Loyang Jin

Chapter 338 Follow-up 1

In front of the prince, the emperor's grandson did not ask further questions, but only looked at Wei Yan deeply.

Wei Yan looked back calmly, his eyes clear.

The more calm he became, the more the emperor's grandson confirmed his suspicions.

Although it is unclear what Wei Yan did in it, the fact that the emperor's grandfather took too much medicine and indulged in sex and even fell into coma must have something to do with Wei Yan!

He should be angry at Wei Yan's audacity!

But in fact, there was no proper anger in his heart. Instead, a sense of shame-like sadness slowly rose up in his heart.

For the sake of Ling Jingshu's safety, Wei Yan dared to do daring things and risked his life to protect her! In the face of this determination and bravery, his cowardice and retreat are so pale.

For the first time in his life, he experienced the bitter taste of "I am really not as good as him".

"Father's dragon body will be entrusted to Imperial Physician Wei." The prince's voice interrupted the emperor's grandson's chaotic and dark thoughts.

Wei Yan solemnly agreed: "I will do my best to recuperate the dragon body for the emperor. Please rest assured, Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

The prince sighed softly, called the emperor's grandson and others to leave together.

Wei Yangong sent the group away, and when he stood up again, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes.

His risky move was successful!

After such an experience, the emperor completely lost his dragon body. Without more than half a year of rest, he could not get out of bed at all. Even if you manage to take care of yourself in the future, you won’t be able to do anything about women.

Ling Jingshu is finally truly safe!

"Miss, I heard that the emperor has woken up."

Qiaoyun, who went out to find out the news, came back soon and brought the latest news.

Ling Jingshu, who still had a sick look on her face, hummed calmly.

Bai Yu asked curiously: "How is Wang Zhaorong doing now?"

Qiao Yun shrugged: "Wang Zhaorong was locked in the palace, and he couldn't think of coming out for a while. Concubine Shu passed out due to excessive excitement. Concubine Xian had to take care of all the complicated things in the palace. Your Majesty There must be someone around to take care of her. I guess Concubine Xian won’t have time to interrogate Wang Zhaorong.”

After pausing for a moment, he whispered quickly: "The Imperial Physician of Wei, Imperial Physician Zhou, and others are guarding the emperor, and King Yan also stayed. I heard that King Yan ordered someone to move a small table and place it next to the emperor's dragon table. You must take care of the emperor's daily necessities as a filial piety. Now everyone in the palace is praising King Yan for his filial piety!"

What happens in the palace will soon spread outside the palace.

The Zhou Dynasty always valued benevolence and filial piety. King Yan's reputation will soon reach a new height because of this incident.

This King of Yan never misses any opportunity to please the emperor and is good at seizing opportunities. He is really a powerful person.

Thinking of this, Ling Jingshu secretly sighed. However, she was not worried about the prince and the emperor's grandson.

The situation now is completely different from the previous life. King Yan only relied on the emperor's favor and was unable to truly shake the prince's status. The emperor's grandson was always on guard against King Yan. It was not easy for King Yan to compete for the position of crown prince.

For her, most of the hatred from her previous life has been avenged. Needless to say, the respective fates of Queen Xu and Princess Changping, Lu Hong was also forced to become a monk, and his future was ruined.

The last remaining enemy is Lu An.

She had no intention of interfering in the battle for the throne, nor did she have the ability to do so. What we have to do now is to protect ourselves first and live peacefully in the palace.

With Wei Yan's understanding and support, even if he is trapped in the palace, he will no longer feel panic and sadness in his heart.

The emperor collapsed completely, and Ling Jingshu no longer needed to be ill.

In the next few days, Ling Jingshu stayed in the house eating well, sleeping well and in a good mood. She stopped getting up at night to blow the cold wind and drank medicine three times a day. The body recovered quickly.

Everyone in the Zichen Palace was worried about the emperor's condition, and no one paid attention to Ling Jingshu's movements. Even the most attentive female official Qian who came to visit before was nowhere to be seen.

Ling Jingshu was also happy to rest for a few more days. She didn't leave the house until her body recovered and her cheeks were rosy again.

After Ling Jingshu recovered from her illness, she specifically informed Eunuch Ding: "Eunuch Ding, my illness has been cured. I can start working today. The emperor has to rest in peace recently, and it is no longer convenient to place potted plants in the bedroom. I dare to ask him Once Ding Gong announces the crime, I will not enter the emperor's chamber to serve him."

Eunuch Ding had recently stayed up for many days without sleeping well in order to serve the emperor's dragon body. He was already exhausted. How could he still be in the mood to take care of this? He nodded casually and asked Ling Jingshu to withdraw.

Eunuch Ding's previous attentive show of kindness made Ling Jingshu even more sure that the emperor was indeed seriously ill this time, and she felt extremely happy. The boulder weighing on my heart also disappeared.

The only regret is that Wei Yan has been waiting in the dormitory, and he can't even have a rest at night. The two were so close that there was almost no chance of meeting each other.

Occasionally, when we meet each other, we can only look at each other from a distance through the crowds of people and talk to comfort each other.

Half a month later, the emperor's dragon body finally improved slightly. I no longer need to take medicine all day long, I can already drink some porridge and soup, and I can barely open my mouth to speak.

All the imperial doctors also breathed a sigh of relief. They did not have to stay in the Zichen Palace all day. Imperial Physician Zhou and Imperial Physician Wei took turns guarding the emperor.

Concubine Wei Xian finally had some free time to thoroughly investigate what happened that day.

The first person to suffer was Eunuch Huang, who presented Longhu Pills.

Eunuch Huang knelt down tremblingly in front of Concubine Wei Xian, crying with tears in his eyes: "I have been in the palace for twenty years, and have been working as an errand in the minister's room for more than ten years. I have always been loyal to the emperor. Just give me a gift." No matter how brave I am, I will never dare to tamper with the medicine. Please give me a warning!"

"This Longhu Pill is just a pill for replenishing the body. Before the emperor took it, it was checked by the doctors in the Imperial Hospital. If Concubine Xian doesn't believe it, she can call Dr. Zhang to find out. There are still a few pills left by Dr. Zhang. There is still a lot left in the medicine bottle that the slave presented. If anything is found to be wrong, the slave will be cut into pieces without complaining!"

Concubine Wei Xian's pretty face was as cold as frost: "You offered the Dragon Tiger Pills, and it was indeed after the Emperor took the pills that he indulged in women and damaged the dragon's body. Even if the pills themselves are fine, you can't escape the blame. . Come, put Mr. Huang in the prison first, and then make a judgment after I find out the whole story."

Eunuch Huang was dragged away by the guards. He kept crying that he was wronged, but he felt a little calmer in his heart.

After something like this happened, it was lucky that Concubine Wei Xian didn't have someone beat him to death.

It seemed that Imperial Physician Wei had already secretly communicated with Concubine Wei Xian to save his life.

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