Loyang Jin

Chapter 334 Dragon and Tiger 1

The next day, Eunuch Ding was ordered to go to the Imperial Hospital and gave the bottle of Longhu Pills to Imperial Physician Zhang and others for inspection.

This is also what the emperor specifically warned.

Before taking Longhu Pill, do not let Dr. Wei notice it. Otherwise, given the loyal and upright character of Imperial Physician Wei, he would have to give another warning.

Although the emperor is impatient to listen to people's nagging, the status of Imperial Physician Wei in the Emperor's heart is very different from that of ordinary imperial physicians, and his usual persuasion is all for the sake of the Emperor's dragon body. This time, I deliberately bypassed Imperial Physician Wei, which was enough to give Imperial Physician Wei some face.

After receiving such an important errand, Doctor Zhang and others did not dare to neglect at all. They ground three of the six pills that were delivered and examined them carefully. The other three were naturally kept for preparation. Check anytime in the future.

In the evening, Eunuch Ding came again.

"Doctor Zhang, is there nothing wrong with this Longhu Pill?" Eunuch Ding asked with a smile.

Doctor Zhang cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I and Doctor Li and Doctor Zhou have tested them one by one. This Longhu Pill is indeed made of tiger bones and deer blood. It also contains many precious medicinal materials, which are beneficial to the body." There is no obstacle. As for the effect, it is difficult to check at the moment. "

Eunuch Ding was relieved after hearing this and immediately returned to Zichen Hall to resume his life.

The emperor didn't take this matter particularly seriously and nodded to express his understanding. From the next day, I started taking Longhu Pills.

I didn’t feel anything special for the first two days after taking the pills. On the third day, I just felt energetic and full of energy and blood, and my whole body seemed to have endless energy.

The effect of the medicine is much better than the pills you take every day.

The emperor was quite surprised, and his previously rested mind became active again. He asked Eunuch Ding casually, "Why didn't Miss Ling come to serve you today?"

Eunuch Ding was so smart that he immediately guessed the emperor's thoughts and responded with a smile: "Maybe there is something delayed. I will send someone to have a look right now."

It seems that today I can break off this flower as I wish.

The emperor's eyes shone with pleasure.

After a cup of tea, Ling Jingshu came and said, "My servant is late today, please forgive me for your sins."

The voice was delicate and thin, and it seemed that he couldn't even breathe smoothly. When he stood up, his body swayed.

After a brief inspection, you can notice that Ling Jingshu's expression is different.

The cheeks that used to be white and rosy were pale, the eyes were dim and lost their former luster, and the lips were dry and weak. He looked sick at first glance.

The emperor's thoughts of cherishing the fragrance and pity the jade suddenly broke out again, and he asked gently: "Are you feeling unwell today?"

Ling Jingshu apologized in a panic: "I suffered some colds two days ago. I thought I would be fine soon, so I didn't say a word. I never thought that when I got up today, my hands and feet would be sore and weak. Let the emperor look at my sick appearance. I am very sincere. ashamed."

The girl is very thin-skinned. As she spoke, her eyes were already red.

She is about to cry, which makes people feel pity.

If anyone else dared to serve her despite being sick, Eunuch Ding would be the first to spare her without the Emperor having to say anything. What if the illness is accidentally transmitted to the emperor?

This person in front of me is different. Haven't you seen the emperor looking distressed? Anyone with a brain will know what to say and do at this time.

Eunuch Ding smiled and pleaded for Ling Jingshu: "Ms. Ling did not forget to come on errands even when she was ill, which shows that she is loyal to the emperor. However, Miss Ling is in such a state that she may not be able to stand, let alone serve the emperor. This servant dares to plead for Lady Ling, asking the Emperor to allow her to rest for a few days and come back to see the Holy One after she recovers."

No matter how beautiful a woman is, she cannot sleep with her even when she is sick.

That’s it! Just let her recover from her illness.

The emperor quickly nodded in agreement.

Ling Jingshu thanked the emperor for his kindness with a grateful look on her face, and then left like a weak willow supporting the wind.

The emperor looked at Ling Jingshu's delicate and graceful figure, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

That night, the emperor summoned Beauty Wang to sleep with her.

The next day, Wei Jieyu was summoned.

The next day, it was Zhang Zhaoyi...

The emperor is so powerful that the concubines and concubines, who have been empty in the harem for a long time, are naturally happy. The one who slept with the most was undoubtedly the young Beauty Wang. Even Wei Jieyu was slightly inferior.

Beauty Wang received favors and rewards from the emperor one after another, and became proud and proud in the palace. Even Wei Jieyu was suppressed.

The fights between women are mostly hidden in the war of words.

Wei Jieyu was busy running the palace affairs, and also had to deal with Wang Meiren's almost demanding show off. She had a headache, which she couldn't show in front of others.

After meeting Wei Yan in private, Wei Jieyu complained a few words in a low voice: "This beauty Wang has been a little bit arrogant recently. Every time after sleeping, she comes to Lingbo Palace the next day and she has to show off."

A sarcastic sneer flashed in Wei Yan's eyes: "Don't worry, eldest sister, she won't be able to jump around for long."

Since that day of being honest, Wei Yan no longer concealed what he wanted to do.

Wei Jieyu also knew very well where the emperor's "spirit" came from these days, and couldn't help but whisper worriedly: "Ayan, is it really okay to do this?"

The emperor has been summoning his concubines for half a month. This is all due to the effect of Longhu Pills.

That bottle of Longhu Pills had indeed passed through the hands of a famous folk doctor.

However, the prescription was slightly adjusted by Wei Yan.

"Don't worry, eldest sister, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Longhu Pill itself." Wei Yan smiled faintly, his eyes full of confidence: "This is indeed a good medicine with excellent efficacy. Taking it continuously will not do any harm to the body. No matter who comes to check it , and no problem can be found.”

The real problem lies with the emperor himself.

The emperor is almost sixty years old.

The color is a bone scraping steel knife. After taking drugs, an old emperor lost control of his sexual behavior with women. His dragon body was hollowed out and he was completely "useless". Who can blame him?

As for him, he has always been the "hard-working" and "outspoken" Dr. Wei. The emperor refused to listen to his advice to "stop drinking and sex", so no matter how angry he was in the future, he would not be implicated.

But if this happens, Wei Jieyu will inevitably suffer.

Wei Yan glanced at Wei Jieyu apologetically: "Sister, if I do this, don't you blame me at all?"

Once the emperor becomes a useless person, Wei Jieyu will be like a widow in the palace.

Wei Jieyu calmed down all her expressions and responded solemnly: "Ayan, I already have Anya to accompany me to live my life. It doesn't matter to me how much favor you have from the emperor."

After a pause, he sighed: "I am destined to stay in the palace until the day I die of old age. I only hope that Ah Shu can escape the disaster and be married to you and join hands for the rest of our lives."

Wei Yan was extremely moved.

At this time, any words of gratitude are superfluous.

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