Loyang Jin

Chapter 328 Appearance 1

With such a secret in my heart, it is almost impossible to completely hide it.

Bai Yu and Qiao Yun soon noticed something strange about Ling Jingshu.

"Miss, you seem to be in a particularly good mood these days." Qiao Yun asked with a tentative smile.

She unconsciously spoke more than usual, and her eyes and brows were always smiling, making her already beautiful face even more dazzling.

Ling Jingshu had never forgotten Qiaoyun's true identity, and she had to be reserved when speaking to her. She pretended to smile casually and said: "Before, I was locked up in the sky jail all day long, without food and clothing. Now I finally got through it. The pain has finally come to an end, and I feel much better than before.”

Is it that simple?

Regardless of whether Qiaoyun believed it or not, it was inconvenient to ask further.

In the letter sent to the emperor's grandson, Qiaoyun didn't hide anything. He wrote in the letter all the things that made Ling Jingshu feel particularly happy in the past few days when Wei Yan continued to treat Ling Jingshu.

It's unclear how the emperor's grandson would feel after seeing this letter.

After five or six days of rest, Ling Jingshu could no longer hide in the house without seeing anyone.

Ling Jingshu went to see Official Qian first. Official Qian had already prepared. She called ten maids over and said with a smile: "Sister, these maids will be under your control from now on. You are delicate and expensive, so don't do those rough jobs." , so as not to hurt your hands. Just tell them to do it.”

"Thank you, Sister Qian, for reminding me." Ling Jingshu, of course, appreciates Ms. Qian's show of kindness.

The two chatted affectionately for a few words, and then Ms. Qian personally led Ling Jingshu around the Zichen Palace, explaining clearly the flowers and plants that needed to be served everywhere in the Zichen Palace.

After Ling Jingshu turned around once, she had an idea of ​​how to do the job, and she quickly took over the job.

Fortunately, the emperor is a man and is not particularly fond of flowers and plants, nor does he have the habit of placing potted plants everywhere like Queen Xu. She carefully carried out her errands and stayed away from the emperor's bedroom, so there would be less chance of meeting him.

Just as he was thinking about it, Eunuch Ding came over with a smile on his face.

Ling Jingshu quickly cheered up and stepped forward with a smile to salute: "I have met Eunuch Ding."

Eunuch Ding's attitude was extremely cordial and kind: "Mr. Ling, hurry up. We are all the emperor's slaves. It's fine for Mgr. Ling to call herself a slave in front of the emperor. It's not allowed to do so in front of our family. If the emperor finds out. , our family must not be accused of bullying the newcomers, just let Ms. Ling be more casual."

It's just a matter of bullying other newcomers. Now that Ling Jingshu has gained the emperor's favor, who knows what a bright future she will have in the future. Eunuch Ding made up his mind to win over and show his goodwill.

Ling Jingshu smiled slightly and changed her words calmly: "Since Eunuch Ding said so, I accepted your father-in-law's kindness."

Eunuch Ding relaxed his brows and said with a smile: "The emperor has been recuperating these days and stays in the bedroom all day long. He is always very sleepy and has no energy. We are thinking that we might as well move a few pots of flowers and plants to the bedroom. The smell is fragrant, and secondly, you can enjoy the flowers and plants, and maybe the emperor will be in a better mood."

What a high-sounding statement!

What a great Eunuch Ding who is good at “diagnosing the divine will”!

This was not to move flowers and plants into the bedroom, but to create an opportunity for her to appear in front of the emperor. Use this move to flatter and make the emperor happy!

Ling Jingshu secretly hated her, but she knew she couldn't refuse: "Eunuch Ding is really thoughtful. I will go find some beautiful potted plants and then lead them to move into the emperor's bedroom."

Eunuch Ding coughed and hinted pointedly: "How can ordinary palace ladies be allowed to come and go at will in the emperor's bedroom?"

Ling Jingshu took over the words without blinking: "Eunuch Ding said it is true. I will move it myself later, and I will not rely on others."

Eunuch Ding nodded with satisfaction. After a few more warnings, he turned around and left.

Watching Eunuch Ding disappear from sight, the smile on Ling Jingshu's face quietly dissipated. After standing there for a moment, he breathed out a long and forbearing breath.

The emperor felt a little gloomy and depressed.

I lie on the bed every day and cannot leave the dormitory. The most I can do is get out of bed and walk a few steps. There have been no major events in the court recently. With the prince in charge of the overall situation, he doesn't need to worry.

Days like this are really boring.

Eunuch Ding quietly came over and said with a low smile: "For your information, Your Majesty, Miss Ling knew that Your Majesty was feeling stuffy in his bedroom, so she specially picked out some beautiful potted plants. She only hopes that Your Majesty will be in a good mood when he enjoys the flowers and plants." a little better."

Hearing Ling Jingshu's name, the emperor's eyes lit up, and his spirits suddenly improved: "Oh? Where is she?"

Eunuch Ding was secretly happy.

Judging from the emperor's reaction, his actions today were indeed not in vain.

"Officer Ling is still waiting outside, waiting for the emperor's approval before coming in." Eunuch Ding smiled enthusiastically and said: "Not to mention the beauty of female officer Ling, she is also so attentive and considerate. Don't let the emperor down with your sincerity."

After saying these words, the Emperor Longxin was delighted: "Okay, let her come in!"

Soon, Ling Jingshu entered the bedroom.

Since entering the palace, she has become accustomed to wearing light green palace clothes. The clothes of female officials are of better quality than those of palace maids, and their styles are much more exquisite. Ling Jingshu chose the most elegant and simple style.

She has a slim figure and a slender waist. The smooth face has a slight blush, the clear black eyes, the soft and beautiful red lips, and the faint smile on the lips are even more touching.

This green figure came into view and immediately made people's eyes brighten.

Ling Jingshu carefully placed the potted plants before bowing and greeting her: "I have seen the emperor."

The emperor smiled kindly and said: "No gift! Didn't I say that there are still a few potted plants? For a delicate woman like you, will it be too hard to carry them?"

He had to give up drinking and sex in the past six months, but with such a delicate and beautiful beauty right under his nose, it was good to take a look at her a few times a day.

Ling Jingshu responded respectfully: "Thank you for your consideration, Your Majesty. I still have some strength."

The emperor prided himself on cherishing fragrance and caring for jade. He couldn't bear Ling Jingshu doing such menial work and looked at Eunuch Ding.

Eunuch Ding was like a roundworm in the emperor's stomach. Before the emperor could say anything, he smiled and said, "I have nothing to do. Please help Lady Ling move it with us!"

The emperor nodded with satisfaction.

There are so many eunuchs and eunuchs in the palace, and Eunuch Ding was able to climb to this position by observing everyone's behavior and flattering them. He can always guess the emperor's thoughts accurately.

After all the potted plants were moved in, there was more greenery in the bedroom, which indeed made it more interesting.

The emperor looked at Ling Jingshu, who was standing respectfully aside, and was about to say something when the chamberlain came to report: "Your Majesty, Your Highness Prince Yan is here."

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