oaths, and no domineering force that must be you. It's like a trickle of water slipping into the heart, making people feel reassured and comfortable.

Just like how he made her feel. Firm and tolerant, gentle and affectionate.

Ling Jingshu's heartstrings trembled violently.

When they first met, he was cold and calm, not moved by her extraordinary beauty, and even scolded her unkindly.

Later, she accompanied Ah Xiao to perform acupuncture, and she gradually became familiar with him.

I don't know when, his eyes fell more and more on her. He took care of her and cared about her without leaving any trace, and silently did many things for her.

She deceived herself into not wanting to think deeply about the intention behind this tenderness.

Until she entered the prison, when she was most confused and helpless, he tried his best to ask someone to take care of her, even though he could protect himself wisely. On the day she got hairpins, the bowl of longevity noodles and the ebony hairpin clearly expressed his feelings.

She could no longer deceive herself, let alone reject this water-like affection.

How lucky she was to meet such a man who treated her wholeheartedly.

Ling Jingshu moved her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Wei Yan seemed calm, but in fact he was extremely nervous. In this short moment, my heartbeat was so fast that it almost jumped out of my chest.

He finally plucked up the courage to speak his mind.

What would her reaction be?

Is it an embarrassing and apologetic refusal?

Or accept it shyly and happily?

I don't know how long it took before Ling Jingshu's soft and delicate voice quietly sounded: "Wei Yan."

Wei Yan held his breath, like a prisoner about to be sentenced, nervously waiting for his fate.

"Wei Yan," Ling Jingshu's voice was strangely tight: "Actually, you don't know me. I have many secrets that I'm hiding from you."

It’s not just a flat refusal.

Wei Yanti's heart in his throat quickly fell back to its original position, and he regained his composure: "I know."

Her illness could never be as simple as she said.

She insisted on going to the capital, and then entered the palace along the way. It was obvious that she had other motives.

Also, she thinks she hides it very well and only shows her hatred when no one is paying attention. That hatred was vaguely directed at Queen Xu and Princess Changping... She was just an ordinary boudoir girl, how could she have such complicated thoughts?

However, none of this matters. The important thing is that he likes her.

As for her, does she also like him a little bit?

Ling Jingshu bit her lips and continued quickly: "You should also know my current situation. Since the Emperor has his thoughts, he will never let me go easily. If your thoughts are discovered by the Emperor, I'm afraid you will be provoked. To cause death..."

Even so, do you still dare to like me?

This sentence was not asked out loud, but it was clearly revealed in Ling Jingshu's eyes.

"Ah Shu, I know all this. You don't need to stress it again, I won't be scared away." Wei Yan looked at her steadily, with a dazzling look in his eyes: "I will face it with you. In this difficult situation, I will do my best to protect your safety.”

"I just want to ask you, are you willing to accept my heart?"

"Are you willing to walk out of this suffocating palace and the capital with me one day in the future? We can go to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. You can plant flowers and grass, and I will open a small medical clinic. Live a peaceful and comfortable life. day."

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