Loyang Jin

Chapter 327 Confession 2

Ling Jingshu's heart swayed when she heard this.

The future described by Wei Yan was exactly the life she had imagined many times.

There is no need for fine clothes, fine food, fancy houses or beautiful clothes, no intrigues, getting married to the man you love, and living a peaceful life like a semi-hermit.

After a few years, we will have a pair of lively and lovely children. This life is complete and there are no regrets.

Ling Jingshu was stunned for a long time before sighing softly: "Wei Yan, what you said are just beautiful dreams. Let's not talk about whether we can leave the palace, let's talk about you!"

"Your eldest sister is a concubine in the palace, and Princess Anya will also stay in the capital in the future. You are the youngest and most skilled imperial physician in the imperial hospital. You are favored by the emperor and have a bright future. How can you leave all this behind? ?”

Wei Yan looked deeply at Ling Jingshu: "The eldest sister is a concubine in the palace and cannot leave the palace in this life. As a princess, Anya will not leave the capital unless she is getting married. I have made up my mind to stay in the palace forever. Take care of them. No matter how high the price is, I will not regret it.”

"As for my future in the Taiyuan Hospital, it doesn't matter to me. What I like is medical skills. As long as I can practice medicine and cure diseases and benefit the world. In the palace, there are many restrictions and immobility. If I have the opportunity to leave the capital, I can’t wait to resign from my position as imperial physician and fly away.”

"I don't want to lie to you. I really can't let go of my eldest sister and Anya. I won't leave in the short term. You are in trouble now, and it is not easy to leave the palace. All of this requires time, slow planning, and careful preparation. Only by planning can you succeed.”

"However, as long as you have this intention, sooner or later, this dream will come true."

Wei Yan said the last sentence very decisively and firmly.

That handsome and gentle face exuded a strange brilliance. Like a magnet, it firmly attracted her mind and eyes.

Which woman in the world can refuse such a tender and affectionate confession?

Ling Jingshu's eyes were a little moist, and her voice was slightly choked: "Wei Yan, I am a huge trouble. You will definitely be implicated by me in the future. By then, it will be too late for you to regret."

"I will never regret it. This is the wisest decision I have ever made in my life, and it is also the bravest thing I have ever done. Ah Shu, no matter what the future holds, I will always be by your side."

Wei Yan couldn't help but get closer. The two were only a foot apart, looking at each other and hearing each other's heartbeats and breathing.

"Ah Shu, I really want to hug you." Wei Yan murmured, and the light in his eyes became hot.

No matter how calm and composed a man is, he cannot remain calm and composed in front of the woman he loves.

Under his eager gaze, Ling Jingshu's cheeks quietly heated up, and she smiled embarrassedly and self-deprecatingly: "You see, I also have a strange disease that prevents me from getting close to men. You can't even touch my hand until the disease is cured. "

Can you really tolerate me like this?

Wei Yan raised the corners of his lips and smiled brightly: "What are you afraid of? With me here, no matter how difficult or complicated the disease is, it can be cured. But it's a pity that I can't really treat you now. In case that old man doesn't do anything anymore What a crooked idea.”

Ling Jingshu couldn't hear the words "old people don't cultivate" and couldn't help but smile: "Be careful, walls have ears. It would be terrible if someone heard it and it reached the emperor's ears."

Wei Yan was in a very good mood, and his handsome face seemed to be shining, making people unable to take their eyes away: "Don't worry! Your Majesty is different from Empress Xu. Empress Xu is narrow-minded, vicious, and jealous by nature, and she has ears and eyes all over the palace. Yes. You really have to be extra careful when touching Queen Xu.”

"After all, the emperor is the emperor of the first dynasty, and he has the world in his heart. He doesn't pay much attention to the trivial matters in the harem. Moreover, I came to treat you, and I have obtained his approval after passing the Minglu. Now he is eager for me to treat your illness immediately. Get cured. I won’t care about this.”

As far as the emperor was concerned, the women in the harem were all for his entertainment and pleasure. It doesn’t take much thought at all, and it will never be as common as Empress Xu’s.

This is also the essential difference between men and women.

Ling Jingshu thought about it and had to admit that what Wei Yan said made sense: "No matter what, it's better to be careful. You should just prescribe some medicine for me as you did before! If the emperor asks about it, you might as well stop it. past."

"Also, let's discuss it together so that we don't have different opinions in the future and arouse the emperor's suspicion."

Wei Yan felt warm in his heart.

After I confessed my feelings, the treatment was really different.

In the past, the most Ling Jingshu would have said was, "Mr. Wei, please be more careful." How could she be as careful and caring as she is now.

The corners of Wei Yan's lips raised involuntarily: "Okay, I will listen to you."

A shy blush appeared on Ling Jingshu's cheeks.

Just like the first bloom of a peony, it is graceful and charming.

Wei Yan didn't dare to look any further, lest he lose his temper and make a fool of himself: "I'm going to give you a prescription now." As he said that, he opened the medicine box, took out a pen, and wrote the prescription quickly.

Ling Jingshu didn't speak, she just sat quietly and stared at Wei Yan's every move. My heart is filled with peace and joy.

My mood is different, even thinking about the predicament I am in now is not so gloomy and depressing.

"Doctor Wei has been here for so long, but he hasn't treated the young lady yet?" Qiao Yun couldn't help but mumbled after waiting for so long and still not seeing Wei Yan come out.

Qiaoyun also knew about Ling Jingshu's strange illness. However, Qiaoyun was kept in the dark about Wei Yan's "treatment" for Ling Jingshu.

Bai Yu would not break this layer, and responded lightly: "Miss's illness is complicated and difficult to treat. It will inevitably take longer for Dr. Wei to diagnose."

Qiaoyun was dubious, but it was inconvenient to ask.

After a while, the door finally opened.

Ling Jingshu personally sent Wei Yan out.

The two of them were as usual, one said respectfully and gratefully, "Thank you, Imperial Physician Wei, for your trouble," and the other responded calmly and calmly, "This is all my responsibility, Miss Ling, you don't have to be polite."

I can't see any difference at all.

Both of them are masters at concealing their emotions, and they also know that the situation is unclear and it is never appropriate to expose their affair. He even hid it from the people around him.

Bai Yu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, walked forward with a smile, and saluted gratefully and thanked: "I have worked so hard for Dr. Wei again today. Please give Dr. Wei a ride on my behalf!"

Ling Jingshu knew that Bai Yu was thinking about herself and did not refuse. She nodded with a smile and said goodbye to Wei Yan.

Wei Yan was reluctant to leave, silently glanced at Ling Jingshu, turned around and left.

Ling Jingshu watched Wei Yan's figure go away, feeling an intoxicating sweetness in her heart.

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