Loyang Jin

Chapter 333 Congratulations

Wei Yan didn't want to elaborate, but couldn't bear Ling Jingshu's questioning, so he could only whisper a few words.

After hearing this, Ling Jingshu felt slightly relieved. After thinking for a while, he said: "This strategy is also risky. I'd better not show up in front of the emperor in the next few days."

If you can't see it, you will always miss it a little less.

Wei Yan was convinced.

After the two discussed the countermeasures in a low voice, Wei Yan was reluctant to leave for a while and insisted on staying for a while longer.

No need to say anything more, they just sat facing each other and looked at each other occasionally, feeling happy in their hearts.

This kind of relationship, without the oath of eternal love, is not earth-shattering. It seems to be calmer and more peaceful.

However, for Wei Yan, who was struggling to survive, and for Ling Jingshu, who had gone through vicissitudes of life and pain, such a pleasant temperature was just right. It's like a cup of warm tea in the palm of your hand.

The temperature warms the heart, but does not burn the hands.

"You've stayed long enough today, you should go." Ling Jingshu finally spoke softly.

Wei Yan hummed and glanced at her reluctantly: "Okay, I'll leave now."

As for other things, he didn't give much instructions.

He knew that she was a smart, strong and brave woman. She will do her best to protect herself.

After opening the door, the two of them returned to their usual distant and polite manner.

"Thank you, Imperial Physician Wei, for coming to diagnose and treat me. Please go slowly, Imperial Physician Wei." Ling Jingshu smiled lightly and saluted.

Wei Yan smiled lightly and said: "Miss Ling, you don't have to be polite. I can just leave by myself. I won't bother you." After saying that, he cupped his hands and turned around to leave.

He is tall, with broad shoulders and long legs, and his back is particularly straight and good-looking.

Ling Jingshu couldn't help but take another look before she withdrew her gaze.

Five days later, the emperor's birthday arrived.

According to the emperor's wishes, there was no grand birthday banquet held in the palace. However, after all, it is the emperor's birthday, and the pomp and pomp should be indispensable. The civil and military officials each prepared congratulatory gifts, and the emperor rarely went to court to accept the congratulations from all officials.

In the evening, a palace banquet was held in the palace.

The concubines competed to dress up in a dazzling way. Some played the piano, some performed dances, and each showed their talents in order to win the emperor's favor.

The emperor was in a very good mood today. After drinking a few glasses of wine, he felt even more relaxed and happy as he watched the concubines fawning over each other and enjoying the beauties' attentiveness.

After the palace banquet, Eunuch Huang from the reception room came with a smile on his face.

After what happened with Queen Xu, the emperor had some doubts about Eunuch Huang. However, the emperor did not want to get to the bottom of this scandal, so he passed it over vaguely.

In the past few months, Eunuch Huang, who knew he had escaped disaster, had been extremely cautious and low-key. Apart from asking the emperor as usual whether he had summoned his concubines, he rarely appeared in front of the emperor every day.

In recent days, the emperor has begun to visit the harem again, and Eunuch Huang has become busy again.

"I wonder which empress's brand your Majesty would like to turn over tonight?" Eunuch Huang personally held the green-headed card and asked diligently.

The emperor's eyes scanned the green-headed card.

In the past few years, there has been no large-scale talent show in the palace, and there have been no new beauties. The names on the green head cards are all familiar. Wei Jieyu, Wang Meiren, Zhang Zhaoyi... These are younger concubines, and there are names of concubines who are over forty years old. It is boring to think about them.

The emperor hesitated for a moment, and another beautiful face with a slight smile flashed in his mind.

So young, so fresh, so lovable.

Eunuch Huang waited for a long time, but the emperor didn't say anything. He quietly raised his head and saw the emperor's thoughtful look on his face. He immediately guessed something and said with a tentative smile: "If the emperor has something else he likes, I will remove these green cards first."

The emperor said casually: "Let's put it aside for now!"

Eunuch Huang responded and put aside the neatly arranged green-headed cards.

Then, Eunuch Huang quietly walked up to the emperor and smiled flatteringly: "Today is the emperor's birthday. I don't have anything good to offer, so I prepared a bottle of Longhu Pills. This is because I asked a famous folk doctor to get some medicine from the mountains. Made from tiger bones and the blood of male deer, it has excellent nourishing effect and won’t harm your body. I hope the emperor won’t dislike it.”

While talking, he took out a small brocade box from his arms.

After the brocade box was opened, there was a medicine bottle made of green jade inside. The medicine bottle is exquisite and small, translucent, with a faint red color inside.

The emperor used to take various nourishing and aphrodisiac medicines. The eunuchs and eunuchs around him collected such things and presented many of them. He didn't think it was strange at all. He just smiled and asked: "Has anyone tried this Dragon Tiger Pill before?" What’s the effect?”

Eunuch Huang laughed softly and said: "I have secretly found someone to try it. It is stronger than the elixir the emperor took before."

"Oh?" The emperor suddenly became interested: "Bring it over."

Eunuch Huang responded and stepped forward happily holding the brocade box.

The emperor picked up the green jade bottle, played with it for a moment, and then opened the medicine bottle. I saw about thirty red pills in the bottle. Each grain is about the size of a bean and exudes a strange aroma.

Approaching the mouth of the bottle, taking a sip, the fragrance hits your nostrils, and you immediately feel refreshed and have strength all over your body.

It is indeed a rare and good medicine!

The emperor's eyes lit up.

Eunuch Huang's voice sounded again: "This kind of pill can not only strengthen the body but also strengthen the body. Just take one pill every day. There are more than thirty pills in this bottle. Let the imperial doctors study a few pills first. Archive it, and the remaining amount is enough for the emperor to take for one month."

Even the medicines offered privately cannot be put into the emperor's mouth at will. At least three imperial doctors must confirm that the medicine is harmless before the emperor will take it. You have to keep some of it for future inspection at any time.

The emperor was more and more satisfied that Eunuch Huang was so knowledgeable and knowledgeable: "It's rare that you show your heart, so I accepted it. If this medicine is really as good as you say, I will definitely reward you heavily."

Eunuch Huang's face almost turned into a flower with laughter: "I thank the emperor first. By the way, I wonder which empress the emperor will call to sleep with you tonight? Otherwise, I will go and bring some brands for the emperor to choose from. how?"

The emperor lost much interest at this time and waved his hand casually: "That's all, I will rest alone tonight."

After the imperial doctors have tested the medicine, it is not too late to enjoy it after taking it.

Eunuch Huang walked away again with a smile on his face and respectfully holding a plate of green cards.

After leaving the Zichen Palace, Eunuch Huang was shocked to find that his back was covered in cold sweat when the night wind blew.

He had already delivered this special "congratulatory gift" to the emperor as instructed by Imperial Physician Wei. With Imperial Physician Wei's ability, there will never be any problems with this bottle of Longhu Pills.

The next thing to do is to wait patiently.

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