Loyang Jin

Chapter 330 Hostility

Ling Jingshu had known Jiang Rongyue before entering the palace. She has always had a crush on the cute and charming Jiang Rongyue. Although she didn't know Jiang Rongyue's purpose at this time, she still nodded happily.

Ling Jingshu led Jiang Rongyue out of the side hall and found a quieter corner in the verandah before stopping.

The two stood opposite each other and looked at each other.

"The grandson's complexion doesn't seem to be very good." Although she applied rouge to cover it up, if you look closely, you can still see some weakness due to lack of energy and blood.

Seeing Ling Jingshu's concerned look, Jiang Rongyue felt an unspeakable complex feeling in her heart, but she smiled on her face and said, "Your eyesight is still so sharp. I'm pregnant, and I had fetal movement a few days ago. My body was inevitably a little weak. I lay on the bed for a few days, but my spirits were better today, so I went into the palace with His Highness to pay my respects to the emperor."

Jiang Rongyue is pregnant?

Ling Jingshu was a little surprised, then she smiled and said, "Congratulations to the great grandson."

Jiang Rongyue's eyes fell on Ling Jingshu's face, as if she wanted to distinguish whether the smile on her face was true or false.

Ling Jingshu was so keen that she quickly noticed something strange about Jiang Rongyue.

The alert attitude and scrutinizing gaze were different from the kind and lovely Jiang Rongyue before. Why did Jiang Rongyue change so much in just a few months?

Could it be...

A thought quickly flashed through Ling Jingshu's mind, and she asked tentatively: "The Concubine Taisun specially asked the slave to come out, and it's not just a simple chat! If there is anything important, the Concubine Taisun might as well say it clearly."

Jiang Rongyue took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, and whispered quickly: "Ah Shu, you are in a difficult situation now, and I know it very well in my heart. Unfortunately, I can't help you, and His Highness Taisun has no position to help. You. Sorry!"

Ling Jingshu: "..."

In just a few sentences, too much information was revealed.

It seems that Jiang Rongyue already knows everything!

That pretty and lovely face seems to be covered with a mask that repels people from thousands of miles away, and is particularly cold. Only the tightly clasped hands showed that her mood was not as calm as she appeared.

However, no matter what her mood was, Jiang Rongyue finally showed the attitude that a concubine should have.

Ling Jingshu's heart was full of mixed feelings, and she couldn't tell what it was for a moment. The expression on her face did not change: "I'm afraid that the concubine Taisun has some misunderstandings about this slave. I have never had the desire to be on top of His Highness the grandson. She didn't before, but now. No, not ever."

yes! Everything is just wishful thinking of the emperor's grandson!

If she was sensible enough, she shouldn't have vented her anger on Ling Jingshu.

But among them, who can really not mind at all?

Jiang Rongyue twitched the corners of her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes: "Ah Shu, I can't help you for this matter. Before this, I never stopped His Highness Taisun from liking you. But now that you have entered the Zichen Palace, No one can say what will happen next. I can’t just watch His Highness jump into this vortex.”

Everyone has selfish motives.

Jiang Rongyue is no exception. In fact, it is very rare for her to be able to express her thoughts so openly.

Ling Jingshu composed herself and responded respectfully: "Don't worry, Concubine Taisun, I have never had any intention of asking for help from Your Highness. Life and death are determined by destiny, wealth is in heaven, and no one can control it at all. No matter what situation I find myself in in the future, I will never Blame everyone."

After saying that, he blessed Jiang Rongyue again: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Having said that, the two of them really had nothing more to say.

Jiang Rongyue hummed and watched Ling Jingshu turn around and leave, with a bitter smile on her lips.

Jiang Rongyue, Jiang Rongyue, it turns out that you also have such a hateful day!

In the side hall.

The emperor's grandson bowed his hands to King Yan: "The six emperors' uncles come to take care of the emperor's grandfather every day. This filial piety is really admirable."

King Yan raised his eyebrows and responded with a smile: "Brother, the emperor, is busy with political affairs, so you have no time to rest, and you have to share the worries with the emperor. I have nothing to do all day long, so it is my duty to go to the palace to accompany my father. Things to do.”

The emperor's grandson twitched the corner of his lips: "Sixth Emperor's Uncle said this, it is too humble. It is the Emperor's grandfather who cannot live without Sixth Emperor's Uncle for a day."

The day we didn't break up, the day we were still uncle and nephew.

Even though in his heart he wanted to kill the other party immediately, he still looked harmonious on the outside.

However, this did not prevent the two from saying things that poked at each other's hearts.

"I heard that Concubine Xu's condition is getting worse, and the doctors in the imperial hospital are at their wits' end." The emperor's grandson pretended to be worried and sighed: "Why don't the sixth uncles go and ask the emperor's grandfather to let Dr. Wei treat Concubine Xu?" Diagnosis and treatment.”

Which pot won’t be opened?

A chill flashed in King Yan's eyes, and he said calmly: "My father, Emperor Long, is ill and cannot leave the Imperial Physician. Although my mother and concubine are seriously ill, there is no fear of her life for the time being. We will take care of her slowly, and she will get better one day." ”

The emperor's grandson nodded first, and then sighed: "It's a pity that I went to Ciyun Nunnery. Otherwise, staying with Concubine Xu now can comfort my concubine a little. I don't think my concubine's illness can be cured any faster."

Another sharp knife!

King Yan was definitely not someone to be trifled with. His eyes flashed and he said with a half-smile: "There are so many people waiting in the palace, so it’s okay to miss the eldest sister. By the way, you came a little late today and didn’t see me in person. See how happy my father was just now.”

"Ling, a female official, is beautiful, smart, and considerate. Now that my father is with her, he feels much happier."

This knife was returned quickly and hard!

The most vulnerable part of the Emperor's heart was stabbed hard, and the calm and indifferent mask also had a crack.

King Yan finally regained his strength verbally, and he felt much more relaxed. He deliberately glanced in the direction of the door: "Chiang and Miss Ling went out to talk, why haven't they come back yet?"

The emperor's grandson did not want to be disturbed, and responded calmly: "Rongyue and Miss Ling have known each other before, and we can't chat for a while when we meet. By the way, Uncle Sixth Emperor, you enter the palace alone, Why didn't you bring Aunt Six with you? Is it because Aunt Six is ​​pregnant and has to rest in the house and it's not convenient for her to enter the palace? "

King Yan raised his eyebrows: "That's not true. Mrs. Wang suffered from cold a few days ago and has not recovered yet, so it is inconvenient to enter the palace. Speaking of which, you are the most lucky. It has only been a few months since Mr. Jiang came here, and you already have The good news comes. My father doesn’t know about it yet! You can lead Mr. Jiang to greet my father later and tell him the good news. He will be very happy.”

King Yan told the emperor's grandson the purpose of bringing Jiang Rongyue into the palace in an understatement.

The emperor's grandson did not deny it and smiled lightly: "I just hope that the emperor's grandfather will be in a better mood and the dragon body will recover soon."

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