Loyang Jin

Chapter 335 Dragon and Tiger 2

After a while, Wei Yan said in a low voice: "Sister, in short, I can't help you."

Wei Jieyu glared at Wei Yan angrily: "If you say these unfaithful things to me again, don't come to my Lingbo Palace again."

Wei Yan laughed and stopped talking about this.

Wei Jieyu thought of Ling Jingshu who was still recovering from illness, and couldn't help but ask: "How is Ah Shu doing now? She has been recovering from her illness for half a month!"

Wei Yan nodded, thinking of Ling Jingshu's still pale cheeks, feeling distressed and pitiful at the same time: "I originally wanted her to pretend to be sick for a while. She said that pretending to be sick would easily reveal the truth and arouse the emperor's suspicion. If she is If you notice it, it’s better to be really sick.”

In order to get really sick, Ling Jing wore a thin middle coat and blew the cold wind in front of the window for several nights in a row. This had the effect of almost fainting in front of the emperor.

Whether intentionally or not, Eunuch Ding invited Dr. Zhou to treat her.

Except for Wei Yan, Imperial Physician Zhou was the most skilled physician in the imperial hospital. He tied a silk thread to Ling Jingshu's wrist, checked her pulse, and wrote a prescription.

Fortunately, he was really sick, otherwise, he would never have been able to hide it from Dr. Zhou.

Ling Jingshu pretended to take medicine and rest during the day, and continued to blow the cold wind at night. Naturally, the condition of the disease fluctuates, and the person remains ill all the time.

Eunuch Ding visited twice and saw that Ling Jingshu was not getting better, so he had no choice but to report the truth to the emperor. Although the emperor was unhappy, he was helpless.

"Ah Shu, don't really ruin your body." Wei Jieyu sighed worriedly.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Wei Yan's lips: "Why don't I feel distressed? But this is an emergency, so I can only be cruel and let her go."

Only when the emperor is completely useless can Ling Jingshu's illness really get better.

Bai Yu carefully carried the steaming bowl of medicine to the bedside: "Miss, the medicine is ready. It's time to drink it."

Ling Jingshu, who was lying on the bed, responded feebly, sat up straight with Qiaoyun's help, and drank the medicine while Bai Yu served her.

The brown decoction is very bitter. After drinking it, the bitter taste spreads from the tip of the tongue to the stomach and lingers for a long time.

Bai Yu looked at the pale Ling Jingshu and felt distressed: "Miss, the medicine is so bitter, please eat some candied fruits!"

After being ill for more than half a month, Ling Jingshu became much thinner and more haggard.

His face was smaller, his chin was pointed, and there was no color on his face. This genuine sick look also blocked all the gossip in Zichen Palace.

Otherwise, it would really be unreasonable for a female official to lie in the room all day instead of doing her errands. Now she is too sick to get out of bed, and all the palace maids who came to visit her see it, so naturally no one makes any comments.

The real inside story of this illness was not only hidden from Qiao Yun, but also from Bai Yu.

Ling Jingshu cheered up, nodded, and put a candied fruit in her mouth, and the bitterness faded slightly.

There were several knocks on the door.

Qiaoyun went to open the door. Standing outside the door is Ms. Qian.

"Sister Qian is so busy on weekdays, but she still doesn't forget to come to visit me. It's really touching." Ling Jingshu smiled apologetically: "It's a pity that my body is useless and I can't get up to greet her."

Ms. Qian smiled and said: "You are still ill, so you should take good care of yourself. Why are you saying these things?"

After saying that, he walked to the bed and sat down, looked at Ling Jingshu up and down, and asked with concern: "My sister has been taking medicine for so long, but she still hasn't gotten better?"

Ling Jingshu smiled helplessly: "Sickness comes like a mountain, and goes away like a thread. I rarely get sick on weekdays. I rarely get sick, but for some reason, I never recover. I bother Sister Qian and others to come here often. Look at me, I feel so sorry."

Miss Qian's eyes flashed and she said with a smile: "My sister is weak and cannot be raised well in a short time. There is nothing we can do about it. Fortunately, there is no shortage of people around the emperor to serve you. You don't have to be impatient. Just take care of her slowly." ”

Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled.

The rules in the palace have always been strict. A palace maid or a female official who is sick can rest for three or two days to recover. If the illness lasts for a long time, lest the illness will be transmitted to the master, she must be sent out to recuperate.

There was no one like Ling Jingshu who could stay in the house unharmed for more than half a month after being ill. Not to mention, Dr. Zhou would come to see Ling Jingshu every few days.

Doctor Zhou is the oldest doctor in the hospital, with superb medical skills and senior qualifications. The only people who could ask him to diagnose his pulse were the favored concubines in the palace.

Eunuch Ding asked Dr. Zhou to treat Ling Jingshu, which was obviously the emperor's order.

Because of this, even if Ling Jingshu was ill, no one dared to underestimate her. They visited her one by one, not to mention the warmth.

Ms. Qian is the most attentive and enthusiastic one among them.

Miss Qian held Ling Jingshu's hand and chatted: "My sister has been staying in the house these days, so you don't know how lively the palace is! The emperor is very fond of Wang Meiren recently, and I heard that she will be promoted to a higher position! And Jie Concubine Yu has managed the affairs of the palace in an orderly manner. Everyone in the palace is convinced, and the emperor is also very satisfied with her. He will soon issue a decree to make her a good concubine! "

Although there were many concubines in the palace, there were only four who actually held the title of concubine.

Wei Jieyu suddenly became Concubine Wei Xian, just below Concubine Li Shu. It's really eye-catching to be favored by the Holy Family and to preside over palace affairs at the same time.

Of course, it was the concubines who were jealous. When it was the turn of the palace ladies and ordinary palace maids, they could only fawn over them.

Ling Jingshu also looked happy when she heard this: "Really? This is really great!"

It is not a secret in the palace that Wei Jieyu is particularly friendly to Ling Jingshu.

Miss Qian glanced at Ling Jingshu, and there was a hint of sourness in her words: "When Empress Jieyu becomes Empress Xian, who else in the harem can compete with Empress Xian for favor. My sister has always been favored by the empress, and I will rarely take advantage of it in the future. ”

Ling Jingshu smiled faintly: "Sister Qian is joking. I work as an errand in the Zichen Palace, and I don't have much chance to interact with the empress. How can I take advantage of it?"

There is no chance of contact now, and it is hard to say what will happen in the future.

Ms. Qian murmured in her heart, and finally endured the words again, smiling affectionately and saying: "No matter what, it is my sister who has forged a good relationship. My sister can see it in her eyes, and it is too late to be envious!"

Ling Jingshu wanted to ask about the emperor, so she calmly introduced the topic: "Sister Qian, how is the emperor's dragon body these days?"

Ms. Qian blinked ambiguously, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "The emperor frequently summons the concubines in the palace. The dragon body is very good!"

Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips.

Everything is expected.

She just gets sick slowly and waits for the good news!

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