Loyang Jin

Chapter 336: Coma 1

Ling Jingshu's illness lasted intermittently for more than a month.

The emperor inquired several times at first, but Ling Jingshu didn't get better, so he put the matter behind him.

The beauties in the palace are all fat and thin, vying to flatter each other. No matter how much the emperor was thinking about a woman, he did not delay the beauty's arrival.

Wang Meiren's position was promoted to Zhaorong, and Wei Jieyu was named a virtuous concubine. In addition, several favored concubines in the palace were promoted, and the emperor issued an imperial edict, and the entire harem became excited.

After the concubine ceremony, the consequences of the emperor's taking Longhu Pills fully emerged.

That night, it was the favored Wang Zhaorong who was sleeping.

In the middle of his work, the emperor suddenly felt weak and numb all over, his head became dizzy, and he fainted on the spot.

The delicate Wang Zhaorong was frightened and turned pale. She put on her clothes in a haphazard manner and shouted hurriedly: "Someone is coming! Someone is coming quickly! The emperor has fainted!"

Eunuch Ding, Eunuch Huang and others who had been waiting outside the bedroom all changed their expressions and rushed in immediately. At this sight, everyone's heart sank.

The emperor is indeed unconscious! There was a faint green color on his face, which looked very scary.

Eunuch Ding said sternly: "If anyone comes, please ask Dr. Wei to come over immediately."

Then he ordered his chamberlain to deliver a message to Concubine Wei Xian and Concubine Li Shu.

Eunuch Huang stepped forward, checked the emperor's breathing, and then frowned with a heavy expression: "The emperor is still breathing, it should be fine."

However, my breathing was too weak, almost no air coming out!

Wang Zhaorong cried and said: "I don't know what happened, the emperor suddenly fell unconscious. This has nothing to do with me, it really has nothing to do with me..."

Those who heard the bursts of crying were distraught.

Eunuch Ding glanced at Wang Zhaorong, who was crying with pear blossoms in the rain, and said coldly: "What happened to the emperor will only be clear after the diagnosis by Imperial Physician Wei. Empress Wang, it is better not to cry now, wait until Empress Xianfei Shufei Let’s talk about it when we get here!”

Without the queen in the palace, Concubine Wei Xian and Concubine Li Shu decided everything.

Concubine Li Shu was low-key, and Concubine Wei Xian was kind and generous, both of whom were popular in the palace. The Wang Zhaorong in front of him was favored because of his youth and beauty, and his behavior was quite domineering. Eunuch Ding didn't like her very much, and seeing her panic and fear, he was not in the mood to comfort her.

Eunuch Huang suppressed his panicked heartbeat and whispered: "Eunuch Ding, the emperor's appearance is really indecent. Let's wait for the emperor to get dressed first!"

Eunuch Ding was about to nod, but after a second thought, he flatly refused: "The emperor is unconscious at the moment, and we don't know why he got up. It's very inappropriate for the two of us to move the dragon body at will."

What if the emperor's condition worsened because they moved and dressed? Once the emperor becomes seriously ill and cannot be held accountable, it will be impossible to explain.

Eunuch Huang is also a thoughtful and sensitive person. Hearing the words, he repeatedly echoed: "What Eunuch Ding said is true."

Wei Yan came quickly.

He carried the medicine box into the dormitory with a serious look on his face.

Several more candlesticks were lit in the dormitory. Under the bright candlelight, Wang Zhaorong, who was huddled aside with tears on his face and pale as a face, was like a flower that had been damaged by wind and rain, dying and without any vitality.

The emperor still maintained his previous fainted posture, with a thick quilt covering his body to cover up any indecent areas.

Wei Yan and Eunuch Huang looked at each other and quickly exchanged knowing glances. Then move away.

"Eunuch Ding, what's going on with all this?" Wei Yan asked anxiously as he opened the medicine box and took out the gold needle.

Eunuch Ding told the story in a few words: "Wang Zhaorong is going to bed tonight, and our family is waiting outside. Suddenly we heard Wang Zhaorong screaming, saying that the emperor was unconscious. Our family did not dare to delay, and immediately asked for a guard. The imperial doctor is here. We don’t know why the emperor is unconscious.”

Wei Yan was busy rescuing people and had no intention of talking. He nodded casually and applied the acupuncture with a solemn look.

There were hurried footsteps outside the door again.

It's Concubine Wei Xian and Concubine Li Shu who are here!

Both of them had gone to bed, but they were both shocked after receiving the letter. No one had the time to dress up, so they each hurriedly put on their clothes and hurried over. We happened to meet each other outside Zichen Hall and went into the dormitory together.

As soon as the person in charge arrived, Eunuch Ding and Eunuch Huang breathed a sigh of relief.

Eunuch Huang stepped forward and told the whole story again while wiping his tears.

Concubine Li Shu, who was in her fifties and already weak, turned pale and swayed.

Concubine Wei Xian stood nearest and without hesitation supported the shaky Concubine Li Shu. She said with red eyes and choked with sobs: "Sister Li, the emperor's situation is unclear now. The palace still needs my sister to take charge of the overall situation and calm people's hearts. I must not fall down again." ”

Concubine Li Shu leaned on Concubine Wei Xian, trying hard to calm down her disordered breathing and heartbeat. After a while, she smiled bitterly and said: "Don't worry, sister, I know the severity. However, I am not as young and physically strong as my sister. There are less things in the palace, so I don't worry her as much." "

Concubine Wei Xian wiped her tears with her hands, hummed in a low voice, and then supported Concubine Li Shu to the side of the dragon collapse.

On top of the spacious dragon cave, the naked emperor was lying on his back, his eyes closed, and there was no color on his face. Shockingly pale!

I don’t know if the emperor can survive this test!

Concubine Wei Xian's face was full of worry and eagerness, but her heart was extremely calm.

The man in front of me was the emperor and the husband of all the concubines in the palace. Although he doted on her a lot, she never dared to rely on his pampering and was always cautious and cautious.

In this harem, anyone who takes the emperor's favor seriously will not live long.

Now that she has the title of concubine and Anya by her side, even if the emperor dies, it will not affect her. She could still endure it slowly in this empty and deserted palace.

A hand suddenly grabbed the hem of her skirt.

Concubine Wei Xian looked over.

"Mother Xian, I really haven't done anything." Wang Zhaorong looked frightened and frightened, tears were flowing freely, and he begged for mercy in an extremely embarrassed tone: "I beg your empress to see clearly!"

Concubine Wei Xian frowned slightly and said in a cold voice: "We have to investigate carefully what happened. If it really has nothing to do with you, I will give you justice. What if you are crying and making a fuss now? If you disturb Imperial Physician Wei "Shi Acupuncture, the emperor has both good and bad things, and neither you nor the Wang family can afford it."

"Now stay here quietly. When the emperor wakes up, Sister Li and I will have something to ask you."

Concubine Wei Xian, who had a gentle temperament, took charge of the affairs of the harem and rose to a higher position. Naturally, she spoke with a dignity she had not had before.

Not to mention Wang Zhaorong, not even the Wang family behind Wang Zhaorong could bear the charge of murdering the emperor.

Wang Zhaorong felt cold in his heart, but he didn't dare to cry anymore.

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