Loyang Jin

Chapter 331: Being an errand

The emperor's grandson and the king of Yan were at each other's throats.

After Jiang Rongyue came in, the two of them stopped at the same time.

The emperor's grandson glanced around and saw Ling Jingshu's figure. He frowned slightly but didn't ask anything. He only said to Jiang Rongyue: "You are weak, so you should not work too hard. Sit down and rest for a while."

Jiang Rongyue complied meekly, sat down and waited.

The side hall quickly became quiet.

Half an hour later, the emperor finally woke up. Hearing that the emperor's grandson had arrived with his concubine, the emperor immediately ordered the two of them to go in.

After some greetings, the emperor's grandson told the emperor that Jiang Rongyue was pregnant.

When the emperor heard the good news, he was delighted and rewarded him with a bunch of supplements.

After having lunch with the emperor, the emperor's grandson and Jiang Rongyue left the palace and returned to the prince's residence together. After getting on the carriage, the couple took off the smiles on their faces and remained silent.

After a long while, Jiang Rongyue broke the silence: "Your Highness, why don't you ask me what you said to Ling Jingshu today?"

The Emperor's grandson pursed her thin lips tightly, and her eyes were cold: "Does it matter what you say?"

He had been forced to cut off all reluctance and turned a blind eye to Ling Jingshu's situation. It was obvious what Jiang Rongyue would say to Ling Jingshu.

Jiang Rongyue looked at the handsome and indifferent face of the emperor's grandson, and felt pain in her heart. She said in a low voice: "Your Highness, I know you blame me. However, I am doing this for you, for our children, and for the sake of the prince's palace. Apart from her, no matter who His Highness likes to bring into the palace in the future, I will never stop him!"

The emperor's grandson closed his eyes and did not want to open his mouth to talk about this topic again.

Next, there was silence all the way.

From this day on, Ling Jingshu officially became an errand.

What he does every day is similar to what he did in Jiaofang Hall before. There is only one more thing: to "serve" the potted plants in the emperor's bedroom every morning, and to show his face in front of the emperor.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

The emperor's eyes fell on her more and more.

Fortunately, the Emperor's body is weak. He has the heart but not the physical strength. As the emperor, he cannot act in a hurry. The most he can do is look at her a few more times.

Wei Yan spent most of every day in the Zichen Palace, diagnosing pulses, administering acupuncture, adjusting prescriptions, and sometimes chatting with the emperor to relieve his boredom.

There are many opportunities for her and Wei Yan to meet. It's just that there are many people in Zichen Palace, so both of them are very cautious and only maintain courtesy and greetings in front of people.

Only when our eyes meet occasionally, can we indulge ourselves for a short moment, and the sweetness that only each other knows is welling up in our hearts.

Even if the environment is difficult, even if the road ahead is bumpy, even if there are many difficulties. It cannot stop lovers who are in love with each other from silently supporting each other.

The emperor also asked Wei Yan twice in private: "Mr. Wei, how is Lady Ling's illness? Are you sure it can be cured?"

Wei Yan respectfully raised his hands and said: "Return to the emperor. Because Ling's illness is special, Wei Chen cannot diagnose her pulse, so he can only inquire about her condition and make a diagnosis. Wei Chen gave her a prescription and asked her to follow the prescription every day. Drink the medicine. It won’t work in the short term. Please be patient for a while.”

The emperor did not have any suspicion, but there was more pity in his tone: "It is really a pity that such a young girl has such a strange disease. You should put more thought into it and cure it no matter what. If she needs any rare medicinal materials, just ask them to go to Tai Hospital to find them. If they don’t have them in Tai Hospital, just ask them to look for them outside the palace.”

Wei Yan responded with a smile: "I will obey the emperor's will. The emperor is generous and benevolent. It is also her blessing that Lady Ling can serve as an errand in the Zichen Palace and be so favored and respected by the emperor."

No matter how pleasant this is to your ears.

The emperor felt comfortable, his brows relaxed, and he said with a smile: "When did you learn to flatter me?"

Wei Yan said with a smile: "Wei Chen has served the emperor for many years, and he has become clumsy with his tongue every day. He can only tell the truth, but he can't flatter him. Your Majesty, please don't make fun of Wei Chen."

The emperor was coaxed into laughing heartily: "You are also clumsy in your tongue, so there is no one in this palace who speaks to my liking."

Eunuch Ding also joined in the fun: "Yes, I see, in this palace, the one who has the emperor's trust and favor the most is Dr. Wei. Oh, now there is an additional female official Ling."

Wei Yan glanced at Eunuch Ding calmly.

This Eunuch Ding is famous for being cunning and difficult to deal with, and he is also the best at pleasing the emperor. If Eunuch Ding discovers his secret relationship with Ling Jingshu, it will be very bad.

Fortunately, Eunuch Ding didn't say any more, as if he just said this inadvertently.

The chamberlain came in and reported: "Empress Jieyu and Princess Anya have come to pay their respects to the emperor and are waiting outside."

Hearing that Wei Jieyu and Princess Anya were coming, the emperor's eyebrows suddenly softened a little: "Let them come in!"

Wei Jieyu, who was dressed in light pink palace attire, had a beautiful face and graceful temperament. With a smile on her lips, she saluted: "My concubine, please give your regards to the emperor."

Princess Anya, who followed Wei Jieyu, looked childish and cute, with an innocent look on her face: "Father, are you feeling better?"

The emperor smiled and said, "When I saw you, my health immediately felt better."

The emperor only had two daughters. After the eldest daughter Changping, who was originally his favorite, was sent to Ciyun Nunnery, the father's love naturally transferred to Princess Anya.

Princess Anya is not as eloquent as Princess Changping, but she is better than Princess Changping in her innocence, kindness, cuteness and innocent heart. The emperor was tired of scheming women, but he found his younger daughter more and more pleasing to his eyes.

Princess Anya sat beside the bed and chatted quietly with the emperor: "Father, my daughter has begun to become a popular girl in the past few days. My daughter wants to give the first embroidered handkerchief to her father, okay?"

After a pause, he blushed in embarrassment: "It's just that the embroidery doesn't look good. Father, please don't dislike it."

"How could your father dislike the handkerchief Anya embroidered by herself?" The emperor smiled.

Wei Jieyu felt quite happy as she watched the emperor and Anya talking and laughing. He stepped forward and said: "The emperor's birthday is coming soon. I came here today just to ask the emperor for instructions on how to organize the birthday banquet."

In previous years, Queen Xu presided over the birthday banquet.

This year, the task fell to Li Shufei and Wei Jieyu. Concubine Li Shu was old, weak in physical strength, and knew that she would not be happy with the emperor, so she simply pushed the job of showing her face to Wei Jieyu.

When the emperor thought of the birthday banquet, he couldn't help but think of Empress Xu, and he frowned subconsciously: "In previous years, there was too much extravagance and waste, so there is no need to do so this year. Pass on my instructions and keep everything simple."

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