Loyang Jin

Chapter 337 Coma 2

All the doctors from the imperial hospital were soon summoned to the Zichen Hall.

Dr. Zhang was recommended by the Imperial Hospital, and Dr. Zhou was the oldest and most skilled physician in the Imperial Hospital. Together with Wei Yan, who was highly regarded by the emperor for his superb medical skills, the three of them took the lead in treating the emperor.

Wei Yan has exquisite acupuncture skills, and he has always been the emperor's full-time physician. He is still responsible for the acupuncture. As for diagnosing the cause of the disease and prescribing medicine according to the condition, it was left to Dr. Zhou, Dr. Zhang and others to do the work.

Acupuncture and medicine were administered, and finally the emperor's dying life was saved.

The emperor barely opened his eyes before dawn, but had no energy to speak, and soon fell asleep again.

Concubine Wei Xian and Concubine Li Shu had been guarding the emperor's bedroom.

As for Wang Zhaorong, Concubine Wei Xian only felt it was an eyesore. After some discussion with Concubine Li Shu, she unceremoniously ordered someone to "send" Wang Zhaorong back to the palace.

If the emperor is not well, Wang Zhaorong will not be able to leave the palace.

At dawn, Prince Yan and others who came after hearing the news entered the palace.

Concubine Li Shu cried and stayed with the emperor all night, and her energy was low. Concubine Wei Xian had to cheer up and go out of the dormitory to greet the prince and others.

"Xianfei, how is your father doing now?" The prince eagerly stepped forward and asked.

King Yan also looked worried: "I rushed here as soon as I received the news. Isn't my father awake yet?"

Concubine Wei Xian sighed with a bitter look on her face: "The imperial doctors were all here. They had already administered injections and first aid, and fed the emperor some medicine. The emperor woke up leisurely before dawn. However, he didn't say a word. He is still asleep. Now the imperial doctors and Concubine Shu have been watching over the emperor. Now that I see you all here, I feel a little more at ease."

The prince frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Father, the dragon body has recovered a few days ago, so why did he suddenly faint? Have the doctors diagnosed the cause?"

Concubine Wei Xian hesitated for a moment, feeling somewhat unspeakable.

The prince's brows furrowed even more tightly, but he didn't urge him.

King Yan and the emperor's grandson also looked over together.

Under everyone's anxious and doubtful eyes, Concubine Wei Xian finally whispered the truth: "Several imperial doctors have diagnosed the cause of the disease. It is said that the emperor has taken tonics recently, and his essence and blood are strong. He is too wanton with women and does not know how to control his energy. Big loss. When Wang Zhaorong was summoned last night, he was so excited that he passed out. "

...Sure enough!

The corners of the prince's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this age, if you don't cultivate yourself properly, you still indulge in women like this! It is true that the old man has eaten arsenic and is impatient to live! After this time, I don’t know how long the emperor will have to rest before he can regain his dragon body.

In the afternoon, the emperor finally woke up.

His face was pale and slightly swollen, and his eyes were a dark grayish-blue color. His eyes were cloudy and dull.

Even a person with no medical skills would know that this is an old man who is dying.

Concubine Li Shu called out to the emperor sadly, her mind relaxed, and she passed out. Suddenly there was a panic. Fortunately, the imperial doctors were all there, and soon someone carried Concubine Li Shu to the next door for treatment.

Concubine Wei Xian burst into tears, choked with sobs and held the emperor's hand: "Your Majesty, you finally woke up. This whole night and day has really frightened me."

As he spoke, he wiped away tears.

The emperor was weak and moved his mouth, but his voice was so weak that he couldn't hear it at all.

The Crown Princess walked to Concubine Wei Xian, helped Concubine Wei Xian to the side and softly comforted her. Concubine Wei Xian stopped crying and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

The prince then walked to the bed, leaned down and asked, "How do you feel, father?"

As soon as he finished speaking, King Yan eagerly came over and held the emperor's hand: "Father, I will not go anywhere from now on. I will always stay by my father's side."

Even the most taciturn and talkative grandson of the emperor had a look of concern and worry at this time: "The emperor's grandfather is weak, so he can raise it with peace of mind. Don't worry about it anymore."

Princess Anya on the side has been crying softly, with red eyes, calling for her father again and again.

The emperor felt both comforted and unspeakably ashamed.

The reason for his sudden coma was known in his heart without asking. Now that my children and grandchildren are surrounding my bed, I already know what is going on...

The prince was the eldest and most dignified. He comforted the emperor with a few words in a low voice, then turned to everyone and said, "Father is awake. Don't crowd here. Please go out and wait. So as not to disturb father." Rest."

King Yan immediately said: "Brother Huang is right. Just leave me here to serve my father! I have to rely on you, brother, to worry about the affairs of the court. Father, please let me do more of my filial piety."

King Yan is indeed shrewd.

Knowing that the court could not gain the upper hand, he simply gave in and spent all his time and effort on the emperor's side.

The prince's eyes flashed, and he smiled lightly and said, "Then it's my sixth brother."

There must be no one in charge of the court for a day. He and the emperor's grandson were busy with the affairs of the court, and they really had no time to compete with King Yan.

Before the prince left, he specifically called Wei Yan to ask: "Physician Wei, what is the condition of my father's dragon body? Please tell me one by one. You must not hide anything."

The prince asked solemnly, and Wei Yan did not dare to be negligent at all. He lowered his face and cupped his hands and replied: "In reply to your highness, the emperor's dragon body is important. How dare you conceal it. The emperor has completely lost his energy this time. Fortunately, he was treated in time. It’s not life-threatening, but we can’t take it lightly.”

After a pause, he continued: "Weichen and Imperial Physician Zhou and Imperial Physician Zhang diagnosed the cause of the disease together, and they all agreed that the emperor should have a pure mind and rest. In the future, I am afraid it is not appropriate to set foot in the harem again."

What he said was rather euphemistic and subtle.

However, the meaning behind the words is also very clear.

The emperor has saved a life from the king of hell, and he can only keep it honestly from now on. It is a good saying that it is not advisable to set foot in the harem. In fact, it means that it can no longer be humane.

The prince hesitated for a moment and asked implicitly: "I can't take any more tonics, right?"

Wei Yan nodded: "Yes." He added: "Even if you use it, it may not be effective."

The prince was speechless and asked no more questions.

According to what Wei Yan said, the emperor's grandfather would never be able to be close to women again. Then Ling Jingshu is safe in Zichen Palace. The emperor's grandson secretly breathed a sigh of relief...


The emperor's grandfather took a lot of tonics to help his concubine, but Ling Jingshu accidentally fell ill for more than a month and escaped the disaster. Now, Wei Yan said that the emperor's grandfather "cannot" approach women again in the future. Ling Jingshu no longer has to worry.

When these two things are put together, it seems a little strange...

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